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Messages - TriforceofEternity

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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Chrono fan game
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:24:40 pm »
Page cannot be found.  :?

*chants* Chrono Trigger PC, Chrono Trigger PC, Chrono Trigger PC.

Yes I have it on cartridge but I would like a remake on PC using all the computing power it can.

Just like the title said.     
 I found out last fall when I was VERY bored I found out onyoutube that people remade Chrono Trigger songs on Mario Paint and some of them are actually very well done.  8)              I believe I was searching for the basic OST and found the links.

From reading youtube comments I found there is this niffty program called Mario Paint Composer and no I don't know when it came out which I discovered around Christmas time last year.           
Well one thing lead to another and I found out a wide variety of video game songs have been remade using the tools on Mario Paint.

MPC also has expanded the # of instruments available from the traditional software.   

Does anyone know when this out of control wildfire began to spread?

Anybody remeber when 3d gaming was brand new and was the hottest topic?

November 30th 1995:   Best Bets in VideoGames:  New Systems makes It Even More Confusing To Pick Out Gifts

I was living in a rural area and wasn't as much into gaming as I am now so I missed out on on that era.  :picardno      

You guys though must've had a blast.    8) 8) :lol: :D :)

I was really hoping for an article about *Chrono Trigger* and/or *Chrono Cross* when it was released and new  so if anybody runs by one please feel free to make a link.

I will like to include other adventure/RPG games that were good but am not sure if that is all right so I'll just stick to the *Chrono Series* for now.

See ya.

This message board is bouncing up and down and I can't see what I am typing now.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Message box shakes instead of scrolling.
« on: September 11, 2009, 10:24:37 pm »
I have'nt done a long post in a while so I don't know if it effects a forum posts but it does affect private messages.

When I make a mesage to the bottom of this white box instead of scrolling down the message box jumps up and down and I can't see what I am typing as a result so I can't fix any errors even though I wish I could.

Does anybody have any constructive suggestions?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / *Your* Favorite Chrono Fan art
« on: August 02, 2009, 05:08:36 pm »
This thread is for YOU to discuss your favorite fan art period which includes OC.  (Original Character) art.     

Mine are some pics of Schala at Princess Schala's Blog but she never seems to be home so I can't discuss it with her. :picardno

I also like Magus art too.

Fan Fiction / Re: The Real World - Chrono Trigger
« on: August 01, 2009, 01:27:38 am »
These kind of fics usually turn out to be very naught so you lost my respect from line 1 on your fic.

Bye bye. :picardno

General Discussion / Re: YouTube videos load only 1/4ths full?
« on: August 01, 2009, 01:23:58 am »
You mean the box in the living room that has the reset button on it?    We got a new router last winter aroudn Christmas so if I watch a video that doesn't load no matter what I'll try that.

I watched that video again and it loaded fine so it was a maintance problem at that time.   A fluke.

Should I just rename this to *YouTube Technical Difficulties* thread for anybody who is having problems either connecting to YouTube or watching/uploading a video?

Not everyone in the world is a computer tech or can insert knowledge in their brain to fix a problem *like that* and I am sure there are other Compendium users who have uploaded videos on YouTube who may benefit from solutions.    

General Discussion / Re: YouTube videos load only 1/4ths full?
« on: July 31, 2009, 11:56:32 pm »
Can we please leave this to the mods to decide weather it's a stupid question or not?

General Discussion / YouTube videos load only 1/4ths full?
« on: July 31, 2009, 11:15:50 pm »
What does it mean when a video on YouTube only loads a very tiny bit then stops?

I was watching someones model of the Titanic sinking and I can only watch a smidgen of the video.

Anybody else had this experience.    It can't be like I am the only one.

This thread is designed as a serious discussion on the issues of cyber bulling and how it can harm a community.   Obviously you DON'T know the meaning of a serious thread and if you can't handle a serious thread you should get the hell out.

I hope you talk like that to someone in real life and get yourself knocked out!  :P

See that sign over at the entrance to this thread?   "Do Not Feed The Trolls"    that includes you.  :P

If you would like to be a bully why not make your own blog/forum to make fun of people who want a serious discussion cause  you will be the moderator of such forum and I won't join nor waste my time lurking.                There you and your fellow thread bashers can hang out and be cool till the cows come home.

I am done wasting my time with you as you did NOT contritube and are trying to degrade me which I will not let you do cause if I try to defand myself till the cows come home I'll be labed as something falese.       

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: So I got to Zeal...
« on: July 18, 2009, 03:29:11 am »
I am into Meterology and would be very bored living in Zeal.   I am sure they have instruments to measure air pressure/air masses but the actual weather happens below it.   :picardno

Lest here in Western Oregon we have a filtered version of all 4 seasons.

Get Windows Media player and your fine for midis.         

Another good player is called "Synthfont" and it also allows you to store a thing called "Soundfonts" that you can download from the internet to make your midis sound different depending on the set you put in.

On to  Another thing I enjoy is all the Lucca's Theme remixes/arrangments.

The only things I don't like about is most of the wish request section is ignored unless you are in their "in group" for the lack of a fancy word. :picardno  but they have a good forum if you are curious on how to make music.

Maybe I am behind the times as I was late getting into older Squaresoft games but wouldn't Nintendo be the console the game is on?       I'd be surprised if it wasn't.

I mean think about all the SNES games that are done by Square unless I missed something.

Maybe it IS a good thing I don't have the WII or any modern generation game console.

Has anybody ever checked out for Chrono Trigger midis?

Under the SNES drop down bar you will find there are TONS of Chrono midis and remixes that seems to go on and on.

You are NOT going to believe all the different styles of Schala's theme out here!  Perhaps I am ludacris but it's fun to listen to them especially with a good soundfont and decent speakers/headphones.

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