...dead babies...
(BTW, what've you got against the inverted Pentagram, tush?)
Based on my open-ended research and assessment, the reversed pentagram is symbolically incorrect to what it is seemingly supposed to represent (then again, I think on this term abstractly). Unfortunately, that's a long topic though worthy of discussion; we wouldn't wanna derail this thread, do we? XD
BTW, what's a "Synn et al"?
(Updated the second post)
My interpretation of Magus was always sorta "Demon King-ish", the devil awaiting the fool (Cyrus) to fall, always patient and decisive -- the superior evil who simply can't go wrong. Back when I was writing a Cyrus fanfic I managed to give the maturing Janus such depth that intensified Magus' characters in ways some couldn't imagine. I think I also wrote some verses based on the events of burning of Zenan forest (the same verses played when the Masamune breaks):
"All hail Magus, King of the Mystics,
King of fiends and vehement wrath;
Legends break unto his name,
Salvation bathe in bloodbath."Unfortunately I forgot the rest.

Speaking of which, how particular are you about details? Would it be awesome to have drawn a whole set of sigils on that pentacle, just for the art, or shall we half-ass it and go squiggly kids on it?
(P.S.: I'd say Zephira would have been the best artist for this tarot, if she was still around; she's a Magus fan, and loves those styles rather than Toriyama-canon)