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Messages - LavosFan

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Magic, Elements, and Technology / Re: How does the Enertron work?
« on: November 29, 2009, 09:31:23 pm »
Well I can't imagine a body being able to get nurtured without any carbon, but its the future so maybe the thing just transforms dirt somehow? I wouldn't know   :shock:

Magic, Elements, and Technology / Re: How does the Enertron work?
« on: November 29, 2009, 08:40:56 pm »
Hunger is signaled by the stomach (and other factors). If energy and nutrition was delivered to the body directly

How would the Enertron provide nutrition and energy with no organic matter as fuel or something?

Near the end of Chrono Cross I think its Kid that tells Serge that its time to go and save Schala, considering she's been "waiting for 10k years" or so.

So the question is, The End of Time and Darkness Beyond Time are examples of Time Error, but they have a timeline of their own(right?) but at what point in their timeline do they connect with the other timelines?

Like for example, how long has Gaspar been at the end of time when Crono and the others arrive, how long has Schala been at the Darkness Beyond Time before she's saved?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Did Belthasar mindfuck Serge
« on: November 29, 2009, 08:32:32 pm »
After Lavos was defeated, he was possibly sent to the Darkness Beyond Time. There, he intercepted Schala, who came in from the Ocean Palace Incident; he then merged with her to form a new being, the Time Devourer, capable of consuming all space-time at maturity. Belthasar planned every event in the game so that Serge could get his hands on the Chrono Cross artifact and destroy the Time Devourer.

Schala is pretty and all, but I think Belthasar realized  there was more at stake than just a pretty face.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Recycling bad guys...
« on: March 26, 2009, 01:12:21 am »
huh? one of the most recurrent complaints about Cross is its deviation from the chrono trigger world and characters, or so I've heard. And the few things that do link CC with CT also get criticized?

So if I shoot and miss, I lose, and if I shoot and hit, I lose aswell. Is there a way for CC to ever win?

Polling / Re: If they re-released Chrono Cross...
« on: December 09, 2008, 09:26:29 pm »
Youll also get Korcha's mom, whatever her name is.

@Black Wind= The whole collecting items for equipment thing isnt really a Chrono series unique feature, you can find it in other square games. They just want you to work for the good equipment, instead of easily buying it, but I guess it can get annoying. Maybe they should make it so that only the final equipment needs you to gather items, that would make it better, perhaps.

I also don't mind the no level ups. I played FFIV recently, and whenever I told someone that I was having trouble with a specific boss, their advice would always be "youre probably underleveled". It seems that whenever someone gets stuck, instead of trying to come up with some sort strategy and make the game fun, they just overlevel and brute force their way through the tough parts of games, but thats me.

If I had to change something, I would agree with Black Wind and give Serge lines, and give double and triple techs around, those are some nice stuff that I had never really thought about but it would definitely make the game more enjoyable, at least for me.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Is Guile an amnesiac post-CTDS Magus?
« on: December 07, 2008, 01:12:09 am »
Yes, but they're still the same person, not someone different, atleast in RD, and it seems horribly egotistical to go around changing people just because they're not what "they used to be" <.<
Plus, you didn't address maggiekarp's good points.

Uhh... Yeah. What's your beef?

No beef, just pointing it out because spamming is usually annoying. This isn't a chatroom you know.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Is Guile an amnesiac post-CTDS Magus?
« on: December 07, 2008, 12:47:27 am »
But what if he prefers a kind and protective Schala over an abrasive one from a different upbringing? And by entering time's eclipse and the dimensional vortexes, what if the party changed the future of the rd world like how Serge not dying changed the outcome of homeworlds future?

What the hell? If Magil did something like this I would have no choice but to call him a jerk.

"Oh, I don't like this Schala, screw her, I'll go get me a new one" Doesm't sound like Magil at all.

I also don't see how entering the DBT or Time Eclipse affects the RD dimension.

That was me, dude.

You do realize that there was a a post just before saying that exact same thing?

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Chrono Trigger DS - Reactions (Spoilers)
« on: December 07, 2008, 12:19:40 am »
GIHARGH!! finished the game in about 4 days last week and it was great playing it again. I didn't enjoy the Lost Sanctum as much just like everybody else. It wouldn't have been that bad if they didn't make those goddamn yellow frogs and black rats unavoidable, and the same goes for the birds that even required magic to be killed. Throughout the whole Lost Sanctum I was wishing I was Indian or something so that I could eat rats and frogs without barfing, but whatever.

Anyways, the possibility that the Lost Sanctum is the Reptite Dimension doesn't seem too farfetched to me. Sure, they were nice to humans which was weird, but keep in mind that these humans had just killed off the monsters they had so much trouble dealing with, messing with them would be begging to be slaughtered. Plus, its not like they were that nice. Their first reaction was "what?! this apes killed off the monsters?! that's impossible!" and whenever the party would tell them they saved them because they were friends, the reptites would reply with "you consider us friends?" But who knows.

I also loved Dalton going from circus clown to complete super stardom. Crono, Marle and Lucca sure are going to learn not to underestimate him anymore...if they even survived that is, huhoho!

Polling / Re: If you could change Chrono Cross, how would you do it?
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:36:16 pm »
Im sick of arguing too, so I'll just say it once again. Even if CC sucks as much as you people say, removing a bunch of characters wouldn't "fix" the game. Its major flaws would still be there. Lets say that Serge sucks. So we remove ZOAH and, lo and behold! Serge suddenly doesn't suck anymore! Do you seriously believe that if they removed the useless characters the remaining ones would suddenly look better? The only thing that was going to make them better was spending more time developing them. But ditching characters doesn't translate into more developing for the remaining ones. I just dont see the point in wanting to remove characters you don't use, since it would help in no way.

Would the story be explained any easier? No. Would Crono and the crew suddenly be back? No. Would my character roster become smaller? YES it would! wow, suddenly Chrono Cross makes sense to me.

Polling / Re: If you could change Chrono Cross, how would you do it?
« on: October 10, 2008, 04:28:40 pm »
Quote from: ChocoboFan
I'm talking about CT-esque character development

And what exactly is this? What so fantastic about the stories of the CT characters that puts all other game stories to shame? I seriously dont see it. The only one that truly is outstanding is Magus/Janus. But thats just one guy.

Quote from: ChocoboFan
Hm, yeah, let's see, about 8 or so characters out of forty-three have actual character development. Why...?

Doesnt CT only have 7 playable characters? So what if the other 30 characters are there for nothing. Even if they take up space. How come Pip doesnt waste space. I think its pretty hypocritical to say that they should have ditched all meaningless characters and at the same time you want Pip to stay, when Pip is pretty meaningless itself. I dont have anything against Pip, but I'm just trying to make you see the situation I'M in.

Quote from: ChocoboFan
And how is Lavos's name do more options make it easier to find something?! If you have a library with a million books, and you only want one, then it's going to take you much, much longer to find it than if the library had, say, a hundred books. If we just stick with a couple characters all the time, what is the point of all that dead weight?!

Well, maybe I should rephrase it, its not easier, but it gives you more probabilities to find what you like. I, for instance, have no special love for any CT character. I like them alot, but I dont LOVE <3 <3 <3 them. Its just 40 something characters anyways, not a million :P. And the library analogy doesnt work, considering its pretty easy to find books in a library despite of how many books it contains, plus, big libraries are way better than small libraries.

Quote from: ChocoboFan
And of course Serge had more development, Crono was pretty much the only character in CT who didn't have any. If you compare 1 to 0, that's still more, right? Serge was confusing, though. Like Zipp says, CC takes so many plot twists that even it doesn't know where it's going anymore.

Plot twists? What plot twists? Out of my head, I can only think of 3, when Lynx changes bodies with you, when you find out the Dragod God thing was manipulating you into destroying FATE, and when you find out Belthasar was pulling all the strings. I find other stuff like the nature of the Dead Sea and the DBT alot more intriguing and difficult to understand than this plot twists.

Quote from: ChocoboFan
and I can understand why people could think Pip is useless -- unless you have a guide, you're not going to have a clue what's up with his transformations and his regular form's stats are pretty low. Oh, and there's that annoying bug that if you don't evolve him to his final form before you start fighting the dragons, he doesn't get any element grid extensions.

Like I said before, I have nothing against Pip, I think hes pretty cool, wether hes meaningful to the plot or if he has development, thats another thing. But even if hes not, that doesnt bother me, it does seem to bother you though. Thats why I think its hypocritical from your part.

Quote from: ChocoboFan
The point is, you don't need all these characters. CT had everything you needed -- a black mage, a white mage, a fighter, a paladin, a tank, and an ace-of-all-trades. The only redundant characters were Lucca/Janus, but they still managed to be rather different and *gasp* they actually had backstory and development!

And you dont need the internet! nor you need any of this video games. All you need is food and shelter. And yet we have invented an amazing amount of conveniences. If I wanted the same type of game you describe, then I would go back to the 90s and play them all again. I did recently played FFIV since i somehow hadn't played that one before and it bore me to death.

Quote from: ChocoboFan
Compare that to CC, where we have about 7 of each type minus the ace-of-all trades. -.- Plus Pip, and then Serge is the ace-of-all trades. Everyone else can fit into one of those categories. That's why I like Pip so much: He's the only character who has a truly unique fighting style. Everyone else is a copy-and-paste of the CT crew, minus the character development and backstory. (sans Serge, Lynx, Harle, Kidd, Radius, and Karsh for the development/backstory part)

lol, you say this like if CT was the first game ever. Anyways. You seem to agree that a handful of CC characters had backstory and development. So whatever, youre obviously a CT fan and nothing I say will change your mind.

To be fair, I think CT is a fantastic game and it changed the gaming world forever, but I see CC on the same level.

EDIT: a new post while I was writing all that. Lets see.

Quote from: V_Translanka
Serge had more Character Development than Crono? Gimmie a break. Like I've said a dozen times before: At least Crono had a fuggin SURPRISED SPRITE! Serge in RADICAL DREAMERS, yes. CC? No.

At least Serge had a Story. Crono woke up and went on an adventure.

Quote from: V_Translanka
don't see any of them having very much Character Development besides maybe Karsh & Radius...Glenn to an even lesser degree...I mean, c'mon, ZOAH!? You are wrong. But then again, you just say 'had development' not had a good degree of development...but even then, with Zoah you're still wrong.

Acacia Dragoons + Radius - Zoah. Whatever, whats your point? What ive been trying to say is that CC has alot of meaningless characters but they arent doing any harm to anyone, so I dont see why people hate the fact that it had so many. In fact, the only possibility is that someone might like any of them. You saying that Zoah is another one in the "endless" list of forgettable, meaningless characters makes no difference, and it doesnt contradict what I'm trying to say.

Quote from: V_Translanka
And yeah, Irenes had SOOOOO much development that you couldn't even remember her name. Oh wait, or maybe it was because she was another completely forgettable character! >_>

I have bad memory? maybe? Sure, shes forgettable, yet, i still see no relevance in your entire post.

Maybe he meant Black Omen

Polling / Re: If you could change Chrono Cross, how would you do it?
« on: October 10, 2008, 01:43:04 pm »
And if you have hundreds of eating options in a restaurant, (most of which are pretty much the exact same thing) won't you be overwhelmed and not know what to pick? Or sometimes, you'll just decide to eat the same thing at that restaurant over and over again. Isn't that a waste?

Thats exactly my point, its easier to find something you like if you have much more options. Once you do, you stick to what you like. It wouldn't be a waste because other people have different tastes and likes, therefore different people would choose different things. Unless we're all robots.

Isn't that a waste? This is the sequel to CT, one of the greatest RPGs of all time. It should have character development. With tons of characters, you can't do that.

What do you mean? CC has tons on development, on the important characters. If you make a list of the CC characters that have development, you'll be surprised to know its a big one. Sure, theres also tons of characters that arent even touched in this matter, but what difference does it make? If you suddenly added 30 more characters to Chrono Trigger, would the substance already present in characters liked Magus and Frog be lost? I think not.

And yes I don't need to use every character, but it just feels so stupid that I have nine bazillionty characters in my roster that I never use.

CT was good, because even if there were some characters you didn't like, it wasn't a big deal, because you didn't have a billion characters. And on top of that, they weren't redundant. CC has tons of characters that are practically copy-and-pastes of other characters with different abilities. The only really unique ones I could find were Pip and Sprigg. I liked Pip. (And even then, he should have some backstory as to why he reacts to Elements like he does...) I can't say that for very many other characters in CC.

I still dont see why it bothers you to have them there. There simply is no reason. Do you feel sorry for them? They're not real you know.
What if someone thought Pip was a useless character? would you be happy with Pip being removed?

They should have simply stuck with one character of each element, (something like Serge, Kidd, Guile, (as Janus) Glenn, [an important Yellow character that I can't remember], [an important Blue character], and perhaps Pip as an optional character) and maybe another 6 characters (and Pip! :D) for the Lynx section, that merge when you revert, for a total of 13 characters.


The point is: CT had character development. CC did not.

Serge had development, alot more than Crono actually.
Kid had development.
All the Acacia Dragoons, including Radius, had development.
Fargo, Nikki and the mermaid(forgot her name) had development
Norris had some I guess
And a few others

There, I made the list  :?

And even characters that had none are cool, like for example my favorites are Doc and Funguy. I dont want them gone, I like them and Im glad someone thought of them and included them.

Polling / Re: If you could change Chrono Cross, how would you do it?
« on: October 10, 2008, 09:38:07 am »
I just dont understand why people would want less characters on a game. Having less characters on a game is like having less eating options in a restaurant. Its just so stupid for anyone to wish for "less characters".

NEWS FLASH. You dont have to use any character you don't want. You don't even have to accept them in your party. The important characters dont suffer because of the big amount of characters because their stories are told anyways. A character you hate might be liked by someone else.

Am I missing something here? Do the CC characters come out of the game and smack your head while you sleep? Do they force themselves into your group of 3 even if you don't want to have them there? 

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: How many "entities"?
« on: October 06, 2008, 12:41:48 am »
ah yes! but thats in Chrono Trigger! In Chrono Cross the Entity is fully aware. After all, it was the planet that pulled in Dinopolis into the dimension to fight off Chronopolis. And this was once Lavos was already defeated.

Mostly: Further input necessary to hypothesize.
I mean, Lavos had to actually wipe it out before it initially was able to intervene...

Hmm...this brings the question, if Lavos(or anyone for that matter) destroys the Entity or the planet in one dimension, would the Entity die in all dimensions?

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