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Messages - Rookie_One

Pages: [1]
Chrono Cross HD Edition / Re: Goals, Progress, & Discussion
« on: September 10, 2020, 02:24:57 pm »
to add in the bugfixes, wasnt there a bug where Razzly fierce(3) attack hit harder than supposed to, while Zoah fierce attack hit weaker than supposed to ?

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« on: August 17, 2020, 02:07:13 pm »
sorry for the stupid question and necroing the thread, but got to ask :

Does the single disk include any fixes for the bugs in the original game ? (attack power for Zoah and Razzly, Pip element grid, etc...)

Chrono Cross HD Edition / Re: Goals, Progress, & Discussion
« on: August 17, 2020, 03:23:01 am »
@Kodokami in the things that could be added to that list :

Add a wraith with the ghetz shirt (prizvel did a patch for that : )

Switch the portrait for lynx to the second one after the bodyswap between lynx and serge for the few time we will see it (when we select an answer to a question as serge/lynx) (that one :

One more that is more of a simple wish, add a way to recruit glenn no matter the path (maybe just make him recruitable in the save kid path only on new game plus ?)

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Pip Element Grid Glitch FIX!
« on: February 09, 2020, 08:59:56 pm »
@Prizvel could it be possible to have the link to the patch ?

Chrono News / Re: Chrono Сross Modification
« on: November 13, 2016, 04:58:55 am »
Nothing new ?

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Test posts
« on: May 28, 2016, 12:37:14 pm »
testing time

Chrono News / Re: Chrono Сross Modification
« on: April 21, 2016, 10:06:33 am »
Nice, really looking toward these gameplay changes  :D

Chrono News / Re: Chrono Сross Modification
« on: April 14, 2016, 05:47:34 pm »
Sorry, I meant replacing it for when serge is in lynx body.

From what we know, they intended to use this portrait for serge when he is in lynx body, as a way to show how different he is from lynx. Note that I don't know if Lynx NPC and Lynx PC are treated differently in-game or are treated as the same character (after the dragonia fort fight, serge still use a swallow while in Lynx body, so I suspect that they are treated as differents characters, but i'm really not sure about it since I never did plunge in the game files)

AFAIK, portrait are only used for serge/lynx when you have to make a dialogue choice since he is a silent protaganist, but that would be a nice way to show the change between serge and lynx (and actually, that portrait was in the game files, just not implemented, either by accident or other)

Chrono News / Re: Chrono Сross Modification
« on: April 14, 2016, 12:46:03 pm »
And finally, are you planning to make it so that after the bodyswap, the portrait when serge "speak"(when you have to make a choice) is this instead of default lynx portrait :
What choice can't do, because the portrait settings are stored in each level separately. 

What do you mean by "What choice can't do" ?  :?

Anyway, I'll replay the game later and show you what I mean by switching the portrait when you are lynx in-game (it's especially something that would be important I think, at least as a bugfix, as the second portrait, that is in the game file but not used, show a more compassionate face, and many characters mention that Lynx don't act or look his usual way, since it's serge in Lynx Body).

Chrono News / Re: Chrono Сross Modification
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:46:06 pm »
True enough, although I would still had preferred to have a way to get him.

For those that were with you at Fort Dragonia (except Kid), are you planning for them to get thrown in the vortex with Serge ?

And finally, are you planning to make it so that after the bodyswap, the portrait when serge "speak"(when you have to make a choice) is this instead of default lynx portrait :

Anyway, the most importants things are the fixes, especially concerning the attacks value for the strongest attacks of Razzly and Noah (straight from the compendium encyclopedia :
Most Cross characters have hit values for heavy attacks of 20, unless they target all enemies (at which point they're only 10). Square apparently made a mistake with Zoah and Razzly; Zoah's is only 10, while Razzly's is 20.

And the glitches with Pip(seriously, the grid and the stats are annoying.... :x )

Chrono News / Re: Chrono Сross Modification
« on: April 12, 2016, 08:24:34 am »
I Like Acacia Sgt idea.

Myself I think that Glenn should become a character that is not route-dependent.

For the lines, I would not be surprised if in fact, originally, when serge was thrown in the temporal vortex, that the third party member would be thrown in it too, explaining the lines he was supposed to have during the encounter with Garai

Ah yeah, one thing I seen in the wiki was that Lynx has unused portrait that was supposed to be used when Serge was in the body, showing the face with a kinder expression....don't know if it could be implemented though

Chrono News / Re: Chrono cross modification
« on: April 06, 2016, 05:01:02 pm »
Just registered for this, and looking forward to it. I hope it will permit to recruit glenn no matter the choice you make for Kid when she is poisoned
I thought to make possible to get all characters in a single playthrough, but it would be contrary to the system of choice in the game, so these changes are not planned.

Here to me being late answering you

It's a bit of a shame, I would had liked an exception specifically for Glenn(maybe later in game, like after serge exchange body with linx) if you choose to save kid, since he does add  a lot to the story

Chrono News / Re: Chrono cross modification
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:26:52 am »
Just registered for this, and looking forward to it. I hope it will permit to recruit glenn no matter the choice you make for Kid when she is poisoned  :D

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