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Topics - GasparXR

Pages: [1]
Fan Art / A few Chrono Trigger / Cross song covers!
« on: July 19, 2021, 05:51:33 pm »
Hey all, I thought you would be interested in a few Trigger / Cross song covers I've done on my YouTube chanel. Currently I've only done three, but both soundtracks are easily my favourite video game soundtracks ever, so I'm bound to do more eventually.

Wind Scene -

Scars of Time -

A Strange Happening -

News Submissions / Chrono Trigger for Steam!
« on: February 28, 2018, 02:53:13 am »
Chrono Trigger was suddenly released for Steam! But according to this article, it's not very good:


It's just a port of the mobile version apparently. Why they couldn't just port the DS version or put real effort into updating the game is beyond me, but colour me disappointed. Here's hoping if ever a Cross remake comes to fruition, that it gets the same great treatment that Trigger DS got.

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