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Messages - Ris

Pages: [1] 2
Site Updates / Re: Good News Bad News
« on: June 06, 2009, 11:05:00 pm »
It seems like SE is becoming a sprawling bureaucracy. Has anyone seen how huge the end-credits are for FFIV After Years? Maybe they need huge sales in order to make up what it costs them to make even fairly basic games these days. I wouldn't be surprised if it cost almost as much to make CT:DS as it did to make the original CT, just because of how much inefficiency there seems to be at SE nowadays.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Arena prizes question
« on: February 03, 2009, 06:18:36 pm »
The mirrors and Nu Arcana are limited to the 'Strong' monsters in each tier.

I thought this too, but then I got an Aresian Mirror from fighting a Ninja in Tier 6.  You're definitely way more likely to get them from a boss monster though.  Boss monsters seem to have their own tier-independent item list, but at least some mirrors (perhaps not Nu Arcana though) appear on tier lists.

I don't see a Cross port for the DS as being feasible.  The max DS cartridge size is 256MB.  Even if all the cutscenes were removed I'm not sure it could fit (Cross was two 650MB CDs), and a lot of major plot events took place during cutscenes.  The DSi might be able to use bigger cartridges though.

Is there anything anybody says that would explain why the TD is called Dream Devourer in Trigger but Time Devourer in Cross?

Just thought of this - does the fact that Schala created Kidd while she had blue hair mean that we can consider it settled once and for all that Schala is a natural blond?

Yes, my friends! I was RIGHT!!!! The guy in the Fall of Guardia FMV is DALTON!!! AND DALTON IS BEHIND THE FALL OF GUARDIA!

I was so fucking shocked when I saw this scene. Dalton caused the Fall of Guardia and stole the Masamune. Holy fucking crap. I knew it! He was just to awesome to disappear like that!

Makes me wonder (even more) how the Masamune ended up in El Nido.  Did Dalton engineer its placement there in order to weaken the Dragoons?  (It did result in the loss of either two or three Devas, depending on if you count Radius.)

Also, it's a bit like Dalton is being set up to be a major (final?) boss in a potential future Chrono game.

Since there's so many people here talking about how they don't want to be spoiled, should someone make a separate topic to discuss the spoilers?

Is there any word on the ending anime sequence where Lucca finds Kidd?  If CC is going to be retconned out, you'd assume they'd have to remove or edit it.  However, that Crono and crew fight and defeat the TD doesn't necessarily cancel Chrono Cross.  Remember that the TD can only be destroyed, and Schala can only be saved, through the use of the Chrono Cross.  Simply defeating it ought to result in it being re-absorbed into the Darkness, like when you defeat it without using the CC in Chrono Cross.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Did the Time Devourer "select" Serge?
« on: November 30, 2006, 03:23:04 am »
Schala's compassionate interference on Serge's behalf by sending a clone to 1006 AD directly resulted in Lavos surviving the 12,000 AD battle with Crono and co, but not necessarily because it kept Serge alive.  What's important isn't necessarily whether Serge lives or dies, but that some human makes contact with the Frozen Flame and then manages to stay alive afterwards.  My reason for believing this is a quote from Belthasar from after you defeat the Dragon God TD.

   The one who connects with
   the Frozen Flame, in effect,
   links with Lavos itself.

   As the mediator between Lavos
   and living things, that one will
   gain extraordinary powers!
   By binding with the new
   seed of destruction...
   the '"Devourer of Time!"'

I think that what Belthasar is suggesting is that Serge will fulfill for Lavos the role that was once filled by Queen Zeal, the only difference being that Queen Zeal was linked to Lavos by the Mammon Machine, whereas for Serge it's the Frozen Flame.  If this is the case, then upon contact with the Flame (and the formation of a connection to Lavos) Serge immediately gained eternal life (as long as he isn't killed) and probably would have eventually gained Zeal-style magical powers (perhaps Luminaire is an early manifestation).  Also like Queen Zeal, it means that Serge, over time, would have become more and more Lavos' puppet.  It doesn't really matter who it is that comes in contact with the Flame since Lavos can guide their actions to ensure that they do whatever needs to be done to change the timeline so that Lavos survives.

The reason that Schala hears Serge's cries isn't because there's something special about Serge or because his cries were particularly compelling, but rather because the Time Devourer allows/causes her to hear them, because it has calculated that Schala will interfere in a way that will cause Serge to come into contact with the Frozen Flame (which is seen by the TD as the easiest/surest way to ensure a human comes into contact with it), and probably also calculated that her interference will nullify the side-effect of Serge's 1010 AD death.  Since the TD had some influence over Schala's mind, it may also have played a role in determining what her reaction would be.

Remaining, however, is the question of how Serge "saves" Lavos.  The best I can come up with is that he would have lived until 2300 AD and either killed Crono and co. when they time traveled there, or just prevented them from seeing the "Day of Lavos" video.  However, that creates a paradox that would have to be worked out somehow, since Serge would have to experience the Day of Lavos (since Crono and co. only travel to the ruined future) "before" he saves Lavos.  Alternately, Serge might in the future travel back in time to 1000 AD, 600 AD, 12,000 BC, 65,000,000 AD or the End of Time and kill Crono and co. before they reach the Ocean Palace, but that explanation is far more speculative.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Ozzie, Flea, and Slash
« on: November 13, 2006, 11:50:18 pm »
lol I really want to know more about them. They rocks so much. And how did they get to the end of time?

They don't necessarily have to have "gotten" to the Bend of Time, just like you can fight Tragediennes at the Bend of Time even though they aren't actually there.  Fighting any opponent is just something that can be done from the Bend of Time.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Orlha and Tia
« on: November 08, 2006, 04:07:36 pm »
Age doesn't matter. One could've died at birth, and they could be playing on the alleged psychic bond between twins.

The death would have to have taken place after 1010, so when they were 13 or older, but Orlha mentions that she was separated from Tia at birth, so they still would never have met one another.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Orlha and Tia
« on: November 06, 2006, 06:09:26 pm »
Doesn't it make a lot more sense to say that Orlha and Tia are identical twins, and in each dimension one of them died shortly after the split (with Tia dying in Another and Orlha dying in Home)?

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Error on Marcy's Character entry...
« on: October 21, 2006, 08:13:57 pm »

It identifies her full name as "Guile".

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Blonde hair.......
« on: September 17, 2006, 05:38:39 pm »
It could be that they made Kid blonde so it wouldn't be TOTALLY OBVIOUS that Kid was a clone of Schala.

It wouldn't suggest that she's a clone of Schala any more than Serge having blue hair suggests that he's a clone of Magus (which, of course, he isn't.)  More likely Kidd's appearance is intended to match her appearance in Radical Dreamers, and so Schala's appearance had to be altered in order for Kidd to be Schala's clone.

Alternatively, Kidd being Schala's clone could have been a late addition to the game (made after the CT rerelease), and so Schala's hair colour had to be altered because Kidd is shown in the CT ending movie as having blond hair.  That's highly unlikely though since Kidd has the pendant in the CT ending movie, and it also wouldn't have required a change in Schala's eye colour.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Blonde hair.......
« on: September 16, 2006, 11:48:15 pm »
I have a few ideas on this one...

1. Schala's DNA was altered to match her "sound within".  There isn't really any motive for the Time Devourer to give Schala cosmetic changes by altering her DNA, but if the Frozen Flame can recompose a person's DNA based on "the sound they generate within", it's likely contact with the Time Devourer could have the same effect.  So Schala got blond hair and blue eyes because she wanted them (maybe because they're traits common to the Earthbound Ones?) or because they're somehow a reflection of her personality (or some other interpretation of "sound inside").

Probability: Probably better than the explanations that follow.

2a. Schala is albino (blond hair and blue eyes can be signs of albinism).  If this is the case, it could give the Zeal royal family a reason to alter Schala's hair and eye colour (possibly through some kind of cosmetic magic).  The problem here is that Kidd doesn't display other symptoms of albinism (such as light sensitivity).

Probability: Not very high.

2b. The Time Devourer altered Schala's DNA to make her albino.

Probability: Worse than 2a.

2c. Her DNA was altered and she became albino because it was a reflection of her "sound inside".

Probability: Didn't happen.

3. The developers went "Hey, let's change something obvious and see what kind of explanation fans come up with to make it look like we had really deep reasons for doing it."

Probability: I could totally see this happening.

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