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Messages - Eggith Cyrene

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I wasent even aware that the prerelease was an actual cart.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / About Death Peak...
« on: June 02, 2005, 10:58:35 pm »
this is a little off topic but speaking of the "footage" IS that the same record you see in Chrono Cross? (albeit in 3d)I dont remember and its been something like 6 or 7 years since i last played CC.

You see in Chronipolis i believe

Site Updates / Big Chrono Crisis update
« on: June 02, 2005, 10:56:04 pm »
YEs there are rpg makers for the psone (and two i believe) But this is a seperate program on the PC. Its available for free. Ive played several games on the rpgmaker 2k but havent gotten around to play any on rm2k3 and rmxp.

From what i understand though the 2k3 and xp versions allow for greater custamization(however you spell it) in that your party will be able to be onscreen and battles will play out like a Snes Final Fantasy (or chrono trigger in this case) instead of the first person view dragon quest style battles.

I hope the maker actulary finishes the whole game. most people start a game put out a short demo then never come back to it. its frustrating especially when your waiting for a game to be complete. Thats probally why i stopped playing rm2k.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Continuity of Radical Dreamers
« on: June 02, 2005, 10:47:59 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
But come on, have you ever seen someone who has "lost their mind", or someone acting irrational?  Thats proof enough that humans arn't logical beings.

I agree that "logical" isnt the first choice id use when describing the human species but you make it sound that because the mindset of a few are "irrational" or "crazy" then the entirey of human cilivation is a canvas that can be painted with the same brush.

Fan Art / Chrono Trigger: The Movie
« on: June 02, 2005, 10:43:47 pm »
I agree That it would bring attention to thier overzealous ness but its not something one is happy to get.

However since your not making any money on it there is isnt much legal basis for them to be able to force you to do it. On the other hand they have many a lawyer so it could be preety imtimidating.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / About Death Peak...
« on: June 02, 2005, 09:57:30 am »
Really? I was under the impression that it came out right at guardia dome

Kajar Laboratories / Chrono Trigger Movie Project
« on: June 01, 2005, 06:04:12 pm »
I would advertise it too much. if SE gets wind of it they will send you a C&D order. not something u want hanging over u

on the day of larvos was there even time to notice to look out the window and see that your were f*cked? He launched his attack fairly quickly.

Assuming there was more time.... Hmmmmmm I would assume it would be fired upon asap Conventional weapons i doubt would pierce the shell. a nuke in its mouth ? might make it recede into its shell. IT would make for a good movie (id4 2 anyone?) but yeah i doubt see anything even nukes penetrating the hull/skin/shell of lavos. Perhaps if said nuke was launched from a metal gear type platform (reaching i know) with its rail gun capabilities it might have enough velocity to breach the shell as the epoch did. But we dont know how fast the epoch is capable of traveling. I would assume faster than a rail gun cannon since it flys threw time. but it could go either way. I dont see lavos survivng without its shell i dont care how much dna he has in the inner core. HE was partly flesh and he (it actulary) would be fucked up. Just because Godzilla could do it dosent mean everyone is bullet resistant.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Continuity of Radical Dreamers
« on: May 29, 2005, 03:07:10 pm »
hmmmmm sounds plausible.

I happen to believe that a uber sophisticated program could have charectors where they have free will. Hell we could be in one giant dream/program now.

General Discussion / Chrono Trigger Orchestrated Music
« on: May 28, 2005, 04:31:02 am »
Hmmm thats a toughie. I got all the Chrono Albums either off other people and various torrent sites. Problem is there isnt very many great torrent sites anymore. So i dont know what to tell ya. IF you wanna look for some, Torrent reactor torrent spy and unreal torrents are the sites i use. But there no suprnova or loki so i doubt youll find much.

I do have the orchastrated tracks you requested IM me on aim sometime and ill send em over

was it accesible twice?

The blue pyramid your talking about is where the final Nu gives you the choice of the items?

Its in 600 ad but is surronded by forrest and its not till 1000 ad that there is a clearing.

Not sure what you mean by "doors and exits" when there wasent any.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / CT anime movies here?
« on: May 28, 2005, 01:08:51 am »
I have the frog one. I dont mind hooking anyone who has aim up with it

Polling / 5/29/05 - What's your take on the C&D stuff?
« on: May 25, 2005, 05:59:29 pm »
But they can not win any suit filed against any said enterprise because the Creator or prople invovled are not recieving financial compensation. They just want to scare them and make them stop for whatever reason. retarded though it may be.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Did crono die when porre attacked
« on: May 25, 2005, 05:57:01 pm »
Well Yeah I dont think Crono would have trouble using it. That dosent mean he was the one who wielded it.

As for the masamune I wonder What happened to it after Glenn's Lifetime. Im sure glenn was the keeper of the sword untill his death but what do you suppose happened it it after wards? Did He give it to guardia to hold as a national treasure? (you could argue that he didnt because it wasent in the treasure room in 1000AD  and you could argue that he may have and it just wasent shown/or more likely its an alternate timeline)Did Frog HAve it enshined somehwere else? Or did glenn pass it down to his children and so on down the line?

We assume that in the brief ending that it was one of the forces of guardia that wielded it agaisnt porre;and that porranian took it. and thus it turns to evil because the holder has a evil heart.  

Any alternate therioes on this?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Continuity of Radical Dreamers
« on: May 25, 2005, 05:46:57 pm »
hmmmm Thats a good point. But then theres the philosophic question that even if it is a computer program Its still a "World" initself.

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