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Messages - AuraTwilight

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Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:48:40 pm »
Does lavos's defeat not qualify? Does Crono's death not qualify? If you do believe Lavos to be a Chrono Trigger, his death should cause a split, but in regards to everything we know, it doesn't

Ah. Shoulda clarified. Firstly, Crono is only human, and even though he was important to the timeline, his death was inevidable, or...something.

As for Lavos, yea, it was a pretty big event. Under normal conditions it would've constituted a split, but I can think of three solutions 1) He was in a Pocket Dimension,'s death didn't have as much of an impact? 2) All the splits, for the most part, benefited the Entity or humanity or some way. Frankly, I think the splits were created by the Entity itself. Even if they weren't, the Entity would probably suppress it or something. and 3) Lavos, when it was about to die, brought Chronopolis back in time, right? That set off a chain of events that triggered a split (Home and Another) where Lavos still lived (Home) So...I guess the splits aren't instantaneous. Or something.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Home World Kid Theory
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:37:47 pm »
Excuse me? Why, then, does the Devourer depend on Serge's existence so much?

It doesn't. It all depends on how Serge can get to the Time Devourer. Being in his home world is, apparently, one of the conditions for using the Time Egg.

Dark Gizmo, thanks for clearing it up for me. That was really helpful.

She was with the party the entire time.

No she wasn't. During the final battle, you could've left her in the End of Time, where she could've put all this together.

Nope, Chrono remembers a 1000 A.D. without a black omen in the sky, even after he returns to the time.

That's different. The Black Omen doesn't define Chrono's existence. Lucca was fearing that Robo would cease to exist in the new future for good reason. It might've caused him to not be built. The same goes for Doan. In the new future, he's obviously not going to be a starving, hopeless old man.

Well, I should hope that God isn't dying, as that would spell doom for all of reality. Ayla mentions that the times they have visited is similar to the life of someone flashing before their eyes before death, and theorizes that perhaps all these things they have seen are the death throes of an 'entity'. Since it is the planet that is in peril, and doomed to death at Lavos' hand, I think that it is that which is intended.

Exactly. The loss of a planet wouldn't effect God. Earth isn't that important to him if there's life on other planets. We KNOW the universe isn't Geo-centric.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 26, 2005, 01:15:47 am »
Thusly is an actual word, but don't hold me to that. English isn't my first language ^^; Anyway, your theory creates alot of unneeded paradoxes. Unless it's something big, like Lavos' landing, the timeline just alters. If it's fairly major, like Lavos' defeat, the old timeline, like 2300 AD, gets sent to the Darkness Beyond Time. Dimensional Splits seem to be special conditions that have only occured twice as far as I can tell. The fall of Lavos and the whole Serge thing.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Home World Kid Theory
« on: July 26, 2005, 12:49:34 am »
Home World cancelled Crono's and co. action thus Lavos still lives through time

Explain to me again how Serge living negates Crono's actions? I never understood that paradox :/[/quote]

Actually, that helps me perfectly; I'm a computer technician. More accurately, we can see Lavos as a self replicating worm with the ability to edit it's programming like a typical Dropper, or as a hacker, where the Lavos Spawn are the viruses it's planting in the system to infect others, or as a Trojan that poses itself as a helpful program to the humans (Zeal, anyone? :P)

Also, the Satan/God analogy always annoyed me, since if the Entity=God, and Entity=Planet, than that implies Paganism, so that Lavos couldn't be Satan XD

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 26, 2005, 12:14:31 am »
You can get all the endings in the normal New Game. I did it myself.

No, I want proof that there is a dimension where Magus did and did not die vs. Lavos. We only know of a few dimensions (Reptite, Another, and Home), and we don't even know what causes them to be formed, rather than discarded.

Reptite, Another, and Home are created rather than discarded because they were caused by Chrono Triggers, people, places, things or idea that cause massive changes in history. Another and Home are easy enough to explain. Serge was a Chrono Trigger because of his connection with the Frozen Flame, and his death caused Schala to create Kid, who saved Serge. Serge's survival causes a big time paradox (Which I still don't fully understand, so don't ask me to explain it.) And thus we have Another and Home. Now, if the Frozen Flame is enough to constitute a Chrono Trigger, logically, the godlike figure Lavos, who created, powered, and manipulated the flame, is a Chrono Trigger is well. What event in Earth's history is more monumental than the landing of Lavos?

Thusly, this causes a time split, The Lavos Timeline (Which becomes Keystone, then Home and Another, then Ideal >.O) where Lavos lands and the Reptites die out, and the Reptite timeline where Lavos doesn't land and the Reptites dominate humanity.

'What strange chance that was it that I, alone of all my kin, should have borne the judgement of God for the sins of my people. I, who at risk of my mother’s cruel and terrible wrath spoke out against our unholy quest for immortal life. Yet I was the only one to achieve it, and finding that which I never yearned for, found it a curse beyond your reckoning, yea, beyond the reckoning of any mortal.'

Nice writing :D Where is this fanfiction? I can't find it on this site.

As for the Chrono Cross, I guess it would return to being the Dragon's Tear. Which reminds me, how far back does the remerging of the timelines go? Does it rearrange things so that they never split, or merge them at the beginning of the adventure? What is the Dragon's Tear anyway? I know it's an artifact of the Dragonians, but that's a tad vague.

As for Marle and Doan, Marle was obviously the Entity's doing, and Doan has Time Traveler's Immunity. But would he have lost it the moment he returned to his time? Would he cease to exist, in essence, and become a new person entirely?

Also, someone asked why the Entity can't remove Lavos, if it could do such for Marle. Probably several reasons. Lavos is an alien entity, outside of it's control, while Marle is born of the planet, which we assume the Entity is, which makes Marle one the tiny, tiny building blocks of the Entity. I'm sure time travel had something to do with it too. Like, it can't do that with normal people, but because Marle traveled through time and effected it, she was a variable that was easy to manipulate.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Schala and Lavos
« on: July 25, 2005, 11:16:28 pm »
Seeing as I'm new, I might not know much, but if time moves so slow in the Tesseract, it might not have been a long conflict. Presumably, Schala and a Lavos Spawn (Which it seems to be, because of size issues, and being in the Tesseract doesn't change the whole DEAD thing) had a fight not with fists or magic, but with WILL. You don't need to be a god to have good willpower. And if Kid is truly a clone of Schala, then she has a lot of it ^^ Of course, Kid is a seperate entity entirely, so that might not mean jack squat. Regardless, it's probably safe to assume that the two confronted, started to biologically merge while their minds fought, Schala released Kid, and within seconds, Serge and crew come to her rescue.

As for this whole Arbiter thing, yea, that may be true. It could also be that her innate, strong magical power was required, and Queen Zeal just couldn't fill those shoes.

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