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Messages - Temporal Knight

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Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / And yet the path still stands strong...
« on: February 05, 2010, 11:04:45 pm »
Hello my friends. I've been away for a while. I have my reasons. Many include how busy life is, even when enjoying the ever-so-azure skies and the rolling green plains that edge across our wonderful planet when you look in the right places. Spending time with those one hasn't seen in a while, or even keeping relationships strong and willful. College things, and getting ready for it. Even forgetting certain things. Life has been blazing by.

And with that, I've neglected my time here. The story in progress, that hasn't really gone anywhere yet, has become yet another project that I may never finish. But with it, it also becomes another list of the many attempts of success that I have. Better to fail, perhaps unfinish, laughing and smiling than to never take the chance to explore at all! And with that, I still urge to continue it.

This past time, I wonder if any of you even still recognize me. *laughs* I've changed, even so. I am still the dreamer, the passionate young man that is just entering the world of freedom, but now, I have more by my side than I ever hoped for. Even my girlfriend marvels at how I seem to burn, even in the most downing of moments. A shining light, perhaps. I dunno.

I realized the other day, how much of life I had missed. How much that, even in the short 18 years I've lived this life, that there was a whole lot that slipped by. And I realized, that now, perhaps, is the time to regain that, and start living again. I've lazed around alot, I've gotten sick, I've even been a bit arrogant and landed myself privilege-less (don't we all do that? *laughs*). But now, I'm going to burn brighter.

My dreams are starting to become reality. I'm building my foundations. I'm even moving on. Hell, I've even begun to appreciate that little bit of darkness that lies inside of me. The kind that lies in all of us. And I've begun to manage my dreams, and allow them to coincide with reality, even if they are insanely idealistic. I'm marching on, in the grand wind of eternity.

I've even found what real love can be like. The relationship with my girlfriend is stronger than most people would think. It's not just passion, but even commitment and hard work, and a friendship as well. I may be three years older than her, but it's the best relationship I've ever had in my life. Hell, I kind of wish she was a bit older, or I a bit younger, just because it's really working out. But I'll cherish it forever, even if it ends one day.

My schooling has become an integrated part of me. I'm working harder than ever to keep my grades and averages up. I might slip up every now and then (I'm not the perfect scholar), but I sure do work my ass off in hopes of making a difference.

My family bond has gotten a bit stronger. My grandmother still is an asshole, but she is a whole lot better now than before. I just need to start spending more time with them. That, and I need to prove to them that I am better than I seem to be.

As for college, I'm going for it. I'll get a degree in Graphic Design, and create great arts. Maybe someday, you all will see something I made. An advertisement, inspirational banner, something nice....dunno. But I'm going for it.


I dunno if I'm going to be around as much anymore. I love this community, and the friends I've made here. But I also know that I have a duty to uphold. I've got to keep my wits up, and know that there is life other than a small web-site community that I can be a part of. Sometimes, I have to let go of something to make room for something else. I've learned many life lessons hanging around this wonderful place, reading from everyone's different experiences and what-not, so what's not to say that I need to start making lessons of my own that perhaps others can learn from? Time ticks on, and so do I. A single gear in the grand clock of life. May it echo forever.

~ Temporal Knight

General Discussion / Re: Long posts v Short posts
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:04:35 pm »
Depends on the topic really, and what I'm replying to. If I feel I need a wall of text, I'll downright post on. If I can summarize what I want to say in a paragraph, I'll do that as well.

And if I can reply in a single sentence or two, just like now, I'm fine with that as well.

General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:03:22 pm »
Finally have my wisdom teeth out. Hurts like hell.

General Discussion / Re: How often do you swear?
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:02:44 pm »
Swearing in my mind right now, actually. My jaw hurts like hell now.

Thank mankind for the invention of pain killers.  :franky

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: the 2 for 1 special please
« on: December 28, 2009, 01:25:01 am »
A very merry Birthday to you, my friend. I hope all went, for you've stepped yet another year forward in time.

General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: December 27, 2009, 03:48:08 pm »
The Mario and Luigi RPGs are great. I have all three of them. One of my favorite RPG series, they are.

General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:52:39 pm »
Hell, yes. Eternal Sonata. You play that, and you get trapped in it.  :kamina

General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:38:16 pm »
Soul Caliber...what is it now...four? That's a great PS3 title. Plus, you get to play as Darth Vader.

General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:17:32 pm »
Muramasa the Demon Blade.

Insanely good game. If you're into high-action side scrolling hack-and-slashing type games, then I really, really, really suggest this title. I mean, I got it for Christmas, and I'm addicted. The artwork is incredible (perhaps Okami has a competitor now?), being that the entire game is designed like old-school Japanese Wood-Block art, with smooth animations and incredible environments. Not to mention, the action in the game is intense during the battles. Horde of enemies, large bosses - everything that a good arcade fighter needs, it has. If you want to learn more, just play it. Because it's that amazing.


General Discussion / Re: Christmas: What will you get, or will be getting?
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:12:42 pm »

 :lol: That's a wonderful get! I also like your shirt designs. Especially the Gaspar one. I might just make my own now....

On another note.

Today I recieved:

Several Star Wars Lego sets. I collect them.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Why can't they make more side-scrolling Mario games anymore?)
Muramasa The Demon Blade (Awsome game, by the way. Beautiful game.)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. (Which is really interesting)
New headphones
A crapload of holiday sweets (Which I usually share with my family and friends)
Nintendo DSi
A new computer chair (WHOO. FINALLY I CAN SIT IN COMFORT!)

My family? They got everything they wanted. It's hard to get stuff for them because my mother and grandmother (The only people I live with) only like certain things, and they usually don't chose much. (Over here, they chose what they want for christmas).

Meanwhile, I feel bad because I get all kinds of things, and yet I feel I do not deserve them. I suppose I should cherish the fact, though, that I am an only child. *scratches head*

General Discussion / Re: Christmas: What will you get, or will be getting?
« on: December 24, 2009, 08:36:31 pm »
Just received my gifts for Eve. Rather nice, actually.

1 Emergency Car Jump Starter Kit
2 Nice Jackets, one of which I am enthralled with.
1 nerdy hoody, zip it up all the way and it's a Storm Trooper from Star Wars.
1 2000 Point Wii Card
1 Glass Sculpture of a stingray for my room's theme.
1 really nice pocket-watch.
And some other stuff.

Tomorrow, I'm sure to get more.

General Discussion / Re: Christmas: What will you get, or will be getting?
« on: December 24, 2009, 04:34:17 pm »
That's one of the most Ironic things ever. I bought my girlfriend a sterling silver neclace with a heart made out of amethyst on it.

General Discussion / Christmas: What will you get, or will be getting?
« on: December 24, 2009, 01:07:27 pm »
Well, since it is that time, and that day, and that season, I thought I'd make a topic about what folks will be getting or have already received this year for the holiday. And heck, even if you don't celebrate Christmas, you have to at least be getting something this year.

From the smallest of things, to the largest, who cares? Even the smallest gifts count. This topic also gives me to chance to wish the entire Compendium a Merry Christmas.

General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: December 24, 2009, 12:56:41 pm »
I have a neighbor like that. In fact, they live in the house right across from ours...well, almost. Annoying as crap.

General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:22:59 pm »

Well, as long as he's not referring to me.

Also, I think the Sega Genesis had some really great games on it, such as:

Zombies ate my neighbor
Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3 plus Sonic & Knuckles (I still have the cartridge for S&K)
Altered Beast
Comix Zone (Which I've never beaten to date)

...just to name a few.

Hah. I had that for my old SNES back in the day. One of the strangest games I ever played. Was a good game, though.

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