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Messages - nightmare975

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Polling / How did you like the Crimson Echoes demo?
« on: August 31, 2005, 09:03:15 pm »
Quote from: Aplateofsashimi
I Liked

In the past I tried my own run trough time flux, so I know how hard and frustrating it can be, but thanks to that I can see the work put into this, it musn't have been easy to do. the new facesets, the new areas, I like them not because of they beign new, but because the effort to put them on the rom.

I am also trying to use Temperal Flux but to no success. Keeps crashing. :roll:
Quote from: Aplateofsashimi also
My only complain is the end of the demo, it doens make much sense, it felt so random and rushed  that the time egg activated and sent them to the future,  I asume it was planned as a sort of  dejavu thing, y' know, basically  the incident with the teleporter was repeating, but it feels as if there werent not much tought put into it as with the rest of the plot, I myself could think of a lot of alternative ways to send the characters trough time, and I am a terrible writer.

It was just to end the demo, hopefully it will turn out better.

Quote from: Aplateofsashimi also
Great dialogues by the way, I love the way they stay true to the game, they are short and fast, as they are suposed to be on CT, except fot the Melchior dialogue, that was just too messed up, one complain to the writers on this: I you dont know the scientific facts on something, or if that something doesnt have scientific facts to start with, dont write as if you know those, it doesnt work!  

The magus lines... they were good, Magus has always been the most misterious guy of the games, he doesnt say much, trying to stay true to his character must have been hard, but you managed pretty well. Frog  in the other hand, its accent was too exagerated.

nothing to say here. :lol:

Quote from: Aplateofsashimi also
Also, I am worried on the plot, the demo seemed too focused  on the porre uprising,  that was good, it conects CT and CC pretty well, but its just that, for a project like Crimson Echoes, I would like something diferent, a major quest, not just a story to connect CT and CC, I hope later things get more interesting. Also dont overuse details like the chat with Norris,  I liked Chrono Cross, but not as much as to be remembered about it every time, this is a game about Chrono Trigger, not a game about Chrono Cross, so stay true to that, I know there is people who would want this game to link CT and CC, but I simply dont care about something like that, what I want is an experience to remember Crono Trigger as what it was, the Crono Trigger I love, before things started to get messy with Cross.

as I've said before, this is just a demo, we don't know the rest of the story. That is just what is happening in the present era.

Quote from: Aplateofsashimi also
Ah, just to finish,  there are many complaints about the  Millenial fair and how empty it was, but I like it this way, its empty simply because there is nothing to see, there is no celebration and simply the place no longer has any use, adding merchants or wathever would break that mood.  The statues were one of the things I liked most of the demo.

In my opinion, some of the statues were kinda funky looking...(but I've said that already.)

Quote from: Aplateofsashimi also
Cant you just erase the Guardia forest? the area doesnt seem to have any use, why not simply altering some map exits so entering Guardia forest automatically sends you in front of guardia castle, I dont know if that is posible but it would be kinda cool,  and you could use the space Guardia forest takes on the rom for more new areas.

He blocked it off just beacuse he didn't want us to go into the unfinished areas. It'll probably be accecible in the full game. Along with Choras.

*sigh*There, that's my 2 cents...

Polling / How did you like the Crimson Echoes demo?
« on: August 30, 2005, 09:58:54 pm »
I thought the music was kinda good. I felt that it stayed true to the original game.

Polling / How did you like the Crimson Echoes demo?
« on: August 28, 2005, 03:18:57 pm »
Sorry for double posting, but I have have a few things to say about the demo now that I've finished it.

1:The statues in the hero gallery are kinda bad. The Lucca one especially. :x

2. If you use the turbo button, the game wont make the animations for the sprites. I don't know if that is fixable though.

3. GOD DANGIT WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE PORTRAITS! Those portraits are totally ugly! If you could, please change them!

4. Zaperking is kinda right, Glenn does talk kinda funny. I didn't see a problem with Magus.

5. The new places are really cool, but you need to find out how to design a new ferry animation to go to Medina or later, Choras.

I can't remember anything eles at the moment, but it really is a good job!
Oh and thanks V_Translanka, I did need a new ROM.

Polling / How did you like the Crimson Echoes demo?
« on: August 28, 2005, 01:01:57 pm »
Man, all I could go to was Porre. I was having trouble tring to find my way around. :cry:

When I was a kid, and I played the game, I thought that The Old Man(Gasper) was the one doing it. But of course I was wrong. I think it was an Entity who did it.

Or maybe Spekkiko? (I think I spelled it right.)

Polling / How did you like the Crimson Echoes demo?
« on: August 27, 2005, 06:36:11 pm »
I can't even see it, my emulator tells me the Rom is too big :cry:

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