October 13, 2015 - Famitsu Interview with Yasunori Mitsuda
General Information[edit]
サラとキッドの物語を音楽と歌詞で紡ぐ。光田康典氏に訊く、構想5年以上『クロノ・トリガー』&『クロノ・クロス』アレンジアルバム制作秘話 by 世界三大三代川 編集部 2015.10.13 13:45
『クロノ・トリガー』と『クロノ・クロス』。どちらも、時をテーマにした、スクウェア(現スクウェア・エニックス)が誇る名作RPGだ。『クロノ・トリガー』の発売から20年、『クロノ・クロス』の発売から16年経った2015年に、ふたつの『クロノ』シリーズをまたいだ、サウンドのアレンジアルバムが発売される。『クロノ・トリガー&クロノ・クロス アレンジアルバム/ハルカナルトキノカナタヘ』と題された本CDは、作家活動20周年となるコンポーザー光田康典氏が、長年温めてきた構想を実現したもの。『クロノ』シリーズをまたいだCDは、どのようなテーマで作られ、なぜいま発売に至ったのか。CDのマスタリングを終えたばかりの光田康典氏を直撃し、お話をうかがった。なお、このインタビューには、『クロノ・トリガー』と『クロノ・クロス』にまたがる重大なネタバレが含まれている。その点をご了承いただき、読み進めていただければ幸いだ。 広告
■CD情報クロノ・トリガー&クロノ・クロス アレンジアルバム/ハルカナルトキノカナタヘ 発売元:スクウェア・エニックス 発売日:2015年10月14日発売 定価:3000円+税 サラとキッドの物語を音楽と歌詞で紡ぐ。光田康典氏に訊く、構想5年以上『クロノ・トリガー』&『クロノ・クロス』アレンジアルバム制作秘話_02
光田 終わりました!
光田 超ギリギリでした(笑)。
光田 そうですね。ミュージシャンのスケジュールを合わせたりと、いろいろありまして。ですが、皆さんの力があって、そして、僕のワガママを聞いていただいて(笑)、いいものになったと思います。
光田 かれこれ、5、6年くらい前ですかね。そのころに、「『クロノ・クロス』のアレンジを作りますね」と、ポロっと言っちゃって。その後、ちょこちょこアレンジはしていたんですが、ただなんとなく『クロノ・クロス』のアレンジをしただけのアルバムをそのまま出していいのかな? ってずっと思っていたんです。
光田 そうなんです。それで最終的にアルバムができたとしても、単純にアレンジされた曲を聴いて終わるだけという雰囲気になりそうだったんですよね。でも、僕の中で「それって、どうなんだろう」という想いがくすぶっていて。当時、いろいろな仕事で忙しかったこともあって、あまり改善策を考える時間もなく、ずっと引っ掛かりがあったままだったんです。もっとコンセプチュアル(ひとつの概念、テーマに沿ったもの)なものを作れないだろうかと、そのコンセプトになるものは何だろうと、いろいろ考えていたときに、スクウェア・エニックスのCDスタッフの方と話をしていたら、たまたま作家活動20周年というタイミングだったこともあって、「『クロノ・トリガー』と『クロノ・クロス』の曲を混ぜたCDが出せるかもしれません」というお話が出てきたんです。それを聞いて、“それであれば、あるひとつのテーマで作るとおもしろいかもしれない”というアイデアが浮かび、今回のアルバムを作ろうと思ったんです。ですから、『クロノ・クロス』のアレンジはもちろん、『クロノ・トリガー』も漠然とオーケストラアルバムといった、皆さんからよく求められているものを個別に作ろうと思っていたんですが、両方の作品をひとつのアルバムにまとめられるという話を聞いてからは、もう「これしかない!」という想いになって、それで動き出したんですね。でも、そのコンセプトに気づいたのが、今年(2015年)なんです(笑)。
光田 今年は自分の20周年ライブもあるし、これはハードなスケジュールになるな……と思ったんですが、思いついちゃったものはしょうがない(笑)。結果、10曲中6曲が歌もので、4曲がインストゥルメンタルなんですが、ボーカルを入れるにあたって、どうしても歌ってほしい方がいて、その方をお呼びする時間だったりとかいろいろあって、本当にたいへんでした(苦笑)。
光田 CDのライナーノーツにも書いているんですが、“キッド=サラ”、そして“キッドのその後”というものですね。キッド=サラであるというつながりは、『クロノ・トリガー』と『クロノ・クロス』を合体させないと表現できないものですから。このテーマで作ると、アルバムに芯ができますし、聴いてくださる皆さんもグッと来るんじゃないかなって。
――それはもう! 『クロノ』シリーズファンからしたら、食いつかないわけがないと思います(笑)
光田 ある種、シリーズのつながりの中ではこれがメインですからね(笑)。彼女の物語を音楽でいかに表現するかということについては、歌ものにすることで歌詞が乗りますから、より具体的なイメージが凝縮されていると思います。みんなで、いろいろ考えながら歌詞を作ったんですが、これがけっこういいんですよ。
光田 はい。「サラのテーマ」は造語なんですが、日本語の訳詞のほうは僕が書いています。あと、「On The Other Side / エピローグ~親しき仲間へ~」は、ローラ鴫原さんという方にボーカルも歌詞も担当していただいています。彼女は、3、4年前からメールのやり取りをしているんですが、相当な『クロノ』マニアなんですよ。それで、いい詞を書いていただいて。あと、「ハルカナルトキノカナタヘ」と「RADICAL DREAMERS」はボーカルと歌詞をサラ・オレインさんにお願いしています。
光田 そうなんです。めちゃくちゃ『クロノ』のことを勉強したらしいです。それもあって、とてもいい歌詞です。英語の歌詞なんですが、これは皆さんに英語で感じていただきたくて、読んだ方それぞれが想像しながら訳していただきたいなと。そういった歌詞がちゃんとコンセプトとして筋を通しているので、ぜひブックレットを読んでいただきたいんです。『クロノ・トリガー』でサラが海底神殿に行ったときにどういう心境だったのかとか、物語が終わってとか。
光田 そうですね。ゲームに沿って、その場その場で心情などを想像しながら書いています。「RADICAL DREAMERS」と「ハルカナルトキノカナタヘ」の詞は、またちょっと奥が深いんですが、それぞれの解釈としてファンの方がどう楽しむか、想像の余地を出すために、この2曲はあえて英語だけにさせてもらって日本語の訳詞は載せていません。これもひとつの楽しみとして感じていただきたいですね。
光田 そうなんです。本当は、もっと入れることもできるんですが、時間の都合などもありまして……(苦笑)。ただ、ひとつの物語を1枚のディスクに収めるとすると、これくらいがちょうどいいかなと。また、違うテーマがあれば、別のコンセプトで作ればいいですし。
光田 メロディーはあまりいじっていません、そのまま残している状態です。ただ、いろいろおもしろい仕掛けを入れていまして、とくに「サラのテーマ」は、「サラのテーマ」の中に、裏メロでキッドのテーマである「星を盗んだ少女」のメロディーが絡み合ってきたりと、そういう小細工がいっぱい入っているんです。
――ええー! それはすごい!
光田 「時の回廊」にも、ちょっとサラのモチーフを入れていたりとか。
光田 じつはそうなんです。「あれ? これ「サラのテーマ」だよな」ってよくよく聴いていると、「星を盗んだ少女」が入っていたりと。そういう関連性のあるアレンジをしていますので、そういうところも聞いて「おお!」と楽しんでほしいですね。
光田 はい。いろいろ隠しているので、宝探しのように。いろいろな方向性で楽しめるアルバムにしたかったので、それはうまくできたかなと。
光田 無国籍と言えば、無国籍ですが、『ゼノギアス』のアレンジアルバム『クリイド』のような、オーケストラではないけど弦は入っているし、民族音楽だけでもないという、曲によってまったく違うものですね。表現しづらい(苦笑)。たとえば、「マブーレ」は民族音楽っぽく、「RADICAL DREAMERS」や「ハルカナルトキノカナタへ」は、おしゃれなポップスでジャズっぽく、「時の傷痕」はロックでプログレッシブっぽさもありますし、「時の回廊」は弦だけでクラシカルなものと、ジャンルでは言いづらいんですよね。
光田 そうですね。多岐に渡っています。
光田 キッドの最後が、時間を旅してセルジュを探して……、けっきょくどうなったのかはわからないまま終わっていますが、そういう意味でもずっと時間を旅しているイメージなんですよね。この曲の歌詞には、いままで会った仲間との別れなども入れているんですが、厳密にはこの曲は『クロノ・トリガー』の曲ですから、キッドというよりも全体を含めていろいろ旅してきた仲間と別れてしまうけれど、また違う次元や時空で会いましょうという、ポジティブな曲として作りました。“切な明るい”というイメージですから、エンディング、最後の曲にふさわしいかなと。
光田 そうなんです。ついに“結”を入れました。
光田 16年越しに完結したと言いますか。やっと。
光田 はい。ジャケットのデザインをしているときに、デザイナーさんに、どこかに“結”を入れて欲しいと伝えて。想像以上に大きく入りましたが(笑)。でも、これで僕の中でひとつ区切りがついたのかなという想いがありますね。
光田 そうですね。この20周年でひと区切りです。いろいろな意味で僕の中では完結したかなと。
光田 サラ・オレインさん、ローラ鴫原さん、あと小峰公子さん、3名にお願いをしています。
光田 と言いますか、キャラクターのサラについてはローラ鴫原さん、キッドに関してはサラ・オレインさんにお願いしたんです。
――あーーー、なるほど! キャラクターとアーティストを紐付けたんですね。
光田 そうなんです。サラとキッドはほぼ同じようなキャラクターではありますが、厳密には違うキャラクターですし、ゲームを遊んだプレイヤーとしてはイメージが違うと思いますので、同じ声にはしなかったんです。
光田 いろいろ考えたんですよ! 本当にいろいろと(笑)。
光田 そうなってほしいですね。ゲームを遊んでいない方もいらっしゃると思うので、アルバムをきっかけにゲームをやってみるというのもおもしろいと思います。「そういうことだったのか!」となると思いますし。そのあたりは、ちゃんと考えられたゲームですので、音楽的にアプローチがしやすかったですね。
光田 『クロノ・トリガー』は実質デビュー作ですし、ほかのゲームもキャラクターやストーリーはもちろん、いろいろ思い入れがあるんですが、『クロノ』シリーズに関しては、キッドとサラの設定が自分の中ですごく好きな設定なんです。ほかにも、カエルとかロボとかいろいろ人気のキャラクターもいますが、あえて、このサラとキッドを選んで見るというのもおもしろいかなと。『クロノ・トリガー』に関して言うと、サラはパーティーメンバーではありませんし、それほどピックアップされていないキャラクターですが、もっとサラに焦点を当ててみたいという想いもあって。それは、ずっとやってみたかったんです。
光田 ゲームのアレンジアルバムでは初めてかもしれませんね。ただ、アルバムとしては、ハッピーというより、けっこう考えてしまう、重い……というと言葉はよくないかもしれませんが、でもやっぱり重いアルバムですね(苦笑)。
光田 重くて、どんどん中に入り込んでしまうでしょうね(笑)。
光田 いえ、曲やアレンジよりは詞に苦労しましたね。
光田 はい。今回、録音からMIXまで96kHzのハイレゾにしているので、ハイレゾ配信もしようと思っています(2015年10月14日よりハイレゾ各配信サイトより配信開始予定)。でも、今回は歌ものが多いので、配信だと歌詞カードがないので、わかりづらいかもなと思っていて。とくに、英語詞ばかりですから。だから、配信以外にも、動画サイトなどでちょっと聴くだけではなく、歌詞を見ながら、じっくり聴いてほしいです。
光田 ああ、いいですねー。「こうじゃないんだよ」とか言われるかもしれませんが(笑)。
光田 「これは、僕の解釈するサラとキッドのアルバムですから」って、怒られる前に言っておこう(笑)。
光田 そうですね。『クロノ・クロス』のアレンジアルバムを作ろうとしていたときは、加藤さんにキッドの後日談を書いてもらって、それをベースに曲をアレンジしていこうというコンセプトもあったんです。でも、キッドだけだとまだ物足りないというか、十分成立はするんですが、なぜキッドが生まれたのかという大元がないと、設定が軽くなってしまう、アレンジアルバムとして薄くなってしまうと思って。そこで、サラを出したほうが腑に落ちるというか、バランスが取れるなと感じたんです。
光田 5年以上かけて作った……作ったのは1ヵ月ちょいですけど、構想は5年ですから(笑)。『クロノ・トリガー』と『クロノ・クロス』への僕なりの想いを詰め込んだアルバムになっていまして、すごく細かいところにまで仕掛けがありますから、それを探しつつアルバムを聴いてもらいたいですね。あと、歌詞が乗ることで曲のイメージが大きく変化しますから、原曲と違うイメージも楽しんでほしいです。“第3の『クロノ』”とまでは言いませんが、違った角度から『クロノ・トリガー』と『クロノ・クロス』を見つめ直すアルバムになっていますので、ぜひ聴いてください。あと、先ほども言いましたが、“起承転”まで来て、“結”がなかなか出なかったんですが、作家20周年で“結”をつけられるものができました。きっと楽しんでもらえると思いますので、じっくり聴いてください。
光田康典氏出演! 全曲試聴ニコニコ生放送開催!
光田氏のインタビュー、いかがだっただろうか。読んでいただければわかる通り、光田氏の熱い想いが入ったものになっているので、『クロノ』ファンにはとくに聴いていただきたい! そして、このCDの発売前夜である2015年10月13日(火)21時00分から、本CDの全曲試聴ニコニコ生放送が行われる。光田氏の生の声で、本作の想いを聞くチャンス! ぜひお見逃しなく!
■「クロノ・トリガー&クロノ・クロス アレンジアルバム/ハルカナルトキノカナタヘ」トラックリスト 01. 時の傷痕 ~ハジマリノ 鼓動~ / Time's Scar 02. RADICAL DREAMERS 03. 風の憧憬 / Wind Scene 04. サラのテーマ / Schala's Theme 05. 凍てついた炎 / The Frozen Flame 06. マブーレ / Marbule 07. 次元の狭間 / The Bend of Time 08. 時の回廊 / Corridors of Time 09. On The Other Side / エピローグ~親しき仲間へ / On The Other Side / Epilogue~To Good Friends 10. ハルカナルトキノカナタヘ / To Far Away Times この記事を共有
Weaving the story of Schala and Kid with music and lyrics. Ask Yasunori Mitsuda about the secret story behind the production of the "Chrono Trigger" & "Chrono Cross" arrangement album, which took more than 5 years in conception by World Sandai Sandai Kawa Editorial Department
2015.10.13 13:45
That theme that spans the "Chrono" series
Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross". Both are masterpiece RPGs by Square (now Square Enix) with a theme of time. In 2015, 20 years after the release of "Chrono Trigger" and 16 years after the release of "Chrono Cross," an album of sound arrangements spanning the two "Chrono" series will be released. The CD, titled "Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross Arranged Album: Harukanaru Tokino Kanatahe," is the realization of a long-held vision of composer Yasunori Mitsuda, who is celebrating the 20th anniversary of his artistic career. We interviewed Yasunori Mitsuda, who had just finished mastering the CD, and asked him about the theme of the CD, which spans the "Chrono" series, and why it is now being released. This interview contains major spoilers spanning "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross. Please be aware of this and continue reading.
■CD Information
- Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross Arranged Album / Harukanaru Tokino Kanatahe
- Released by: Square Enix
- Release date: October 14, 2015
- List price: 3,000 yen + tax
Weaving the story of Sara and Kid with music and lyrics. Yasunori Mitsuda talks about the secret story behind the production of the "Chrono Trigger" & "Chrono Cross" arrangement album, which took more than 5 years in planning_02
Representative of Procyon Studio. He has composed music for many video games, including the "Chrono" series, "Xenogears," and "Inazuma Eleven," as well as music for TV animation and documentary programs.
A conceptual album with a lot of attention to detail
--So, you have just finished all the work.
Mitsuda: It's done!
--It's September (at the time of the interview), so we are just in time. ......
Mitsuda: It was very last minute (laughs).
(laughs) -- Was that the result of your persistence?
Mitsuda: Yes, that's right. There were a lot of things to do, such as adjusting the schedules of the musicians. But with everyone's help and my selfishness (laughs), I think it turned out great.
--You have been talking about releasing an album of arrangements for the "Chrono" series for quite some time, haven't you?
Mitsuda: That was about five or six years ago. Around that time, I mentioned in passing that I was going to make arrangements for "Chrono Cross. After that, I did a little bit of arranging, but I wondered if it was okay to just release an album that was just arrangements of "Chrono Cross". I always wondered if it was okay to just release an album that was just arrangements of "Chrono Cross".
--Did you mean that a mere arrangement album didn't feel right?
Mitsuda: That's right. Even if the album was finally completed, it was going to have the feel of simply listening to arranged songs. But I had a nagging feeling in my mind that that was not the way it should be. At the time, I was busy with various jobs, so I didn't have much time to think about how to improve it, and it remained stuck in my mind for a long time. I was thinking about various ways to create something more conceptual (something that follows a single concept or theme), and what would be the concept for it, when I was talking with the Square Enix CD staff, and the timing happened to be the 20th anniversary of my career as an artist. I was talking with a Square Enix CD staff member, and it happened to be the 20th anniversary of my career as an author, and he mentioned the possibility of releasing a CD that mixed songs from "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross". When I heard that, I thought, "If that's the case, it might be interesting to make a CD with a single theme," and that's how I came up with the idea for this album. So, I had been thinking of making the arrangements for "Chrono Cross" as well as "Chrono Trigger" separately as an orchestral album, something that people often ask for, but when I heard that we could combine both works into a single album, I thought, "This is the only way to do it! This is the only way! and that's how we started working on it. But I didn't realize the concept until this year (2015) (laughs).
--(laughs) - just in time.
Mitsuda: This year I have my 20th anniversary concert, and I thought, "This is going to be a hard schedule. ......," but I couldn't help myself if I came up with the idea (laughs). As a result, 6 of the 10 songs are songs and 4 are instrumentals, but there was a person I really wanted to have sing vocals, and there was time to call that person and so on, so it was really tough (laugh).
--(It was a painstaking process.) - So, could you tell us about the theme that finally hit you after 5 or 6 years of work?
Mitsuda: As I wrote in the liner notes of the CD, it is "Kid = Schala" and "After Kid. The connection between Kid and Schala is something that can only be expressed by combining "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross". I think that this theme gives the album a core, and I think that people who listen to the album will be very moved by it.
--I'm sure everyone who listens to the album will be impressed by it. Fans of the "Chrono" series will have a hard time not falling in love with it (laughs).
(laughs) Mitsuda: In a way, this is the main link in the series (laughs). As for how to express her story in music, I think that by making it into a song, the lyrics will be carried, so the image will be more concrete and condensed. We all thought a lot about the lyrics as we wrote them, and they are quite good.
--So all the lyrics were newly written?
Mitsuda: Yes. Schala's Theme" is a coined word, but I wrote the Japanese translation. And "On The Other Side / Epilogue - Dear Friends" was written by Laura Shigihara, who did both the vocals and the lyrics. We have been exchanging e-mails for the past 3 or 4 years, and she is a huge "Chrono" fanatic. She wrote some good lyrics for us. I also asked Sarah Orain to write the vocals and lyrics for "HARUKANARUTOKINOKINOKANATAHE" and "RADICAL DREAMERS".
--So you not only sang but also wrote the lyrics?
Mitsuda: That's right. I heard that she studied "CHRONO" very hard. That's one of the reasons why the lyrics are so good. The lyrics are in English, but I wanted everyone to feel them in English, and I wanted each reader to imagine and translate them. The lyrics make sense as a concept, so I hope you will read the booklet. I would like to ask you to read the booklet to find out how Sarah was feeling when she went to the undersea temple in "Chrono Trigger" and how the story ended.
--The story will be told along with the story.
Mitsuda: Yes, that's right. I write the story as I imagine the feelings and emotions of the characters as I go along with the game. The lyrics of "Radical Dreamers" and "Harukanaru Tokino Kanatahe" are a bit deeper, but I dared to use only English for these two songs and did not include Japanese translations in order to give fans room for their imagination and how they would enjoy each interpretation. I hope that fans will find this part of the experience enjoyable.
--Generally speaking, an album of arrangements for video games would include a wide variety of songs, but this album is a bit short at 10 songs. But this album has only 10 songs, which is a bit small.
Mitsuda: That's right. Actually, we could have included more songs, but we were limited by time and other factors. ...... However, I thought this was about the right amount of music to fit a single story on one disc. And if we had a different theme, we could make another concept.
--What was your vision in arranging the music for this CD?
Mitsuda: I didn't change the melody too much. However, there are many interesting tricks, especially in "SSchala's Theme," where the melody of "The Girl Who Stole the Stars," which is the Kid's theme, is intertwined with the melody of "Schala's Theme" in the back melody.
--Ehhh! That's amazing!
Mitsuda: You also included a little bit of Sarah's motif in "Toki no Kairo (Corridor of Time)".
--It's like you can hear a lot of different songs in one song.
Mitsuda: Actually, that's right. It's like, "Hey, what's that? Sarah's Theme," and then when you listen to it more closely, you hear "The Girl Who Stole the Stars," and so on. I hope you will enjoy listening to the arrangement with that kind of connection. I hope you enjoy it.
--I guess it's like listening to a song while searching for various things.
Mitsuda: Yes. We have hidden many things in the album, so it's like a treasure hunt. I wanted to make an album that could be enjoyed in various directions, and I think I succeeded in that. The differences in vocals also have meaning. ......
--Mitsuda: In terms of sound, can you tell us what kind of arrangements are in the album?
Mitsuda: If I say it's stateless, it's stateless, but it's like the "Xenogears" arrangement album "Criid," where it's not an orchestra, but there are strings in it, and it's not just folk music, it's something completely different depending on the song. It's hard to describe (smiles). For example, "Maboure" is like folk music, "Radical Dreamers" and "To Harukanaru Tokino Kanata" are fashionable pop songs and jazz-like, "Scars of Time" is rock and progressive, and "Corridor of Time" is classical with strings only. It's hard to describe them by genre, isn't it?
--It is hard to describe the genres, isn't it?
Mitsuda: That's right. It is very diverse.
--By the way. What was your intention in choosing this "HARUKANARUTOKINOKINOKANATAHE" as the title track?
Mitsuda: At the end of the Kid's song, she travels through time looking for Serge (......), but we don't really know what happens at the end of the song. The lyrics of this song include the parting of friends we have met, but technically, this song is about "Chrono Trigger," so it is not about the Kid, but rather a positive song about parting with friends who have traveled through various dimensions and time-spaces, and meeting again in a different dimension or time-space. I wrote this song as a positive song. The image of the song is "sad and bright," so I thought it would be appropriate for the ending and the last song.
--The booklet of the album has the word "Conclusion" in it, but the words "Ki-Seung-Ten" are from the soundtrack of "Chrono Cross. The "Ki Sei Ten" was on the soundtrack of "Chrono Cross," wasn't it?
Mitsuda: That's right. Finally, we included the word "conclusion.
--It was released in 1999, so it has been over 16 years. ......
Mitsuda: I guess you could say that after 16 years, it's finally finished. Finally.
--So after 16 years, you felt it was appropriate to include "Conclusion" in the new album, is that right?
Mitsuda: Yes. When I was designing the jacket, I told the designer that I wanted to put "Yui" somewhere. It was much larger than I had imagined (laughs). (Laughs.) But I feel that this jacket marks a milestone for me.
--in the year of the 20th anniversary of our activities.
Mitsuda: That's right. This 20th anniversary marks a break. In many ways, it is the end of my career.
--I see that you have several vocalists this time.
Mitsuda: We have asked Sarah Oline, Laura Aigahara, and Kimiko Komine.
--Did you choose the singer whose voice you thought would best suit each song?
Mitsuda: Well, I asked Laura Shigihara for the character Sarah, and Sarah Orain for the Kid.
--I see! So you connected the characters and the artists.
Mitsuda: That's right. Sarah and Kid are almost the same kind of characters, but technically they are different characters, and as a player who has played the game, you may have a different image of them, so we didn't use the same voice.
--Oh, deep ....... Wow, you put a lot into this!
Mitsuda: We thought a lot about it! I really did put a lot of thought into it (laughs).
(laughs) -- Listening to this album makes me want to play "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross" from the very beginning.
Mitsuda: I hope so. There are probably some people who have not played the games, so I think it would be interesting to use the album as a starting point to give the games a try. I think it would be interesting for them to try playing the game after listening to the album. I think that would be a great opportunity for them. I think the game was well thought out, so it was easy to approach it from a musical perspective.
--I guess "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross" are both a big part of your life, aren't they?
Mitsuda: "Chrono Trigger" is in fact my debut game, and I have many feelings about the characters and stories of the other games as well, but when it comes to the "Chrono" series, I really like the setting of Kid and Sara. There are other popular characters such as frogs and robots, but I thought it would be interesting to choose Sarah and Kid. As for "Chrono Trigger," Sarah is not a party member, and she is not a very well-known character, but I wanted to focus more on her. I've always wanted to do that.
--I wanted to focus more on Sara, but I always wanted to do that.
Mitsuda: This may be the first time for a game arrangement album. However, as an album, it is not happy, but rather heavy ......, which may not be the right word, but it is still a heavy album (laughs).
--It's a heavy album, but if you just listen to the songs, you can enjoy the beautiful music. That said, if you start to think about the meaning, you can find it at .......
Mitsuda: It's heavy, and you'll probably find yourself going deeper and deeper into it (laughs).
--Did you have any difficulty with the arrangement?
Mitsuda: No, the lyrics were more difficult than the music and arrangement.
--So the lyrics are filled with that much thought.
Mitsuda: Yes. This time, from recording to mixing, we are using 96 kHz high-resolution, so we are planning to distribute it in high-resolution format (distribution is scheduled to begin on October 14, 2015, from various high-resolution distribution sites). However, since there are many songs in this album, I think it might be difficult to understand the lyrics since there is no lyrics card for distribution. Especially since they are all in English. So I hope that people will listen to the album while reading the lyrics, rather than just listening to the songs on video sites.
--Personally, I would like to have a round-table discussion with the development members of "Chrono" at that time while listening to this album.
Mitsuda: Oh, that would be great! They might say, "It's not like this," though (laughs).
--I would like to have a round-table discussion with Mr. Kato (Mr. Masato Kato. He worked on the main scenario for "Chrono Trigger") and others (laughs).
Mitsuda: "This is my interpretation of Sarah and Kid's album," I should say before they get angry (laughs).
--(laughs). After the release of various games, novels and other complementary works are often published to complete or supplement the game, and I imagine that this is what the music on the CD will be like.
Mitsuda: That's right. When we were trying to make an arrangement album for "Chrono Cross," we had the concept of having Mr. Kato write a sequel to Kid's story and arrange the songs based on that. However, I felt that Kid alone was still not enough. I mean, it would work well enough, but without the main idea of why Kid was born, I felt that the setting would become light and the album would be thin as an arrangement album. So, I felt that it would make more sense, or better balance, if I put Sarah on the album.
--I felt that it would make more sense to have Sarah on the album, or at least balance it out. Now, could you give a message to our readers who are looking forward to this album?
Mitsuda: It took me more than 5 years to make ....... I only made it for a little over a month, but the concept was 5 years in the making (laughs). It's an album filled with my own feelings about "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross," and there are tricks in very detailed parts, so I hope people will listen to the album while looking for those tricks. Also, the image of the songs changes dramatically when the lyrics are added, so I hope you will enjoy the different images from the original songs. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "third Chrono", but it is an album that makes you look at "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross" from a different angle, so please listen to it. Also, as I mentioned earlier, we had reached the point where we had reached the "beginning, middle, and end," but it was difficult to come up with a "conclusion," but with the 20th anniversary of the artist's creation, we were able to create a "conclusion. I think you will enjoy it. I am sure you will enjoy it, so please listen carefully. Yasunori Mitsuda will appear! All songs will be previewed live on Nico Nico Nico Live!
How was the interview with Mr. Mitsuda? As you can tell from the interview, it is filled with Mr. Mitsuda's passionate thoughts and feelings, so we hope that "Chrono" fans in particular will give it a listen! And on the eve of the CD's release, Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 9:00 p.m., a live Nico Nico Nico Live broadcast will be held to preview all the songs on this CD. This is your chance to hear Mr. Mitsuda's thoughts on this work in his own voice! Don't miss it!
For the program page of the Nico Nico Live Broadcast, click here.
From: Interviews