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Messages - Chrono'99

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Site Updates / Re: Videos Part 2 & 3 & Other Comment
« on: June 01, 2009, 01:55:11 pm »
YouTube "closed captions" can be ripped and converted to Windows subtitle format (.srt), but I don't think there's a way to rip YouTube "annotations", unfortunately.

General Discussion / Re: Cult of Schala?
« on: May 31, 2009, 06:12:21 am »
Aha, yeah I confirm, it's the Pantheon!

General Discussion / Re: Cult of Schala?
« on: May 31, 2009, 04:42:26 am »
Oh, come on guys, it's totally a joke. Auron and Seymour Guado being high ranking members? Seriously. They're crossing over into Final Fantasy, too. And did you take a look at the picture of their 'New York temple'? It's got a cross on the top. Actually, just looking for it quickly, that's actually a neoclassical church called the Pantheon in Paris. So...

It's just a bit of humour, nothing more. Done with apparent dead-seriousness, but meant to be humour all the same.

Where is the picture? I can't find it.

There was also Chrono Trigger: Prophet's Guile >_>

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Adventure
« on: May 31, 2009, 04:34:12 am »
Welcome back!

Fan Art / Re: Radical Dreamers Sprite CT style
« on: May 31, 2009, 04:31:47 am »
Nice work! I think the colors on Serge could be a bit darker to match Kid's look. Also his hat could use a bit more shading. Other than that, he looks great!

Submissions / Re: The Dream of Zeal — Dedicated to CE
« on: May 30, 2009, 02:26:29 pm »
Sorry again, DRM. I had accidentally hit "Remove topic" on your topic instead of removing just one of the spam posts (there was like, 60 of them spread everywhere and we had to react fast).

Anyway, as before, nice wallpaper!

I forgot where exactly, but the was a thread at OCRemix and elsewhere too about the "doubts" of CE and ZeaLity, etc.

Yeah, I've seen it. I'm actually waiting for the CEMemorial YouTube account to release a few more videos before I post a note on that thread. One of the posters wants these videos to be a "100% full on plot and encounters and dialog intact telling a straight forward linear story with minimal video editting". That's exactly what the videos will be. Can't wait to hear what he'll say in a few days.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Sewers in 2300AD
« on: May 29, 2009, 07:02:12 am »
The doors can be old but still a creation of Belthasar. It is likely that Belthasar arrived in the future more than ten years before 2,300 AD, perhaps even twenty years before, if he spent the same amount of time in the future than Janus did in the Middle Ages.

I really am not sure if this is true, but I've heard it often enough from enough people to think there must be some credibility...

Didn't SE say they weren't going to do any more straight-up FF games any more? (not including CC of CD or whatnot) So, it very well COULD be another Chrono game...!

One must always hope...

Yeah... that's a lie. Um, it's mainly a rumor, but people are just surprised that a series can run for 13 games (not including spinoffs and sequels), especially a RPG series as complex as FF. They just don't understand how many different minds, ideas, and skills are put into these games.

Kitase mentioned FFXIV and FFXV in an offhand comment in his recent interview, which proves that the series (obviously) won't stop at XIII. And yeah, there are lots of different designers that have worked on the series. It's not like they're made by the same teams everytime. Nowadays many FFs are actually developed by fans of the original FFs rather than the original teams (which do still supervise them, at least for those that are still at SE). For instance FFIII:DS, FFIV:DS, Dissidia, etc. Considering this, it's a shame SE doesn't have a more open mind concerning their other fans-developers...

But the Quadffid (boss plant that blocks the way) appears in Hydra Marshes later as a regular enemy... They could have replaced the boss version of Quadffid with this FamilyTree to avoid recycling a monster.

Wow, so even CC has unused monsters... I wonder why they didn't use this one.

Could be anything... Recently SE has been really prone to develop games that have suspiciously-familiar titles but are not related to previous franchises. For instance Blood of Bahamut has nothing to do with the classic Bahamut Lagoon, and Vanguard Storm despite being set in Ivalice has nothing to do with Vagrant Story...

The original Famicom FFI has just been released on the Japanese Virtual Console, so I'm not sure this 光の4戦士 is a remake. I wonder what it could be though. Warriors of Light were only in FFI, III, and V... FFV prequel starring Galuf?

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