Author Topic: Grand Request / Questions Thread  (Read 9410 times)


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2011, 06:00:01 am »
Oh, I forgot about the index cards!

I make up index cards, but I take it a step further. Instead of just words, I draw little pictures underneath the word and the answer. So what I do is I try to link those two images together. For example, I may draw a flower on one side, and a honeybee on the other. Since honeybees pollinate plants, I can link them together. However, because I also associate the words on the card with the images, I remember them, too.

I can combine this technique with chaining for optimal results. For example, I have a card where I'd been trying to memorize the squeeze theorem of calculus. Without getting into a bunch of boring math stuff, I created a story in my head about specific dates on the calendar, and how it's got to be such and such day, because it's the first day of fall. So beside the squeeze theorem, I drew a picture of a leaf. I've never forgotten it since!

Perhaps a better description would be Spanish. A few years ago, I could not remember for the life of me the verb "to drive." There are two such verbs in Spanish, and I needed to memorize manejar. Finally, on my note card, I drew a stick figure man driving a jar as if it were a car. I never forgot it again!

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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2011, 07:09:26 am »
I rely on handwritten, computer-typed, and voice-recorded notes, and on my highly unreliable memory. I usually carry at least a notepad with me when I go out, and with the right keywords I can store triggers to more complete chains of thought in relatively few words or nonwords. Speaking aloud to myself or constructing fictional scenarios (much like Saji) also helps.


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2011, 07:38:05 pm »
RW, that's a boat-load of info there! Thanks!  :D I'm not sure if I got exactly what you were trying to say here, but I'll ponder on this further. What I can point out, though, is using the "story driven" method to create stories pertaining to what you're trying to remember can be efficient but also impractical; efficient because you force your brain to make parallel passages in case one of the chains breaks, but impractical because it consumes more neurons to remember a certain event, thus remembering something "strongly" at the expense of forgetting more irrelevant memories. Not necessarily a bad thing, though, because as time passes and as you get used to remembering a chain without the assistance of the supportive chain your brain automatically disperses the unnecessary neurons and creates more passages for newer thought spontaneously (also, it helps that you're the kinda future who looks forward to the future than hang on to the past :wink:).

However, your idea did prove one thing: memory retains strongly based on not only conventional "use" of a certain memory but also "links" to other neurons. For instance, if I use a certain word plenty of times it would stay fresh, but if I use it only once per decade then I'd subsequently forget it. However, the last time I've heard or used the word "translucent" was almost a decade back when my physics teacher taught us of it, comparing it with the word "transparent". Because the two words are linked, and because as an artist I use see the latter frequently, I also remember the former as fresh as it was a decade ago. :D

I'll research on those terms. Perhaps I'll also get creative and write long chain-triggers in the form of personal quotes and haikus, all on index cards. Thanks!

I rely on handwritten, computer-typed, and voice-recorded notes, and on my highly unreliable memory.
Why am I not surprised? xDDD But gotta hand it to ya; neither do I live my house without a notepad (or two, since they get used up fairly quickly). Interesting, though, as like RW and Z you also rely on word triggers than detailed data. Do you find yourself forgetting minute details occasionally until run a quick rational analyses to return that memory? Or is it that, for the time being, you simply don't rely on those minute details?


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2011, 03:04:46 pm »
I have
- A writing journal
- A personal journal
- A journal which is best described as a "grimoire" of sorts - the initial beginnings of what I hope will be an illuminated manuscript on my personal mythology twenty years from now, in the spirit of Jung's Liber Novus
- Evernote where I keep scattered scribblings: posts-in-progress, lists, bits I've saved from other sites. Evernote has a "clip it" application on Chrome, so if I want to save an excerpt from what I'm reading I store it here.
- A computer personal journal, for when I want to record a lot of detail or can't write in my handwritten personal journal
- Scrivener, which keeps track of my longer projects & my writing from second draft onwards
- Stickies, which helps me keep track of practical things
- Instapaper's "Read Later". LOOK THIS UP: It is SUCH a lifesaver, and helps me organize my various internet research binges. Before I used it I went on many spiraling tangents; afterward I was able to concentrate much more closely on specific topics, which has helped deepen my inquiries.

Sooo basically... I write a lot of things down, all the time. It's not always a good thing. Notetaking invites sloppy writing, so when the time comes to buckle down and write something I'm truly invested in, I'm sometimes too tired of it to really put forth an effort.

Other than that, I'm actually actively trying to find ways to improve my memories of experiences, and to that end I've been researching lots of science - I can compile my links for those, if you'd like - and the Medieval art of Ars Memoria: Ars Memoria sounds right up your alley, tush. There are a number of very impressive things recorded about its masters.


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2011, 04:31:56 pm »
I have






Other than that, I'm actually actively trying to find ways to improve my memories of experiences, and to that end I've been researching lots of science - I can compile my links for those, if you'd like - and the Medieval art of Ars Memoria: Ars Memoria sounds right up your alley, tush. There are a number of very impressive things recorded about its masters.
Now you're talking! XD I actually, impulsively, registered Instapaper and saved that page in there for further reading. However, how is Instapaper better than, say, Google Chrome / Firefox's Bookmarks? I actually have a whole database of bookmarks  and information on Chrome which instantly synchronizes to all my gadgets; I've collected quite a deal ranging from history, science, religion, mythology, philosophy, taxonomy, art, esoterica, psychology, tech, literature, magic, etc. (it would take a whole year of non-stop reading for anyone to complete it), but if there's a better alternative to organizing all this, I'm always open to it.

EDIT: Another question. How on earth do you carry so many journals around with you?!  :o Isn't that tedious?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 04:40:30 pm by tushantin »


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #35 on: October 08, 2011, 12:31:32 am »
I prefer it just because I use three computers (laptop, work computer, and a desktop I use for gaming stuff) and my delicious is ridiculous right now, and also because sometimes I see something I want to read but which doesn't have at all to do with what I told myself I'm researching. Reading it and classifying it into the bookmarking system would just distract me.

But it's all about what works for you. I am no creature of routine, and there are times when I tend to be on the Internet a great deal (when work is slow, for instance) and times when I'm hardly on it at all (the past month or so). I like lots of options to keep up with whatever lifestyle I happen to have. Other people thrive with a strict regimen or are generally vastly more on top of themselves than I am.

I only carry my writing journal and my personal journal around with me, most of the time. I put them in a 'writing backpack' with a thesaurus and lots of fancy pens so I can be ready . When I write in the so-called "grimoire" it's a rare occasion - I write at length, and only in my room.

I love hearing about how other people do these things -- Sajainta's post gave me some ideas on how to work on my memory of experience goals. How do you do things?


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2011, 08:52:42 am »
Reading it and classifying it into the bookmarking system would just distract me.
Hah, I see what you mean there. Despite the constant bookmarking and organizing of websites one still couldn't get around to actually using the collected data sometimes. But then what of all that data? Hmm...

I only carry my writing journal and my personal journal around with me, most of the time. I put them in a 'writing backpack' with a thesaurus and lots of fancy pens so I can be ready . When I write in the so-called "grimoire" it's a rare occasion - I write at length, and only in my room.
Fancy pens! XD

I can only assume on the contents of your Personal Journal (it's got... codes... and a map... to some hidden treasure, isn't it?), although I'm curious to know about your 'Writing Backpack'. Also, do you have any patterns to writing quickly (say, "Short Hand", "L33T Speak", "Block Wiki" or minimalism) or do you write as you normally do?

I actually never have a fixed routine of writing and organizing (I've always been a dis-organized brat, and the majority of my plans are inside my head), and my habits change depending on either convenience or trying out newer alternatives. For instance, before asking that question to the Compendium I carried about a journal much like you did, but upon RW and Z's responses I thought about trying their methods. Right now, I have a deck of index cards (standard Business Card sized) sitting on my computer table with a pen, and I always carry a dozen around just in case. It helps when I quickly need to write down a dialog or ideas, while leaving room for later musing. So currently, I've got cards full of taxonomy (of supernatural entities), character dialogues, penetrating questions, memory clues, observations, doodles, etc. Question is: how do I file all of them in categories?

Digitally, I've got a Chrome with a Bookmark database of several categories, an Evernote WebApp link, Springpad and Zoho Docs (that I barely use, due to reasons I mentioned previously), MindMapr app, Zim Desktop Wiki (used majority of the time) and Basket Notepad tied with Ubuntu One cloud-sync, dA Muro (in case of some quick sketches), and finally Instapaper that you suggested.

I also use a variety of note-taking techniques for different circumstances, although I'm incredibly slow with handwriting; I'm still seeking the most efficient method than all this. XD


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #37 on: October 13, 2011, 07:21:19 pm »
New Question:

I wanna blog. (Thinking about an alias / Pen-Name, but there's only one person who can help me with it right now.)

The blog will be related to occasional poetry (and sometimes art), 'coz I've been in the mood lately. So Blogger, Tumblr or Worpress? I'm aware the customization quirks with each, but any copyrights or sort issue I may need to know? Coz (once I start earning big) I'm planning to buy a domain name and, once enough poetry's collected, I might have it published or something (or at the very least, AdSense). Also, the blog will also serve as a portal to receive critiques and maintain a Creative Commons copyright (us artists always worry about copyrights).

So yeah, which would you prefer? Blogger, Tumblr or Wordpress?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 07:22:51 pm by tushantin »


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #38 on: October 14, 2011, 12:43:32 am »
I've had a lot of luck working with Wordpress. I've found it's very versatile, and you can build a website with it that doesn't resemble a blog at all. You can do all kinds of things with it, as it has all kinds of plug-ins you can install and use. And themes. (After attempt #484839, I officially decided I hate CSS, PHP, and XHTML, and so I've declared my undying love for Wordpress, heh. Not that I was bad using the other stuff, but it was always such a drain on my time that way. You can have Wordpress up and running in no time!).

As far as the legal side of things go, I don't have the knowledge to help you there. Sorry! :(


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #39 on: October 14, 2011, 06:26:59 am »
And themes. (After attempt #484839, I officially decided I hate CSS, PHP, and XHTML, and so I've declared my undying love for Wordpress, heh.
Glad I'm not alone. XD *shares his riot bagpack with her*

Yeah, Worpress was my first choice, though I was hoping for something simple and thus was distracted when Syna claimed some success with Tumblr. Then there's Blogger, which directly integrates with Gmail (then again, Worpress has Gravatar, so yeah).

You're right though; due to Wordpress' OpenSource nature (I hope it's "Free as in freedom"), it's the best and safest bet for now. I'll go with now then switch to (with host and domain) later. Thanks for the input!

Still thinking for an alias / pen-name. @_@


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #40 on: October 21, 2011, 10:29:59 am »

Got a question: I was invited by Google to participate in account upgrade for Youtube, and they're willing to pay me for every view-count I receive. Meaning, I can utilize my channel effectively to produce content and monetize on traffic. However, any videos that do not comply with the requirements (such as my Thirsty Crow animation which has Kajiura Yuuki's music, and Snake Eyes vs Storm Shadow AMV which recieved over 100,000+ views) will be indefinitely removed.

But this sacrifice will also motivate me to focus on art and film-making, and help with financial troubles.

Your thoughts on this?

UPDATE: Here's some more info:

Quote from: Youtube
Which videos are NOT eligible?
Your video is not eligible if it contains content that you didn't create or get permission from its creator to use. You need to be able to show written permission for the following video elements:

Audio: recorded music, live performances, cover songs, background music, etc.
Visuals: images, logos, software, video game footage, etc.
Any other content you don't own worldwide commercial usage rights to.
Examples of videos that are NOT eligible
Your video contains a song you purchased for personal use (e.g., bought on iTunes or in a store) but didn't obtain a commercial license.
You found a video on the Internet and you cannot prove that it's in public domain.
You are only singing words of your favorite copyrighted song
You haven't yet received a copyright notice on your video
You edit together or "mash-up" other works
You only use 30 seconds of a song or video clip
Your video does not provide proper attribution or credits as required by a license.

If your video is not eligible, it may be removed from YouTube.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 10:41:59 am by tushantin »


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2011, 05:37:55 am »
I've decided to take the offer. Anyway, while I'm at it, I'm also deciding to prepare my DeviantArt gallery professionally, and will be cleaning up a bit (i.e., archiving the old, but leaving the best) since my skills have developed a lot since the old (big thanks to Alcyone).

Please take a look at my gallery and suggest what you'd like me to keep, remove or redo (i.e., if you like some art but would prefer a newer, refined look, or somehow "fix it"):



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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2011, 05:58:33 am »
ZeaLitY, when you were reading Zen / Buddhism books you mentioned to us something of "emptiness, but not yet emptiness". I still don't know what you were trying to understand there, but I think I can help. Was the word, by any chance, Sanskrit "Shunyata"? According to the book, was the purpose to acquire it or eradicate it? Also, it'd help if you could tell me the name of the book.


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2011, 04:04:57 pm »
What, nobody likes to answer these days? Anyway, I have a new question.

The term "Al Kaeda" gets tossed around loosely these days, and a lot of people (mostly Western folks) find it cool for a terrorist group. However, how many among you even know what it means?

I already know the definition of it because I know my fair share of Urdu, but I wonder how many among you know it. (No, don't just look it up; be honest, otherwise it defeats the purpose of the survey)

Here's a hint: It sounds "cool", true, but pertaining to what it means, the actions of the group and what they stand for are self-defeating.


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Re: Grand Request / Questions Thread
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2011, 11:16:22 am »
Considering I'm from a place where everything is opposite and you don't get things like you do in the USA (In Democratic India, everything gets YOU!), thought this'd be the place to ask.

My question is: If I could buy a Kindle or Nook, which should I go for?

Some things to keep in mind:
1) Wireless is nearly non-existent here, especially in the hill stations and travelling.
2) I'd prefer something sturdy, that doesn't break easily (I'm careful with things, but just in case).
3) An easy way to transfer books from PC to eReader, and vice versa (both DRM and non-DRM, considering I've already got a lot of em in Calibre).
4) Compatible with Text and PDF (RTF and Doc should be okay too).
5) No distractions (I don't care about Angry Birds or anything not relevant to reading; though blogs and RSS are fine)

Nook triumphs because it's cheaper, has more battery life and has memory-card option (along with MicroUSB). Kindle, however, supports wider formats and has a built in dictionary.

Anything else I ought to know about?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 11:18:47 am by tushantin »