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*[[Albums and Doujins#Life Style - Relax|Life Style - Relax]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Life Style - Relax|Life Style - Relax]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Like a rabbit - GAME!!]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Like a rabbit - GAME!!]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Little V. - Epic Metal Covers Volume 1]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Low-tech Son - Low-tech Son with High-Tech Chan !!| Low-tech Son - Low-tech Son with High-Tech Chan !!]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Low-tech Son - Low-tech Son with High-Tech Chan !!| Low-tech Son - Low-tech Son with High-Tech Chan !!]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Lunatic Gate - Time to Maze|Lunatic Gate - Time to Maze]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Lunatic Gate - Time to Maze|Lunatic Gate - Time to Maze]]

Revision as of 06:59, 29 November 2022

General Information

Areas Played: 12000 B.C., Commons, Dimensional Vortex (2300 A.D. Interstice), Enhasa, Kajar, Melchior's Hut, Last Village
Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda
Original Japanese: 時の回廊 / Toki no Kairou
Time Signature: 4/4

Official Releases

Unofficial Releases

.spc Rips

.2SF Rips

.psf Rips


Restorations attempt to take compressed, low-quality sampled music (as found on video games, such as Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross) and "restore" them by tracking down the original samples and recreating the songs, as they would've sounded like to the composers before being subject to hardware limitations.

OrangeC Chrono Trigger Restorations

tssf Chrono Trigger Restorations

Albums and Doujins



Chrono Compendium



Stuff of Legends

Good Stuff


VGMix 4


Blue Planet

Catacomb Entrance


Celestia Square Enix Music Arrange Festival (2005)

Celestia8 -SquareEnix Festival 2nd Stage- (2011)

Celestia9 -Wish our Hope- (March 2011)

CelestiaX -SquareDance Music Arrange Festival 3-

Celestia12 -Short Charging SQEX- (March 2014)

Celestia14 -SQEX Festival:Altar-

Chrono Trigger Mixtape

Volume 1

Chrono Trigger Remake Project

Chrono Trigger Resurrection

Crystal - Square Music Arrange Festival

Dan Goodale

DJ-Dr.MNM's Chrono Trigger Hiphop Mixtape

2. 'DASH!! Time Corridor - Usher - Yeah Remix 2 (Corridors of Time)'

Dwelling of Duels

September 2004

1: 'Zealous Entropy (DoD Mix)' by Ashane

December 2006

6: 'Wings Over Zeal' by Master Hatchet
19: 'Time Circuits 150cc' by Nario

May 2009

12: Corridor Echoes by El Grapadura

August 2009

11: 'Ease Up, Crono' by VikingGuitar

September 2014

5: 'Way' by Shipluss

June 2016

18: 'Time Has a Chill Corridor' by Valence

November 2020

3rd: 'Dancefloors of Time' by Ivan Hakstok, Sixto Sounds

July 2022

7th 'Corrido of Time' by Hat, Surbhu Samdani
15th 'Corridors of Time - This Really Isn't a Paradise' by Ian Martyn
18th 'Cafe of Time' by Luna Rabbit

Episodes & Melody

Legend of Renegade Sega Genesis Arrangements

Low-tech Son


New White


OverLooked Remix

Personal Remixes


Smooth McGroove


VGMix 1


From: Music (Chrono Trigger)


\version "2.22.2"

\paper {
	#(set-paper-size "letter")
	top-margin = 2\cm
	left-margin = 1\in
	right-margin = 2\cm
	ragged-right = ##f
	ragged-bottom = ##t
	indent = 1\cm
	tagline = ##f

\header {
	title = "Corridors of Time"
	composer = "Yasunori Mitsuda"

bonang = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef treble
	\key fis \minor
	\repeat unfold 3 {
		d8 fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
	cis, fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
	d, fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
	cis, gis' b cis e gis, b cis | dis gis, b cis e gis, b cis |
	d, fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
	cis, fis a cis fis fis, a cis | gis' fis, a cis fis fis, a cis |
	d, fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
	cis, gis' b cis e gis, b cis | dis gis, b cis e gis, b cis |
	d, fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
	cis, fis a cis fis fis, a cis | gis' fis, a cis fis fis, a cis |
	\repeat unfold 3 {
		d, fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
		cis, fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
	d, fis b cis fis fis, b cis | e fis, b cis fis fis, b cis |
	cis, fis a cis fis fis, a cis | gis' fis, a cis fis fis, a cis |

chorus = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef alto
	\key fis \minor
	r1 | r | r | r | r | <a cis fis>^\markup { \italic legato }\< | <gis b e> |
	<e gis cis>\! |
	r4 <a cis fis>8\mf^\markup { \italic stacatto } r r <a cis fis> r4 |
	r <a cis fis>8 r r <a cis fis> r4 | r <gis b e>8 r r <gis b e> r4 |
	r <gis b dis>8 r r <gis b e> r4 |
	\repeat unfold 2 { r <a cis fis>8 r r <a cis fis> r4 | }
	r <cis e gis>8 r r <cis e gis> r4 |
	r <cis e a>8 r r <cis e gis> r <gis cis e> |
	\repeat unfold 2 { r4 <a cis fis>8 r r <a cis fis> r4 | }
	\repeat unfold 2 { r <gis b e>8 r r <gis b e> r4 | }
	r <a cis fis>8 r r <a cis fis> r4 | r <gis b e>8 r r <gis b e> r4 |
	\repeat unfold 2 { r <a cis fis>8 r r <a cis fis> r4 | }
	r1 | <e' fis b>2^\markup { \italic legato } <fis b e> | <b e gis>1 |
	<cis fis a>2 <b e gis>4 <a cis e> | <fis a cis>1~ |
	<fis a cis>2 <e gis b>4 <a cis e> | <e gis b>2 <cis fis a> |
	<b e gis> <a cis fis>4 <gis b e>8 <a cis fis>~ | <a cis fis>1 |
	<e' fis b>2 <fis b e> | <b e gis>1 | <cis fis a>2 <b e gis>4 <a cis e> |
	<fis a cis>1~ | <fis a cis>2 <gis b e> | <a cis fis>1~ |
	% special technique for decrescendo at end of score
	<< <a cis fis> { s2.\> s8 s\! } >> |

sitar = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef tenor
	\key fis \minor
	% pretty tuplets
	\override TupletNumber.text = #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text
	r1 | r | r | r |
	\tuplet 3/2 {
		a'16\laissezVibrer gis\laissezVibrer fis\laissezVibrer cis\laissezVibrer
		a\laissezVibrer gis\laissezVibrer
	fis4\laissezVibrer s2 | r1 | r | r2.. cis8\f | gis'8. gis16~ gis8 fis8 fis2~ |
	fis4. fis16 gis a8. b16~ b8 a16 gis | fis8. fis16~ fis8 e e2~ | e r4 r8 cis |
	gis'8. gis16~ gis8 fis fis2~ | fis4. fis8 gis8. a16~ a8 b |
	b8. cis16~ cis8 cis8~ cis2~ | cis4. cis8 e8. cis16~ cis8 a~ | a2. r4 |
	r r8 a fis4 cis' | b8. cis16~ cis8 gis~ gis4 fis8 e~ | e2. r8 e |
	fis8 a, d e fis8. gis16~ gis8 a | gis b, e fis gis8. a16~ a8 gis |
	gis2.. fis8 | fis1\mp |
	\tuplet 3/2 {
		a'16\laissezVibrer gis\laissezVibrer fis\laissezVibrer cis\laissezVibrer
		a\laissezVibrer gis\laissezVibrer
	fis4\laissezVibrer s2 | \repeat unfold 15 { r1 }

bass = \relative d {
	\time 4/4
	\tempo 4 = 112
	% set up bar numbers
	\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)
	\set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(modulo-bar-number-visible 4 1)
	\clef subbass
	\key fis \minor
	r1 | r | r | r \bar "||" |
	\mark \markup { \abs-fontsize #14 \box LOOP }
	d,4.^\markup { \italic pizz. } d a'8 d | d,4. d a'8 d | fis,4. fis cis'8 fis |
	fis,4. fis e4 | d4. d a'8 d | d,4. d a'8 d | cis,4. cis gis'8 cis |
	cis,4. cis gis'4 | d4. d a'8 d | d,4. d a'8 d | fis,4. fis cis'8 fis |
	fis,4. fis e4 | d4. d a'8 d | d,4. d a'8 d | cis,4. cis gis'8 cis |
	cis,4. cis gis'4 | d4. d a'8 d | e,4. e b'8 e | fis,4. fis cis'8 fis |
	fis,4. fis e4 |
	\repeat unfold 3 {
		d4. d a'8 d | d,4. d a'8 d | fis,4. fis cis'8 fis | fis,4. fis e4 |
	d4. d a'8 d | d,4. d8 cis4. cis8 | fis4. fis cis'8 fis |
	fis,4. fis cis'8 fis \bar "|."

\score {
		\new Staff \with {
			instrumentName = "bonang"
			shortInstrumentName = "bon."
			midiInstrument = "marimba"
		\new Staff \with {
			instrumentName = "chorus"
			shortInstrumentName = "chor."
			midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
		\new Staff \with {
			instrumentName = "sitar"
			shortInstrumentName = "sit."
			midiInstrument = "sitar"
		\new Staff \with {
			instrumentName = \markup {
				\column { double bass }
			shortInstrumentName = "bass"
			midiInstrument = "acoustic bass"
	\layout {
		\context {
			\Score \RemoveEmptyStaves
	\midi { }