Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 490289 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1725 on: January 29, 2009, 02:07:56 pm »
you know, you really don't want to get me started on this. trust me. But since you already have, let me give you a few reasons why it was allowed.

In an Essay, no matter what it is, you are correct that it must be based on fact, and a large majority of it must be, however my teachers also thought it was a great idea to promote originality and creativity in students. I had the facts every time I wrote the Essay and put my thoughts on the matter as they related to the facts and got good grades because of it. Not everyone can pull this off. My opinion on things was always well-informed and based on the facts on hand and remained as that. Besides, we're talking High School English, not College English, which I imagine is way harder. Perhaps I gave a bad example. It's been a while since I've been in school and I can't remember what all went into my Essays, but I did get great grades all the way through because of my natural voice and ability to express what I wanted to express while still remaining on topic and relating to the facts.

Academic integrity, my ass. Academic Integrity stands for shit these days. Everything is all about fluff, so you telling me that fluff is just an insult (and maybe you're right, because I feel my intelligence is insulted by all the fluff in commercials, etc. these days) is really going against what our society is today. You want to sit here and pull this shit out on me by me saying one thing that just so happens to be true in High School English classes, while never minding the fact that society is based on fluff, is bullshit. They're going to dock your grade whether you don't meet the requirement or if you fill it with fluff. At least if you fill it with some fluff, while mixing in a vast majority of facts, you still stand to get an A on it. You don't make the required amount and your chances of an A drop, because that's all some teachers see.

My teachers were all great, and taught me a lot of things while making it fun for me to learn, so if you want to sit there and diss them, you're really going to piss me off, and you don't want to do that.

I never said it was the best way to do it, I never said that at all, I just said it worked. If you have a problem with that fact, take it up with the schools, but don't be flipping me shit here for it. I won't stand for that.

Having said that, I do respect your stance, and I will keep that in mind when I do go to College for my Master's Degree in English.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1726 on: January 29, 2009, 03:08:01 pm »
Major thanks for your help Idiom, it worked.
The thing about this class, the essays are thrown out if they're anything under the minimum requirements. Three misspellings or typos, in the trash. More or less than six sentences for the intro, in the trash. Shorter or longer than two and a half pages, in the trash. Use first person pronouns or passive voice, in the trash. No grade.
It was a classification essay, and I just have a hard time classifying things I don't really care about.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1727 on: January 29, 2009, 05:23:48 pm »
bus drivers that drive right by when you are waiting at the stop.  i wish death upon those assholes.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1728 on: January 29, 2009, 05:44:58 pm »
In an Essay, no matter what it is, you are correct that it must be based on fact, and a large majority of it must be, however my teachers also thought it was a great idea to promote originality and creativity in students.

A fine idea, but actually my comment was more on how it is presented. Good essays should be forceful (be they argumentative or informative). Phrases like "I think" don't belong, even if it is only what you think. Saying "I think" is essentially an apology. Read a textbook; the majority of what is in it is nothing more than what someone thought, but you won’t find the authors apologizing. So act like whatever you think is what is... just be sure the arguments and evidence is there to back it up.

Of course, any such concepts always take a back seat to specific prompt directions. If you teacher thinks asking students to state what they think will inspire creativity, then one should by all means use those very words.

Besides, we're talking High School English, not College English, which I imagine is way harder.

Unfortunately, not really. Maybe you'll be lucky and get teachers who'll challenge you but in general, no.

... but I did get great grades all the way through because of my natural voice and ability to express what I wanted to express while still remaining on topic and relating to the facts.

A wonderful gift. But since you said you're getting a degree in English, allow me to warn you that it seems like every English department has at least one professor who tries to teach "style." No good has ever come from such a concept.

You want to sit here and pull this shit out on me by me saying one thing that just so happens to be true in High School English classes, while never minding the fact that society is based on fluff, is bullshit.

Actually, it's high ideals (but maybe I'm quibbling over semantics). Yes, society works by keeping up appearances (that is, by being filled with fluff), but why should that give fluff value? Suppose you are employed at a business; you can probably get by with fluff (giving the appearance of actual work without there being any value to it), but you can also get by with actual work, being productive, etc. Fluff or work get the same short term result. But long term? An employee pool of fluff will bloat the company, waste resources, and weaken it. Fluff is why American automakers aren't doing so hot, fluff is why the dot com bubble burst in the 90's, etc. Trying giving nothing but fluff in a relationship and see how long that lasts (and see how much it satisfied you). Fluff works in the short term, but it is not a viable long term survival strategy.

Maybe you’ll be lucky and get by with a life of fluff to no consequences, but you’ll have harmed everything you gave fluff to instead of real work.

Your mind is like a muscle; if you don't use it (by producing naught but fluff), it will be weak for when you do need it.

My teachers were all great, and taught me a lot of things while making it fun for me to learn, so if you want to sit there and diss them, you're really going to piss me off, and you don't want to do that.

Actually, that sounds like fun. I've never been one to let sleeping dogs lie ;)

Hints of sadism aside, who was insulting your teachers? To say that a teacher gets worn down isn't an insult, it’s a statement regarding the system itself.

The American education system is a meat grinder that both students and teachers are put through. A "teacher" is the single most important employee in a school district; they are the ones producing the goods that merits the schools existence in the first place. But they are burdened with dictates from above, regimes and structures that hamper the teaching process. English teachers, for example, often can't choose what books to have their students read; these are established by a school board or department supervisor. Even when they do get to choose, those choices are restricted by what is considered appropriate subject matter. Harry Potter might be better literature than The Crying of Lot 49, but if the school board doesn't like it, too bad.

Grades are another example of how teachers are oppressed (and students in turn). Let us use a mathematical example. A math teacher has to produce a grade, so they have to test the students, yes? But parents expect to see homework, so the teacher can't just have one final at the end of class. Thus, homework is assigned. Usually this is in the form of numerous math problems, in the range of 30-40 sometimes.

Except... that is utterly pointless. If a student doesn't understand how to solve a problem, those 30-40 problem will be a struggle and might well ingrain incorrect concepts that the student will then need to unlearn. Alternately, a parent might help the student figure out how to solve the problem, but then if the parents are the teachers, why have a teacher? And if the student already knows how to solve the problems? Then those 30-40 problems are busy work. Usually about 5 math problems are sufficient to determine if a student understands or needs additional help.

So counter-productive homework is used to help determine a grade (and keep in mind that a math teacher of a class of 30 would have somewhere around 900-1200 problems to grade, then).

Some teachers enter the field with hope; they're going to teach students to the best of their ability. But as soon as a teacher allows crap like that to go on, they are allowing their own abilities to be hampered. When a teacher gets to the point where they value fluff over actual work, damn straight they've lost hope and determination.

That your teachers succeeded in making the subject fun to learn is a clear indication that they do not value fluff over actual work. But don't be so blind as to think that they're perfectly fine; they're under a heavy burden of a useless bureaucracy; if that was removed, no matter how good they are now, they could be better.

The thing about this class, the essays are thrown out if they're anything under the minimum requirements. Three misspellings or typos, in the trash. More or less than six sentences for the intro, in the trash. Shorter or longer than two and a half pages, in the trash. Use first person pronouns or passive voice, in the trash. No grade.
It was a classification essay, and I just have a hard time classifying things I don't really care about.

Gah. Teacher’s like that make me foam at the mouth in rage. Besides, sometimes the passive voice is needed. There is a reason it exists.

Sad this is, there are teachers who forbid the passive voice who also don’t understand what it actually is. I’ve had more than one teacher who thought that the past tense was the same as the passive voice.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1729 on: January 29, 2009, 05:52:48 pm »
Teachers are kind of stupid sometimes.

My current gripe stems from a staple I found in the collar of my shirt. First, it was bugging my neck. So I take off my coat (GASP) and check that. Not there. Then I see that it's on my shirt. So I start to pry it off with my fingers, but the sharp metal stuck under the nail of my pointer finger. It still hurts like hell...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1730 on: January 29, 2009, 08:27:06 pm »
All Teachers are are kids that grew up and were taught how to do what they do. Basically, we're all people, but when you look at it from that viewpoint, it's a lot easier to understand that you may have a better grasp of things than your teacher does. Just because they teach you doesn't mean that they're any good at it.

And if you don't think that asking people what they think on any matter is breeding mental activity or creativity, then I feel sorry for you. Asking what someone thinks on the matter and requiring a fully thought-out response doesn't make your brain weaker, and it's a pity that you believe that. Saying 'I think' is not an apology at all, but hey, me telling you that isn't going to change your mind on the matter, is it. You've already closed your mind on this issue and declared yourself the top authority of anything and everything related to it, so what's the point of even continuing this argument?

I know a losing battle when I see one, and even though I feel that you're wrong on a lot of your points, there's really no need to argue or debate over it because the outcome will still be the same: You'll walk away from this, still thinking that you're right, and I'll walk away frustrated because I couldn't get you to see reason. I've been down this trail before, so I'll save myself the time and effort.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1731 on: January 29, 2009, 08:48:09 pm »
Speaking of writing, I'm totally pissed that Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles could have been the most kickass TV series ever, but suffers from extreme scenario design hiccups, and flabbergasting writing at times. What's really interesting is that the inter-character banter and the acting seem top-notch. The actors do an amazing job with the sheer ridiculousness they're handed sometimes; I actually care about the characters, probably because after Terminator 3 I approach anything Terminator with extremely low expectations anymore. It's probably a function of corporate execs placing limitations on the writers, and the writing crew being switched up constantly.

Oh, and Youtube neutered the "Magus Unmasked" video yet again.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1732 on: January 29, 2009, 08:51:45 pm »
Sad this is, there are teachers who forbid the passive voice who also don’t understand what it actually is. I’ve had more than one teacher who thought that the past tense was the same as the passive voice.

And then there's the Middle Voice...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1733 on: January 29, 2009, 09:15:19 pm »
Sad this is, there are teachers who forbid the passive voice who also don’t understand what it actually is. I’ve had more than one teacher who thought that the past tense was the same as the passive voice.

And then there's the Middle Voice...

I look forward to the "...[punch line]" post that will hopefully follow this one.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1734 on: January 29, 2009, 09:21:04 pm »
and then someone kicks you in the nuts and you hit the "high voice"?

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1735 on: January 29, 2009, 09:23:13 pm »
Oh, and Youtube neutered the "Magus Unmasked" video yet again.

What did they do this time?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1736 on: January 29, 2009, 09:25:43 pm »
I can't remember when, but when I tried to check out Faustwolf's videos after his cheers of "The audio's back!", I found that the audio didn't match up. (Swapped-out audio instead of the original audio apparently.)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1737 on: January 29, 2009, 10:12:11 pm »
Pretty much the same with what Vehek said.  After he said it, it only played audio for the first...10-20 seconds and then the rest was a complete dead silence.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1738 on: January 29, 2009, 10:15:23 pm »
Same thing here as well, it been like that everytime I've looked save the time you first posted it months back.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #1739 on: January 29, 2009, 10:17:50 pm »
Yeah, they replaced the audio track with the swapped audio I chose to resolve the original copyright warning. Then the audio was restored, and now it's back to the swapped audio. I'm still hopeful that the tide will turn again, seeing as the purchase link to the Dead Can Dance song I used for the Darkness Beyond Time music is still there.

I think I saw somewhere that Youtube/Google was originally supposed to have paid the Warner Music Group a commission based on the number of copyrighted songs appearing in all the Youtube vids, and that deal failing is what brought doom and gloom unto the Youtubers. With the software Youtube is using (some very, very secret technology developed by "Audible Magic"), it is a very realistic goal to measure the number of instances of copyrighted music appearing in all of Youtube, so I'm hoping that they'll make amends. This whole ordeal has been about Youtube/Google trying to appease WMG.