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Messages - TheMage

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Chrono Shift RPGMaker Project / Re: Chrono Shift General Progress Thread
« on: January 17, 2019, 10:36:50 am »
While we have the whole plot more or less, 30+ songs and most of the sprite assets and chipsets there are minimal maps and no real coding save for the battle system. Our leader has been MIA for a long, long time and Rpg maker XP is something while easy to learn was something Boo and I both didn't have, boo was the writer and I made sprites.i bought it finally but while I've been going for my masters degree I haven't been working on it much at all. A Sprite here or there. I'm torn between steam rolling this project slowly by pure determination alone (I should speed up after I graduate) or putting my efforts into another project with a leader because I make a poor leader.i get stuff done much faster when someone pokes me and asks me how it's coming along vs when I'm my own 'boss'. I know Boo had fantastic ideas for his own project involving a certain blue hair girl and with rom hacks on the rise I'm very tempted to put my efforts into a romhack.

It needs a leader who can make maps for it to revive because I can't make them all myself. I get overwhelmed by maps honestly. I can sprite you anything but maps are my weakness to create a map from scratch- I can't picture it and I struggle. Give me a doodle and I can do it. and i will follow a leader!

Boo you working on any romhacks that need a spriter?~

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Is it possible to hack the intro movie?
« on: January 13, 2019, 05:11:58 am »
This is a more lazy way but it might help too;;

Adding a New Scene
Open up Location {1b1} Title Screen.
Object 1 Arbitrary 1 has a "change Location at the end"
Change that Location to the location that you will have your new Title screen be--

The location you want to change to a new map is 1B0 to your new location. That way you can just skip the already programmed vignettes and title screen and work from there from a map of your choosing - I use 1EC because it's free and blank.

--In the events of your new location make some sort of small intro, make sure at the end of the intro you have a change location {000} Load Screen
...but in the intro location events, add those commands in Object00 after the Return (delete the End):

-CheckButton (All, Type1)
--ChangeLocation {000}
-GoTo the checkbutton
Note that if you have some Pause or ScrollScreen in Object00 they will probably interfer with the Check Button, so move them to a new object.

Now if you push a button during your intro you will be teleported back to the load screen, just like in CT. Unfortunately this doesn't work for the Start button, but the other buttons are fine.

I'd suggest opening a romhack like prophet's guile up and checking out their 'load screen' (1B1) and see where it sends you and how they did their intro just to get a feel for how the events work if you are getting used to TF. That being said I don't think there are any 'scenes' like the vignettes but its a good starting point? I imagine you could do the scenes by teleporting from one map to another with different events written, with a function where pressing any button will take you to the save files/ start game.

Here's a picture from one of my WIPs of 1B1 sending to 1EC and 1EC's event process. It's a simple scroll down intro.

Hopefully that helps and is not more confusing!

Fan Art / Re: Chrono Trigger 1000AD map Edits to 1020AD
« on: January 13, 2019, 03:49:54 am »
These are great!!!!

Chrono News / Re: Ending 2018 with a Surprise: A New ROM Hack!
« on: January 12, 2019, 10:17:31 am »

I've been swallowed into the pit of my last year of my master's degree but I finally get my pc fixed and what do I find!? THIS BEAUTIFUL GEM!

Thank you Fauntleroy, you have literally made my year!!!! I can't wait to check this out!!!!

Dream Splash VI - Dream of Zeal [2018] / Re: Cyrus sprite [2d art]
« on: August 17, 2018, 07:54:08 pm »
Cyrus looks amazing!! I've always wanted to flesh him out but never got around to it!

Dream Splash VI - Dream of Zeal [2018] / Re: The Rise of Zeal [2D Art]
« on: August 11, 2018, 03:53:45 pm »
Your spritework is always amazing.

AHhh thank you!

Dream Splash VI - Dream of Zeal [2018] / Re: The Rise of Zeal [2D Art]
« on: August 11, 2018, 03:53:19 pm »
That looks pretty cool. Let me know if you want some help on completing it.

Thanks Mauron! Maybe!? I'm not sure!? Probably!

 I do want to finish it and I do need help! (I've broken the boat in 1000 A.D. It's possessed by Satan):

I went back to the earliest version of the hack I had and it's still there. I think it's Marle's overworld sprites, I have no idea what I did or why it replaced the boat with that? I think it might have replaced the balloons too.

On the plus side, that palette would make a great overworld Flea palette :D

My hesitance with completing this is I really want to put my energies towards a bigger project, but I don't think a bigger project is being worked on right now? Like if Kajar labs was working on something I'd love to help on that, but near as I can tell its all little individual projects right now, so why not work on my own and help others with their individual little projects as well? I'll bug you with my relentless questions xD (if you don't mind).

Holy cow!  That sounds awesome! I would love to see this premise worked through and put out.  I can't help with any game dev, but I could help out with music if you get that far.

Awesome work though, that would be an awesome spin off project!

Thank you! If I do end up finishing it (which I think I might) I may bother you for music! (granted I know nothing about inserting music into Roms but I will use it somehow some way anyway.) XD

Oh, very interesting.

Also, I know it's stated to be WIP, but I can't help but laugh that the town is ruined... but Crono's and Lucca's houses are totally fine. Okay, the latter is isolated enough, perhaps, but with Crono's there'd be like no excuse.  :lol:

Haha fair enough! I figure at least Lucca's house survived because she ends up running an orphanage, but yeah, Crono's house is probably toast. I just don't want to kill Gina *sniff*.

I love this idea! Great work!


Guardia broke!!!


ALL BROKEN! I also forgot to mention it but that little path from the broken part of truce leading to the woods would totally have been a path to a rebel guardia hideaway in the forest behind the destroyed Guardia castle.

speaking of the destroyed Guardia castle, I completely forgot to mention that Boo made it, not me! I have no credit for that awesome destroyed castle besides putting it in the rom! It was made for another rom hack that I'm not sure will ever see the light of day a few years ago.

I didn't realize how much I needed 1020 A.D.'s overworld in my life until now.

Though the 1000 A.D. palette is almost too'd fit more perhaps with 600 A.D.; a little more drab. I always shied away from that because I imagined that rendering Porre would require so many custom graphics (since CT's towns tend to hug their geography with unique tiles), it'd be hard as hell to fit it all in a tileset. Life's easy like FF6, when your militaristic, industrialized evil empire is just a fat square on the overworld...

Ahh using 600 A.Ds palette would be perfect! If/when I finish this I'm totally doing that thank you!

There's not a lot of room on the tileset and it infinitely frustrates me XD For this I basically sacrificed Medina to add a broken truce, This made it so Porre and Choras would both still have their assets, but I could add a broken truce and a castle for Dalton (it's really WIP) here:

if it were more like FF6 my life would be so much easier!

Dream Splash VI - Dream of Zeal [2018] / Re: The Rise of Zeal [2D Art]
« on: August 11, 2018, 03:03:52 pm »
.....give that teenage Janus sprite black clothing, red cloak, brown hair and eyes, and that would be an accurate depiction of my character for Reflections.



Like this? :D

Ahhh! I love these ideas! All the yes!

the four 1020's could definitely be done with some work, but the zoomed in regions and checkpoints mountain passes etc would make it much easier than the repointing hell I was thinking of when I first read this. xD

Dream Splash VI - Dream of Zeal [2018] / The Rise of Zeal [2D Art]
« on: July 30, 2018, 07:00:40 pm »
This was supposed to actually be a very small rom hack but It got too ambitious and I ran out of time, so instead, here are the graphics I had mostly finished for that project.

The idea was based after the Fall of Guardia, we the player would control Lucca. In the first chapter we would be able to explore the Porre dominated Zenan and Lucca would have her falling out with Lynx and end up in the kingdom of Zeal, pre its rise. It would have a young king and queen Zeal and perhaps a baby Schala. The kingdom would still be in the sea and frozen before it rose.

I actually even began some minor editing in TF for 1000 A.D.

But that's all that's been inserted just a broken Guardia castle, broken down Truce, and a less balloon filled Leene Square.

The plot was going to go with somehow Lucca messes things up, and when Zeal does rise, it never falls like it is supposed to, which messes up the time stream.

This resulted in a teenage Janus and an alternate teenage Schala:

Though honestly, I think I just wanted to see a Kid like Schala and a teen Magus.

I also did some edits to Lucca's sprite, to match how she looked in the cut scene when she finds Kid at the end of the playstation version. Though I didn't get a chance to finish it yet.

Yep! I might one day actually make something of this, but I think I'd much prefer to work on a team so if anyone needs a spriter for a rom hack, here I am ;)

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: I want to change sprites?
« on: June 13, 2018, 05:27:44 am »
No problem!

Also, I've been messing around with inserting sprites some more and my issue earlier with it cutting out a portion of what I was trying to paste into Tilemolester was because the size I was pasting was too large. (by one pixel *eye twitch*) So in order to paste it perfectly into place it needs to be the exact same size and if its not working its probably off by just a bit -.- I'll probably try to word that more eloquently and edit the tutorial later. ;) 

I personally adore long stories and I always hate endings, so for me the longer the better!

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: How do I...?
« on: June 04, 2018, 02:22:53 am »
Ahhh! Thank you! <3

Chrono Trigger Modification / How do I...?
« on: June 04, 2018, 12:59:08 am »
Just some general TF questions I couldn't figure out on my own or through the guides/tutorials/Modification's page/ scouring the forums.

1. Where would I locate the sprites for the time period display in the lower left corner? Say if I wanted to change 600 AD to 605AD for example? I couldn't find it in the CT unheadered sprite info excel document.

2. How do I rename an exit? For example, if I wanted Leene's Square to change to Nadia's Square when walking over to it on the overworld.

Thanks :D

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: I want to change sprites?
« on: May 31, 2018, 03:13:10 pm »
Ahhh, thank you!

I'm just cooking up a little something for dream splash. >:D

As far as updates to the tutorial, I don't think so!

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