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Messages - chi_z

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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re:
« on: December 15, 2009, 07:41:31 pm »
If I were stupid and rich......too bad I'm only one of those things.

Off the top of my head nov 16 but I'm also thinking 21, the US release must've been ap 21 or something not sure where I'm getting that.

Polling / Re: Did you ever cry while playing the games?
« on: October 08, 2009, 06:50:47 pm »
The whole promotheus scene, I think what really got me was the suddenness and emotionless way in which dark serge went about it. Out of nowhere "release prometheus" done. "destroy prometheus" done. lol

Polling / Re: Did you ever cry while playing the games?
« on: October 08, 2009, 02:27:40 am »
sajanta is magus laughing hysterically/ in pity or crying in your avatar?

Polling / Re: Did you ever cry while playing the games?
« on: October 07, 2009, 08:49:24 pm »
I've bawled from all 3 several times. Really emotional games.

Glenn does not appear in the game thereafter, considering you did save Kid from the poison. Lynx can cross dimensions once he has serge's body. actually ,the dragon tear switched the minds of lynx and serge. when serge gets himself back, the dragon tear could not reproduce the original serge since he is a cat not a human now. the dt simply restores cell to their original form. however, switching serge from a cat to a human, not from a changed human to an normal human, proved too much for the dt, and it shattered. dark serge has the power to cross dimensions because dark serge is really serge believing he is lynx!

therefore serge has died twice, once by drowning, and once by murdering himself(out of body suicide basically). going to glenn's place in either dimension does nothing, it is just the 2 arguing boys and girl for the whole game in that house.

TBH with ya mate, I'd rather they not milk the series, thus ruining it, like FF or DQ/W. I think I'd seriously contemplate suicide if that were to happen. Thankfully, Kato would more than likely not allow that to happen, since the Chrono series is where his best work lies, where he lays down interesting deep messages, something not fitting in a dungeon game.

rd would not be included. it was planned to be in ct 99 but masato did not want the world to see what he deems an embarrassment. rd was made with no profits in mind, a for free thing. the scenario editors were allowed to do nearly anything they wanted, resulting in some quite wacky alternate endings. the main scenario, written by kato, is the only one that is not tongue in cheek beyond belief. it would take a big check for kato-san to consider releasing rd into the world again, CC is as close as it will get.

I would love to able to tell my own recollection of memories of playing CC, if you do that section again like CT back in 05. just a hint hint wink wink heads up

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: My "i'm new here' thread
« on: October 05, 2009, 11:42:22 pm »
heh heh thanks for the welcome peeps. now for a critical thinking question:
we all want a third chrono, but when is the last time you saw a good third in a trilogy?
godfather? nope
starwars, maybe
lotr, maybe (imo no though)
the third batman movie from back in the day, nope

I'm not so sure I would welcome a 3rd game at this point, kato and mitsuda would pretty well be the only ones left to make it and everyone one else at square would be different.

thanks for you backup zeal this is good stuff, I love 600 ad theme on pianos

call me an idiot, but it's best to just torrent the images on tpb or mininova etc. host the things  from YOUR pc, I HATE third party hosting sites.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: My "i'm new here' thread
« on: October 05, 2009, 07:21:53 pm »
beh sorry I don't know japanese zeph, just german and english. I'd imagine magus saw a fly on lucca or similar?

General Discussion / Re: A Humanist Concern -- Unfounded or No?
« on: October 05, 2009, 04:04:41 am »
I flagged it for animal abuse, this reminds me of what Kato was telling us with CC and the whole humans destroying nature, and belittling the demi humans. A disrespect for the world and it's inhabitants.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: My "i'm new here' thread
« on: October 05, 2009, 02:45:44 am »
heh yea the pic is from the oekaki, its meant to be spekkio is the one who used porre to overtake guardia. that queen zeal pic makes her look like she is just as young as schala, just a more sassy version of schale haha.

guess I have played these games a lot, I like a good story just like Esmeld!  If it counts I played through the leaked version of CE a couple times, kinda hard when a lot of the game just isn't there though.

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