That looks pretty cool. Let me know if you want some help on completing it.
Thanks Mauron! Maybe!? I'm not sure!? Probably!
I do want to finish it and I do need help! (I've broken the boat in 1000 A.D. It's possessed by Satan):
I went back to the earliest version of the hack I had and it's still there. I think it's Marle's overworld sprites, I have no idea what I did or why it replaced the boat with that? I think it might have replaced the balloons too.
On the plus side, that palette would make a great overworld Flea palette
My hesitance with completing this is I really want to put my energies towards a bigger project, but I don't think a bigger project is being worked on right now? Like if Kajar labs was working on something I'd love to help on that, but near as I can tell its all little individual projects right now, so why not work on my own and help others with their individual little projects as well? I'll bug you with my relentless questions xD (if you don't mind).
Holy cow! That sounds awesome! I would love to see this premise worked through and put out. I can't help with any game dev, but I could help out with music if you get that far.
Awesome work though, that would be an awesome spin off project!
Thank you! If I do end up finishing it (which I think I might) I may bother you for music! (granted I know nothing about inserting music into Roms but I will use it somehow some way anyway.) XD
Oh, very interesting.
Also, I know it's stated to be WIP, but I can't help but laugh that the town is ruined... but Crono's and Lucca's houses are totally fine. Okay, the latter is isolated enough, perhaps, but with Crono's there'd be like no excuse.
Haha fair enough! I figure at least Lucca's house survived because she ends up running an orphanage, but yeah, Crono's house is probably toast. I just don't want to kill Gina *sniff*.
I love this idea! Great work!
Guardia broke!!!
ALL BROKEN! I also forgot to mention it but that little path from the broken part of truce leading to the woods would totally have been a path to a rebel guardia hideaway in the forest behind the destroyed Guardia castle.
speaking of the destroyed Guardia castle, I completely forgot to mention that Boo made it, not me! I have no credit for that awesome destroyed castle besides putting it in the rom! It was made for another rom hack that I'm not sure will ever see the light of day a few years ago.
I didn't realize how much I needed 1020 A.D.'s overworld in my life until now.
Though the 1000 A.D. palette is almost too'd fit more perhaps with 600 A.D.; a little more drab. I always shied away from that because I imagined that rendering Porre would require so many custom graphics (since CT's towns tend to hug their geography with unique tiles), it'd be hard as hell to fit it all in a tileset. Life's easy like FF6, when your militaristic, industrialized evil empire is just a fat square on the overworld...
Ahh using 600 A.Ds palette would be perfect! If/when I finish this I'm totally doing that thank you!
There's not a lot of room on the tileset and it infinitely frustrates me XD For this I basically sacrificed Medina to add a broken truce, This made it so Porre and Choras would both still have their assets, but I could add a broken truce and a castle for Dalton (it's really WIP) here:
if it were more like FF6 my life would be so much easier!