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Messages - Daggart

Pages: 1 2 [3]
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Defense of Zenan Bridge
« on: June 11, 2004, 09:25:44 pm »
I don't go for the Guile of chronocross = magus theory, but it is interesting that one of the big proofs I keep hearing against it is that Magus shouldn't be in that time period. If Magil of RD was supposed to be Magus than that proof doesnt mean much, heh. Just a thought.

I think its very possible there would have been no climactic fight on the bridge in the original timeline. In the original timeline, the queen wasn't found by Crono. She was probably found by a large group of soldiers. I'd guess that someone, probably Frog, lead a massive strike against their hideout under the church and that thats where the bulk of the battle took place. If there was later a battle on the bridge it was probably much smaller in scope.

General Discussion / Sephiroth vs lavos who would win and why
« on: June 11, 2004, 09:20:23 pm »
In an actual battle, sephiroth. I say this because of the speed he attacks with. In a real battle, he wouldnt stand still and wait to be attacked every turn. He'd be all over Lavos, and Lavos would die.

In a game style battle, Lavos would probably win, because Sephiroth never heals himself :P

Just a quick sidenote on Lavos's size. it was stated taht when he errupts he's the size of some of the domes in the future. What you have to remember is, according to that same world map, Crono is a giant. I think the more accurate representation of his size is shown in the actual fight with him. I don't recal there being much growth if you consiter that.

General Discussion / The world changes.. does Crono remember?
« on: June 10, 2004, 12:29:35 am »
When you say independent of everything, do you mean they aren't affected by changes other people make either?

I guess I wasnt certain because, at the time crash when el nido is created, he isn't the one actually doing the traveling.

General Discussion / The world changes.. does Crono remember?
« on: June 09, 2004, 11:21:30 pm »
This doesn't really affect the games so much as it effects fanworks surrounding them. I was curious, after the events of Chronotrigger occure, El Nido is instantly created yaers in the past. Porre is suddenly a military power. There are other changes I'm sure that are a part of the world's history now. Do Crono and friends notice the difference?

The reason I'm wondering is because the timetraveler retains their personal history. However, though those events could be seen as an immidiate result of Crono's actions, it's actually the result of actions in the future.

So, are these changes somehow integrated into chrono's memory like they are integrated into everyone elses? Or does he hold the memory of how things were before those changes were made?

History, Locations, and Artifacts / True nature of Dreamstone
« on: June 09, 2004, 10:25:06 pm »
I seem to remember it saying that the Zealians themselves (zealites? Zelots?) used to use the sunstone for power until they started using the dreamstone.

Even if that wasn't explicitly stated (I'll try and look it up now) the fact that the sunpalace looks to be Zeal manufactured implies that Zeal used the stone at some point.

I've been developing an idea of my own about he dreamstone. It's currently my belief that the dreamstone acts as a kind of 'will' amplifier, for lack of a better term. However humans dont have a strong enough will on their own, which is why it was pretty much ignored until lavos came. Lavos himself has a very strong will, and the dreamstone reacts to it. Likewise, Masa and Mune have strong wills. It could also explain why the Masamune becomes tainted over time.

Sadly, theres still to many holes in my idea to call it a theory.

Kajar Laboratories / Entity Article/Definition
« on: June 09, 2004, 08:22:43 pm »
It's possible that the Entity does not in fact exist. Early humans in our own world have been devising gods in order to explain their place in the universe, under far less extreme (and supernatural) circumstances as that of the Chrono Trigger cast at the time of the camp fire. It is only natural that, given their situation, the team would start to question their place in the universe, and our species traditionally favors the belief in a higher being or beings, as it provides them with a safety net.

I think its worth pointing out that it wasn't a member of our species at all that began thought on the idea of an Entity, but a robot. One reason we create gods is out of an attempt to understand the how and why ofour own existance. Robo knows exactly where he came from. I'd guess that he would be the least spiritually inclined out of all the characters, programmed instead to come to conclusions based off of observation and reason. I'd assume that his conclusion is more based off of reason than the desire for a god to explain something.

His arguement could probably be broken down into this: After years of thinking I have come to decide that Lavos is not responsable for the time gates. However, the placement of something as significant of the gates in exactly the times and places we need to 'accidently' discover and destroy the threat of Lavos is too convinient to chock up to random chance. Therefore, chance aside, something or someone else must be creating these gates for our use.

Articles / The Ethics of Lavos
« on: June 09, 2004, 06:55:06 pm »
The problem of Evil has always been in defining it. Whether Lavos can rationalize his actions has never really been the point because very few 'evil' men consiter themselves to be so.

if lavos has the mental abilities of man, I think its fair to judge him on the same level. If it had been the case of a ravinous wolf eating, it's excusable because he has no knowledge of anything but instinct. With Lavos, it's different. He posesses intellect, and understands the mind of man enough to corrupt it. It cannot have escaped his notice that humanity posesses intellegence.

Is there something about intellegence itself that Lavos needs to survive, because if not, he has the choice between devoring creatures he knows to be intellegent, and creatures he knows not to be intellegent.

If you hold the act of murder as being evil, I think you'd do well to consiter Lavos' actions as being evil, because they follow the pattern of intellegent man hunting intellegent man more closely than they follow the pattern of animal hunting man or man hunting animal.

Of course, if Lavos was fighting FOR the life of the planet against us horrible wasteful humans, that might put a different spin on things. But somehow I think that possibility is pretty much zero.

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