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Messages - Grace Ashtear

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Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: THREAD NECROMANCY IS PERFECTLY OKAY
« on: August 07, 2012, 02:05:26 am »
Well, nonsense posts aren't really looked down upon here, as long as they're not spammy.

Ah, I like this place even more now. And what you mean by spammy, I assume that My example above isn't *as* bad, but if one has to scroll through 1,000 lines of SKDFA;ADLSKLKSDFFSALKJF, then we have a problem. Mostly rules are made like that with the note "only bump if you have something new to add" since I joined yesterday, I think I have a thing or two to add to some topics. :)
P.S. You were saying the image was annoying in my signature earlier. is it to a tolerable level now that I could make it smaller?

Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: August 07, 2012, 01:55:14 am »
It was only the English translation that was fanmade. I've heard lots of people saying they couldn't get into Mother 3 because it didn't feel the same as Earthbound. However, I did and have beat it twice. Let me tell you, that was the only video game that actually got me to tear up before I played Trigger (when You-Know-Who sacrificed themselves to Lavos) only this time, no revivals for both of the people who get killed. :(
For those who haven't: I highly recommend playing Earthbound and/or Mother 3. They had the same magnitude of effect on me as Trigger did, just in case you thought no other game could. ;)

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: THREAD NECROMANCY IS PERFECTLY OKAY
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:32:42 pm »
Has it been discussed yet if it is a thread about 2 years old? That should be mentioned...
I personally think it is okay if the thread is still on the front page, it won't really disrupt the flow of threads, or lack thereof comparing this to other forums; it does move a little slower.
Of course, it annoys everyone when the oldest thread visible is bumped up and the only reply is something like "OMG SOOO TRUEE!!!! :D"

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Welcome, welcome!
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:19:09 pm »
Even though Rick Santorum made our country look pretty evil. :picardno
If it makes you feel better, some of my friends and I went around my school posting pictures in the hall that said "Rick Santorum in his alone time" with him having a nutria thing on his head... XD

I joined yesterday and I just noticed this topic, so Hello everyone!

Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: August 06, 2012, 07:56:06 pm »
So no one mentioned him, and all Marle jokes aside...
Ness. Totally Ness. He can destroy cars and trucks with a single swing of his baseball bat, use psychic powers, not to mention the entire Earth's power, and he defeated an entity made of pure evil energy. Don't take him for granted because he comes from  8) Earthbound! Yeaaaaaaaaaa

Ah, so I'm not as different in opinions as I thought I was. Maybe I just reitterated Rocky's opinions in different wording. I understand if a lot of people here really like Cross, but for me it is disappointing in several ways as a sequel to Trigger.
Off-topic: Yeah, I'm trying out the signature image for a little since someone on another board had it as his. If it's too big and annoying, I'll change it.
Edit: I was able to resize it. Hopefully better now?

Now my opinion, or lack thereof... Warning, Mockingjay spoilers!
I have never played Chrono Cross, but I believe I have heard enough so that I never will. My main concern is the fates of the characters from Trigger. I mean: think of it this way. You finish Trigger, and you feel really good about all the characters. As for myself, it feels like I actually feel for all of them. I was so happy when I found out Crono and Marle got married! Now I hoped that Lucca would find a love. Then I hear a sequel, which overjoyed me. I just have this thing about peoples futures and their families, etc. Then I hear, Guardia falls? All of the previous characters, (possibly) killed? It hurts, really hurts. Is this what the canonical story line is supposed to be? In fact, I almost lost my total interest in Chrono things altogether when I hear Lucca gets murdered. For those who have read it: it feels similar to how Mockingjay in the Hunger Games makes you feel, though possibly worse. You know, "Oh, you really do love these characters? It would rip out your heart to see them die? Well too bad!" *slaughtered Finnick, Prim, etc.* I just can't accept Cross or Radical Dreamers as a canonical line if that's the way it will be. If any, no, ALL of this is even plausibly fixed in the end, Please do not hesitate to tell me, spoilers and all. Like I said, more likely then not I am never playing Cross. I joined here because I see Trigger as one of the best RPGs ever, ruling side by side with Earthbound IMO.
Kudos if you decided to read the while thing. I probably sound like I'm taking the whole thing personally, but I'll risk that to be heard.
P.S. Forgive any possible grammar errors. My Android's autocorrect likes to screw up on me a lot...

Well, here goes my first time posting here.
Reason I ask this is because something that I notice in patterns with the statuses when characters get affected. The most noticeable? Lucca almost always is affected with Chaos whenever a move is used that has the ability to do so. (like 9 out of 10 times) Even with Lavos Core and his "Spell" move, what happens most often is that Lucca is the only one affected, which becomes Chaos, the other party members being Crono and Marle. Then 1 out of 5 times it is instead Stop on Lucca, and from that Crono also sometimes gets it. Marle just never gets anything, which I guess I won't complain since she is a major healer.
In short, I ask this: Is there just something about Lucca that makes her vulnerable to Chaos? It bugs me all the time. Also, there seems to be something about Crono and Slow... just help with my confusion?

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