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Messages - Yoko Endovale

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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Y-E's Webcrawl Treasure Haul
« on: February 01, 2009, 12:03:25 am »
Update to the Pixiv gallery.
If you hadn't been able to access my external link pages, they are available to the public now. My website just had to be verified.
Also an update to the *ahem* gallery, and shortly, some new icons I found.


I'll work on trying to translate the entrance into the fanclub for everyone.

Submissions / Re: Chrono Trigger: Redreamt - Submission style.
« on: January 31, 2009, 07:01:56 pm »
Reiz's story isn't explained completely for awhile, she certainly has not told the whole story yet. So just hold on!

Submissions / Re: My Arts Applicable To This Section
« on: January 31, 2009, 05:37:57 pm »
Well, I know he has long black hair in a ponytail and wears a cape, haha. I'll tool around with ideas later.

Submissions / Re: Chrono Trigger: Redreamt - Submission style.
« on: January 31, 2009, 05:36:59 pm »
After a mini hiatus inspired by a medication change, a new chapter is up. For some reason Chapter 13 was not on this list.

Submissions / Re: My Arts Applicable To This Section
« on: January 29, 2009, 10:07:16 pm »
I can try...

I just never decided what he really looks like.

Submissions / Re: My Arts Applicable To This Section
« on: January 29, 2009, 05:42:18 pm »
Haha, I was wondering when someone'd say something.
But it's the truth, rite?

Submissions / Re: My Arts Applicable To This Section
« on: January 29, 2009, 04:37:23 pm »

Title: Uwose
Medium: MSPaint
Description: LOL I forgot all about this! Upon rescuing my old art from various sources I found this guy. It's my pet Lavos summon from several of my roleplays. It's technically female and has a big pink ribbon to prove it.

Yeah, I know. It's weird.

Title: Alphonz
Medium: MSPaint
Description: Another rescued image. The earliest design picture of Alphonz, typical purple Chrono-style cat. He lacks the stylisitic fluff on the side of his face since this is a direct imitation of the sprites in game.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Y-E's Webcrawl Treasure Haul
« on: January 27, 2009, 05:24:41 am »
Okay... since this rapidly got too huge for a forum post, I've gone and hosted everything on my own personal website.
Here's links, the same as on the main post:

Index Top
Fan Pages
Oekaki Boards
Informational Pages
Fan Links/Unions
Search Sites/Link Pages
Link Submission

Still of course letting the thread be active for updates, comments, and so on and so forth.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Y-E's Webcrawl Treasure Haul
« on: January 26, 2009, 04:12:16 pm »
Update to both of the main galleries (Pixiv, *ahem*)
I'm going link hunting again soon too.

Edit: If this becomes of a sufficient size, would it be considered for pinning? Also, I never clarified, but anybody else can add links to this post and I'll add it to the big list.

General Discussion / Re: The Chrono Compendium - <you fill the slogan>
« on: January 25, 2009, 10:58:47 pm »
The Chrono Compendium - Now with 0 Trans Fats!

- Please remove wrapper before heating.
- Starving cats since the dawn of time.
- Open 24/7, 365 days a year.
- Now with a spring fresh scent!
- Possibly causes headaches.
- We're that nightmare you had last week.
- Paradise in a console.
- May contain nuts.
- Now, more than ever!
- 404 error. Gotcha!
- The place for moments.
- Found: One slightly miffed purple feline.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Y-E's Webcrawl Treasure Haul
« on: January 24, 2009, 07:02:24 pm »
Update to the Pixiv Gallery with a very nice picture of Frog and some other things.
Also a big update to the *ahem* gallery, which now is respective of my entire collection aside from doujin.

Fan Fiction / Re: Chrono Trigger - Redreamt
« on: January 24, 2009, 03:40:43 am »
Beeettter add this since it's rapidly becoming an FAQ.

Why did you miss (plot or strategy detail?)
   Because of the nature of the original format of the story, there were bound to be details assumed and skipped over. For example, in the native format we never did the sidequest with the forest, yet the quest to save Lara's legs still existed. Why? Because Yoko never triggered it in her version of the game! Anyway, strategy detail is overlooked quite often because again, we're not arming our characters for a RPG fight. It's all text done without dice rolls and numbers.

Why did you not fight (monster/person name here?)
   Combat in story format can really, really, really be awful. Even in the roleplay format we avoided it where possible. While in a game this is basically your essential, in a story, it is not. Translating fighting scenes is something I hate to do anyway, because the placement of each character is hard to keep in order. What happens if you accidentally move a character right into the path of another? Off goes a limb or something. It's really, really unpleasant. So we skipped as many minor bossfights as possible.

Submissions / Re: Chrono Trigger: Redreamt - Submission style.
« on: January 23, 2009, 03:33:51 am »
Churned out one more chapter for the day. Phew.

Fan Fiction / Re: Chrono Trigger - Redreamt
« on: January 23, 2009, 02:27:06 am »
Oh no, sorry about that! The main difference in the downloaded ones is my original text formatting survives.

Someday I'll throw them into a zip file for batch downloading. But I just happen to have a Rapidshare Premium account to use.
But the story is the exact same as in the pages. And as for asking questions, everyone deserves to be treated kindly no matter what. Questions are good, after all!

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