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Messages - Ralkai

Pages: 1 [2]
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Leah and Ayla relationship
« on: November 03, 2006, 03:16:13 pm »
According to most of what has been stated on the time crash, the Time Crash follows a similar Principal to Newtons 3rd law. So hence, Gaea's navel wouldn't appear as it wasn't countering anything.

maybe I have translated the game bad but, isn't Dinopolis sent back in the time to counteract Chronopolis influence by the draconians? if it is like this, Gaea's Navel didn't need other "city" to counteract his influence because nobody care his influence...
Yes, Dinopolis was sent to counteract Chronopolis (though it was the Planet who did it, not the Dragonians themselves). Also, Masato Kato in an interview confirmed that the little red moon appeared at the same time.

so do you mean that the red moon is the "counteract place" of Gaea's Navel?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Leah and Ayla relationship
« on: November 03, 2006, 12:24:26 pm »
According to most of what has been stated on the time crash, the Time Crash follows a similar Principal to Newtons 3rd law. So hence, Gaea's navel wouldn't appear as it wasn't countering anything.

maybe I have translated the game bad but, isn't Dinopolis sent back in the time to counteract Chronopolis influence by the draconians? if it is like this, Gaea's Navel didn't need other "city" to counteract his influence because nobody care his influence...

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Leah and Ayla relationship
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:52:56 pm »
maybe the "land-anger" was a giant gate (as the gate wich send Crono and Magus to the prehistoric ages) which send all Gaea's Navel to the future lending the dinosaurs survive the ice age.

(Sorry for the mistakes, English isn't my best subject...)

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Leah and Ayla relationship
« on: October 31, 2006, 05:58:51 pm »
yes, i know that, but if Leah is Ayla's mother, is suposed that if Leah left the prehistoric age, Ayla would never be born, and for that Marle also would never be born.
When you defeat the second Time Devourer the timeline return to the moment in which Serge travel to another world as if nothing of the adventure had happened. Leah is then in Gaea's Navel, and from there she didn`t return to her age.

(Sorry for the gramar mistakes, I'm Spanish and English isn't my best subject)

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Leah and Ayla relationship
« on: October 31, 2006, 02:30:31 pm »
Hellow everybody.
I have a litle qestion to ask.
I have read in other Chrono Trigger's forum that Leah is Ayla's daughter, but here i have read that Leah is (pasibly) Ayla's mother.
Can somebody answer me?

Muchas gracias,

Fan Fiction / Re: Chrono Trigger - The Story of Magus
« on: October 31, 2006, 01:50:36 pm »
Ħjorl! It's very, very good!
Or as we say here in Spain: ĦEs la puta ostia!
I like the story, really.

Pages: 1 [2]