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Topics - Dark Serge

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Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / The Mystery of the Black Nu in CT DS
« on: November 16, 2008, 02:46:10 pm »
Has anyone noticed the strange Black Nu in the TGS2008 trailer on the Japanese Chrono website? It appears in the new content of the trailer.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Chrono's Mom
« on: August 20, 2008, 09:19:57 pm »
Yeah, Chrono's mom disappeared in that time gate in the end. And I think that ending was canon (Epoch survived, Magus alive, etc), and we see the heroes depart in the Epoch.

Now I wonder, you think they ever found her? If we believe the PSX ending FMV, Chrono and Marle get married in 1000 AD. So I wonder if they called off their search or something?

Really, this is one of the things I keep wondering about. It's just brilliant fangame material too, a fangame has to be made for it sometime. No Lavos/TD crap, but instead, The Search For Chrono's Mom!

Anyway, your thoughts?

Okay, let's try to picture this scenario:

Chrono & Crew have defeated Lavos, it merges with Schala, and later Serge defeats the resulting creature, the Time Devourer. Years later in 2300 AD the future is bright and full of life, modernized like 1999 AD.

Someone from 2300 AD travels to 1000 AD and kills Crono before he can go to the Millennial Fair, before he meets Marle, etc etc. Lavos is never defeated and is never sent to the DBT. Schala is gone forever and the events of Chrono Cross never take place, the time period of 2300 AD is reverted to the apocalyptic state and The Day of Lavos happens as usual.

Would this be a correct canon? Crono is killed so the world still dies?

Is it possible to obtain a full 1999 A.D. World Map instead of just the tiny piece we have so far? I kinda need it for my own project, and it would be very interesting to see. Any thoughts on this?

Does anyone have clean screenshots from the levels of Chrono Cross? Without sprites and monsters and stuff on it. I'd especially like the Chronopolis and Dead Sea maps. Also the world map of El Nido.

I saw two of them, Van's Room and Nadia's Bell. I wonder who took these and how they did it. How can you remove the characters and monsters from the screen so you can take a proper screenshot? I found the two of them here, have a look.

Other Topics and the Prerelease / Unused portraits
« on: March 12, 2008, 08:04:24 am »
I found three portraits that are not used ingame:

Young Kid, Serge-Lynx, and Dragon God. The Serge Lynx portrait is displayed when buying new equipment, but it's only very small, so that doesn't fully explain the existance of this bigger version. The young Kid portrait is obviously from Kid in her orphanage outfit. Maybe they first wanted to give her a portrait, but took it out later. I replayed the orphanage scene to make sure, and this portrait is definitely not displayed. Finally, the Dragon God portrait. It's also never displayed, he talks without a portrait. I guess they wanted to give him a portrait first too, but also took it out.

What do you guys think?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / The Fall of Guardia... Did it even happen?
« on: February 27, 2008, 06:00:37 pm »
Ok, this may sound dumb, but I'd like to discuss the Fall of Guardia. The only ACTUAL proof that it happened is that anime FMV right? Well, here's the problem.

In the PSX version of Trigger, you only get that FMV if you beat Lavos while CRONO IS DEAD. Maybe this implies that Guardia would have fallen if Crono would have died, but maybe there was no Fall of Guardia when Crono became king when he married Marle.

I hope you understand my reasoning. Did the Fall of Guardia actually happen, or was that cutscene just an example of what would have happened if Crono wouldn't have made it?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Nu in Cursed Woods?
« on: February 21, 2008, 11:41:38 am »
Did anyone know there's a Nu in Cursed Woods 600 A.D.? Why is there a Nu in 600 A.D. and why does it say "Stop it you dog"?

First off, I need the El Nido world map. The entire thing, not just the main land or other islands, but everything. And without text, just the visuals. In one image. If someone could give me this, I'd be grateful.

Secondly, I got two questions about the Dragon Tear:

1. After Lynx and Serge used it, it shattered. Does this really mean it only has one use? What use could it have served to the Dragonians if it was only usable once? Maybe there were more Dragon Tears?

2. In the General Kid ending, Kid runs in and fights Lynx, and finds what she thinks is the Frozen Flame. But in fact, this is the Dragon Tear, right? At the end it says Porre and Guardia fell at the hands of the Dragoons, how's that possible if the "Frozen Flame" was actually just the Dragon Tear?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / CT beta rom
« on: December 03, 2007, 08:27:26 am »
Does anyone have the beta rom from CT? And could you upload it?

Chrono Cross Modification / Playing as Dark Serge
« on: October 20, 2007, 10:59:10 pm »
Would it be possible to change the Serge sprite / portrait with Dark Serge's? And that he's wielding the scythe?

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Different gate speeds
« on: October 14, 2007, 11:53:23 am »
Has anyone noticed in some gates in CT the blue wave-thingies spin faster then others? Like the gate in Guardia Forest 1000 AD to 2300 AD. The waves in that gate really were spinning faster then the other gates.

I wonder what it means?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Recruit Schala
« on: October 10, 2007, 02:03:26 pm »
I read this on the web

Chrono Trigger Hint: Recruit Schala
To have Schala as a party member, fight her mother in an optional battle. Go and clear the game. Select New Game Plus and reach the same part where you fight Schala's mother and opt to flee from the battle.

Now, when the city falls, an island will appear. Go there and you will find Schala crying, and she says she has no where to go, and asks to join you.

Can anyone confirm this? Or is it just made up by some fan?

Is there a lyric for that? Because all this time they're speculating about a person who can sing the song and about the song being sung in itself. But in the end there is no song, just a theme. So I was wondering if there's a lyric for this?

I read that if you do the Hydra quest, you kill the Hydra, and then put up Razzly front and let her inspect the Hydra. She will then mention the Hydra has a baby, and the baby Hydra wil walk around the pond. Then, after the fight with the Hi Ho Tank on Water Dragon Isle, Kid mentions that the forest is not dead, and that there's a baby Hydra. The dwarves will now go back to the forest instead of disappear.

Does anyone know if this is true? If so, it's worth checking out.

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