Author Topic: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?  (Read 35926 times)


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2011, 06:25:04 pm »

I really like this! It would work quite perfectly terms of both the picture and symbolism.

I'm still a little torn about the Magician. Bekkler works, of course, and I'd like to fit him into a suit card at least since he's a great character, but my preference would be for the trump to be taken up by a more significant presence. I do think Crono could function nicely, but I admit that aesthetically it's a stretch.

I can see the issue - he does provide the clones etc., but he's more of a minor character than a major one. Still, he's the best fit as the magician. The only alternative I can come up with would be Spekkio, since he teaches you magic. On the other hand, the Magician brings his power down to earth, while Spekkio remains somewhat detached. Also, Spekkio could be the King of Wands, assuming that he's not assigned to Strength.


We seem to agree on these choices! I admit that I'm especially attached to Ayla as Strength -- aside from the obvious correlations, the image of her with a beast would be especially fitting -- and Robo as the Hanged Man, for these reasons.

- The Hanged Man has connotations of traitorship. This fits Robo's relationship with Mother Brain and the other robots.
- The Hanged Man is also in a strange, inverted position due to his desire to seek knowledge. This fits his relationship with humans: he doesn't fit in, but is eager to learn about them. He willingly chose that role, as the Hanged Man does.
- Robo selflessly helps cultivate Fiona's Forest and in the process, gains mystical knowledge, evidenced by the Entity conversation. That's very Hanged Man, to me.
- There's also the possible meaning of sacrifice, which aligns with Robo's identification with Prometheus and his later sacrifice in Cross.
- Robo is a badass and so is Odin. (This is the least effective of my arguments, I confess. :D)

All in all I like how there is something tragic and selfless about the Hanged Man, and how that speaks to Robo's willingness to go into the uncertain future, and of course his eventual demise by way of FATE.

All of these, save the traitorship aspect, also fit Gaspar, however. I am not entirely sold on the appropriateness of the Hierophant to Belthasar: the role definitely fits the one Belthasar filled in Zeal, and  the one he fills in Cross, but the most striking image we get of Belthasar is definitely as a solitary madman. Still, I feel that Belthasar could fit as the Hierophant regardless, and if we made Robo the Hanged Man we'd have to figure out where Gaspar fits.  

And Magus as the Devil is a given, for me. Too perfect. I also liked the fact that Lucca gains her best equipment through the Sun Stone; there's an added little detail.

Indeed, Ayla taming the beast would work very well. After all, the Strength card shows a woman.

Another point in favor of Robo being the Hanged Man is that after the party fixes him up, he reaches a philosophical crisis - what should he do next? He wasn't programmed to have his own free will. So, at least for a time, he is suspended between taking orders as a robot and forging his own identity.

As for Magus, there's no question about that matchup.

Re: Lucca and Sun Stone, I'll address that in the last paragraph.

The Gurus is where we have more difficulty. Most of the Hanged Man points do indeed fit for Gaspar. Even the traitor connotations may be met by his helping the party against Queen Zeal, although that is a stretch. If we change things around, I'm not sure where else he can be assigned besides the Hermit, which is a less ideal match (though not a mismatch).

If we include Gurus, I'd rather all 3 be used, just like I'd rather have all 7 party members than half of them.  Melchior fits well as Temperance, a card that emphasizes moderation and transformation. He's the Guru of Life, and he fixes/tempers the Masamune as well as creating other powerful items. In combining a broken sword with dreamstone, he takes two things and creates a stronger, unified third. I can't think of a proper replacement if we use none of the Gurus.

I can't see Belthasar as the Hierophant. I've never played Chrono Cross, so I can't comment on that. But the Hierophant emphasizes community and maybe even conformity, and Belthasars solitude runs counter to this. The Hierophant is about stable structure, while Belthasar loses his mind. I honestly believe that Mother Brain is the best fit.


I agree with your options regarding the Moon card. I chose the Black Dream myself because the meaning fit (as you described) and because in terms of the Trumps as the Fool's Journey, the Moon is often perceived to fulfill a "dark night of the soul" sort of function -- the period of illusions and terrors, the "valley of the shadow of death" where the Fool must traverse before reaching the Sun. I feel that the Black Dream may color the card a touch negatively, so I've no quarrel with either that choice or Dreamstone.

Indeed. The choice may come down to getting everything to fit together and not use duplicates. For example, we might really want to use Dreamstone as an ace of pentacles, although that's not finalized by any means. Or maybe we'll want to place the Black Omen in the minor arcana, though I'm not sure how that would play out.

That's similar to the reasons I placed Lavos as Judgment, because aside from the obvious apocalyptic associations (which are traditional depictions of the card), having Lavos next to the end of the suit striked me as very appropriate, since you would encounter it just before countering the Entity-Nu-World trump. But again, Death fits Lavos extremely well, and it could swap places with the Chrono Trigger with no problems.

The order of the cards does matter, although it makes this even more complicated. Ideally, we should aim to have the order consistent with logic and the storyline where there is room to do so.

I feel that Judgement: Chrono Trigger, and Death: Lavos fit much better than the other way around. The Judgement card is about resurrection, facing the past honestly and making major amends. Likewise, the Time Egg brings back Chrono, opening the final phase of the game. It also takes the party back to possibly the most painful point in their adventure, and allows them to make amends. Could Judgement be Lavos? maybe. There are the apocalyptic connotations, and he certainly passes his judgement on the excesses of Zeal. But his cataclysmic destruction seems a better fit for Death, and I outlined other reasons previously. Then there's the issue of assigning the Chrono Trigger to Death, which seems an ill fit at best - the Time Egg is about potential and making amends, rather than destruction.

I can see the sense of Lavos coming right before Nu/Entity. But taking storyline into account, we come across Lavos fairly early on, and first confront him directly some time before the end. The Chrono Trigger, on the other hand, comes right near the end.

Regarding the Star, again, your reasoning for the Pendant is quite solid. Since Marle is the carrier of the pendant, though, I feel as though a combination of our two ideas may be possible -- especially since Marle acts as the impetus for the journey to begin, and is a symbol of faith and hope when Crono dies, and since the card is traditionally depicted with a woman anyway.

Indeed, we could have Marle wearing her Pendant as the illustration regardless of which one we choose.

Likewise, we could combine Lucca and the Sun Stone, perhaps with both of them in the illustration. and/or Lucca holding the Wondershot, with a ball of golden energy at the muzzle.


if anyone else has ideas, feel free to contribute!
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 06:41:48 pm by xcalibur »


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2011, 01:38:10 am »
This is fantastic… I love how everything is coming together …  :)
I wonder if maybe this is a good time to make a front post with the card design that have been decided already and having it updated  as necessary .

I love the template, tushantin! I have always liked the Card Captor Sakura cards design. My only concern would be if we wouldn’t be missing the meaning of the use of the colors if we limit the chromatic gamma. We could open a poll and ask for suggestions  :wink:.

Personally, I would love that all the art was made from the scratch from the project (but maybe I’m being too ambitious =P…) so the cards are completely original. For this reason I would like to invite all the members of the Compendium who have drawing/painting/CGI skills to participate as well. I’m ready to start sketching as soon as the first designs have been settled, and I would like to upload the main steps of the process so you can make comments and suggestions.


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2011, 07:17:38 am »
Anyone working on the Card designs, download this font:

EDIT: Do we need Arcana symbols? Who would caligraph that?

Yeah. Going back to my design, I realize that something's quite "off" with that bevel. I made it more subtle this time:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 07:36:48 am by tushantin »


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2011, 08:30:26 am »
Here's three versions of the template. Any suggestions?


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2011, 11:51:01 am »
Okay, I thought it may be helpful to list out a bunch of potential candidates for the cards. I took this from our encyclopedia; however, I edited out some of the characters that striked me as far too minor to even consider (i.e., Porre's elder). If you have a case for somebody I left out, by all means, argue it.

I've double-starred the characters that I think MUST make an appearance somewhere -- either as a major Trump card or as a minor Suit card-- and one-starred the ones that strike me as having secondary importance. Feel free to disagree with me!

Crono **
Marle **
Lucca **
Frog **
Robo **
Ayla **
Magus **
Crono's Mother *
Cyrus **
The Entity **
Fiona *
Gaspar **
King Guardia XXI
King Guardia XXXIII **
Kino *
Mammon Machine **
Masa & Mune **
Master of Kitchens
Melchior **
Norstein Bekkler *
Nu *
Poyozo Dolls
The Prophet
Queen Leene **
Schala **
Spekkio *
Tata *
Toma *
The Cats
Earthbound Ones
The Laruba
Atropos **
Azala **
Dalton **
Flea *
Frog King
Lavos **
Lavos Spawn
Mother Brain *
Queen Zeal ** (Though I think she'd be best incorporated into the Tower, or the Moon card if it's the Black Dream, to save us a Trump)
Ozzie *
Slash *
Yakra & Present Yakra

Important Items
Dreamstone **
Pendant **
Gate Key *
Masamune **
Hero's Medal
Rainbow Shell (Rainbow, Prism Armor)
Sun Stone & Moon Stone (Wondershot, Sun Shades)

We also need to figure out how we're going to do the numbered Suit cards, i.e., 3 of Swords and suchlike. I personally think it may be fun (if AMBITIOUS) to depict these as events in the series. However, that's up to our lovely illustrators and how motivated they feel.


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2011, 12:05:28 pm »
I can see the issue - he does provide the clones etc., but he's more of a minor character than a major one. Still, he's the best fit as the magician. The only alternative I can come up with would be Spekkio, since he teaches you magic. On the other hand, the Magician brings his power down to earth, while Spekkio remains somewhat detached. Also, Spekkio could be the King of Wands, assuming that he's not assigned to Strength.  

I'll have to think a bit more on it. At the end of the day, I think Bekkler will work OK, but he only makes one appearance and it's still not sitting quite well with me. I'd prefer Spekkio, honestly, though he does make a very good King of Wands-- a better king of Wands than Bekkler would be. Perhaps one of the Gurus? Hmm... 

If we include Gurus, I'd rather all 3 be used, just like I'd rather have all 7 party members than half of them.  

Agreed. That was my way of thinking as well. I think it should be possible to use them. Perhaps we could get a bit creative with our concepts of how each card should look-- emphasize certain aspects of the card, and not others.

The rationale for the Hierophant was the Hierophant's relationship with knowledge and unique ability to make the spiritual (or magical) earthly. I thought the community aspect would make the card interestingly ironic-- out of all the Gurus, Belthasar's inventions were generally made for the community's benefit, and he acts for others (with the Epoch and Death Peak) even in his solitary madness.

Gaspar's relationship with the party is such that he could fulfill the role himself perhaps, since he provides practical advice and guidance, and becomes part of the team. However, he'd be a very irreverent Hierophant -- the card doesn't really fit his personality. Yakra would also sort of fit, but again, not significant enough of a character to my way of thinking. Same with Mother Brain -- I can see the correlation, certainly, but she's a side-quest character and I like the symmetry of keeping the Trumps integral to the plot. Again, maybe we could spin it one way or the other by selecting which aspects of the traditional symbolism to use.

It will merit more thought.

I feel that Judgement: Chrono Trigger, and Death: Lavos fit much better than the other way around. The Judgement card is about resurrection, facing the past honestly and making major amends. Likewise, the Time Egg brings back Chrono, opening the final phase of the game. It also takes the party back to possibly the most painful point in their adventure, and allows them to make amends. Could Judgement be Lavos? maybe. There are the apocalyptic connotations, and he certainly passes his judgement on the excesses of Zeal. But his cataclysmic destruction seems a better fit for Death, and I outlined other reasons previously. Then there's the issue of assigning the Chrono Trigger to Death, which seems an ill fit at best - the Time Egg is about potential and making amends, rather than destruction.

I think I was thinking of Lavos-as-Judgment more as the act of defeating Lavos -- which would fit with the theme of making amends and facing the past honestly (especially if one considers that in light of the Entity). So, I was thinking "final confrontation" then "completion." But again, both do work nicely; Death is about transformation, and that suits the Chrono Trigger and the event in which it is used. I think my initial instinct was to prevent the poor Death card from being pinned to its negative connotation, but whatevs, it's not like we can be TOO picky about making these associations, and as I said, the reverse works quite well. If other people agree, let's go with yours. :)

I'm not quite sold on Azala as the Empress, tbh. Azala is an extremely important character and we should highlight her, but I think the Empress connotes nurturing and fertility too strongly for it to really service. Still, she does sort of seem too important to be regulated to a suit card..

Indeed, we could have Marle wearing her Pendant as the illustration regardless of which one we choose.

Likewise, we could combine Lucca and the Sun Stone, perhaps with both of them in the illustration. and/or Lucca holding the Wondershot, with a ball of golden energy at the muzzle.

Good idea! I'd love to have an occasion to put the Rainbow Shell with another figure, if we do this.


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2011, 12:44:55 pm »
We also need to figure out how we're going to do the numbered Suit cards, i.e., 3 of Swords and suchlike. I personally think it may be fun (if AMBITIOUS) to depict these as events in the series. However, that's up to our lovely illustrators and how motivated they feel.
Pardon me, but did you just say you desire "numbered Suit cards"? Like Augen Auf playing cards?

Artists, you guys better pack your bags. Syna's officially our new Queen Zeal.  :lol:

That said, we probably need to work on a simple "Inversive" design. Which means, I probably need to redo the Back design.

P.S.: Still awaiting suggestions, so I can tweak and upload the proper template source file.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 12:53:39 pm by tushantin »


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #52 on: November 04, 2011, 01:08:17 pm »
lol no, I mean the numbered cards on the tarot. Like this:

There are four suits -- Pentacles, Wands, Swords, & Cups -- and each have an Ace, a King, a Queen, a Knight, a Page, and nine suit cards. This is the Minor Arcana:

Your Queen Zeal comparison is apt, though, because I'm just getting waaay ahead of myself; there are 56 minor arcana cards. IMHO the priority should be the Major Arcana, the Trumps (the Fool, High Priestess, etc. -- what xcalibur and I have been discussing, largely).
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 01:09:57 pm by Syna »


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #53 on: November 04, 2011, 09:36:56 pm »
this is getting complicated, but at least it'll provide plenty of discussion. We're trying to merge two independent systems, which is never easy. The only reason this is even possible is because the Tarot archetypes are so relevant, and Chrono Trigger is so particularly rich.

I'll have to think a bit more on it. At the end of the day, I think Bekkler will work OK, but he only makes one appearance and it's still not sitting quite well with me. I'd prefer Spekkio, honestly, though he does make a very good King of Wands-- a better king of Wands than Bekkler would be. Perhaps one of the Gurus? Hmm...   

Bekkler isn't ideal for the card, but he fits. As for one of the Gurus, I could only see Belthasar filling that role. Spekkio wouldn't be a bad choice - another justification is that the Magician unlocks the fools potential, as Spekkio does by teaching magic. But he would definitely make a better King of Wands than Bekkler.

Agreed. That was my way of thinking as well. I think it should be possible to use them. Perhaps we could get a bit creative with our concepts of how each card should look-- emphasize certain aspects of the card, and not others.

The rationale for the Hierophant was the Hierophant's relationship with knowledge and unique ability to make the spiritual (or magical) earthly. I thought the community aspect would make the card interestingly ironic-- out of all the Gurus, Belthasar's inventions were generally made for the community's benefit, and he acts for others (with the Epoch and Death Peak) even in his solitary madness.

Gaspar's relationship with the party is such that he could fulfill the role himself perhaps, since he provides practical advice and guidance, and becomes part of the team. However, he'd be a very irreverent Hierophant -- the card doesn't really fit his personality. Yakra would also sort of fit, but again, not significant enough of a character to my way of thinking. Same with Mother Brain -- I can see the correlation, certainly, but she's a side-quest character and I like the symmetry of keeping the Trumps integral to the plot. Again, maybe we could spin it one way or the other by selecting which aspects of the traditional symbolism to use.

It will merit more thought.

It definitely will. Robo and the Hanged Man seem to be the issue with fitting the 7 members and 3 gurus. With Robo assigned there, Belthasar will have to be bumped to the Hierophant or Magician. Your Hierophant reasoning isn't bad, but it's still a stretch. One idea I had was to make the Hanged Man a SPLIT card between Robo and Gaspar, then Belthasar could stay as the Hermit and everything would fit.

Mother Brain would also remain as the Hierophant, which to me fits very well. It is true that Mother Brain is on a sidequest, and the Trumps should feature important characters/elements. However, not to make this even more complex, but I like the idea of giving each Time Era in the game adequate representation. In the future, we've got Robo, Jet Bike Johnny, Belthasar, Mother Brain, Atropos XR, the R Series, and Doan. The significant characters from this list imo are Robo, Belthasar, and Mother Brain. Despite being the sidequest boss, she's one of the most interesting personalities from the future, and very powerful in-universe (she controls Atropos and presumably the R Series). however, I noticed that you gave Atropos XR two stars, and mother brain one - that seems a bit strange to me, especially since we only briefly meet the real Atropos without Mother Brains programming.

The biggest problem with the split card solution is that its an unorthodox compromise. So if we can work out something else, that'd be cool.

I think I was thinking of Lavos-as-Judgment more as the act of defeating Lavos -- which would fit with the theme of making amends and facing the past honestly (especially if one considers that in light of the Entity). So, I was thinking "final confrontation" then "completion." But again, both do work nicely; Death is about transformation, and that suits the Chrono Trigger and the event in which it is used. I think my initial instinct was to prevent the poor Death card from being pinned to its negative connotation, but whatevs, it's not like we can be TOO picky about making these associations, and as I said, the reverse works quite well. If other people agree, let's go with yours. :)

Indeed. A Lavos judgement card would have to feature the battle against Lavos, not just him. I can understand the ordering issue, as well as trying to keep excessive negative connotations away from Death. However, I'd argue that my order fits better, and Chrono Trigger: Death is a bit of a stretch.

I'm not quite sold on Azala as the Empress, tbh. Azala is an extremely important character and we should highlight her, but I think the Empress connotes nurturing and fertility too strongly for it to really service. Still, she does sort of seem too important to be regulated to a suit card..

time for me to type up another one of my justifications.

My choice of Azala isn't ideal, but it's the best one I can come up with. The only contenders for this card are Azala and Queen Zeal. While Zeal seems like the obvious choice, she's clearly corrupted and off her rocker throughout the game. She permits the destruction of her civilization in her addiction to Lavos. That is definitely not a stable, life giving Empress. She might've been an empress before the Mammon Machine, but we don't get to see this.

Azala is better suited as Empress. She rules and provides for the Reptite Race, and is respectful of the planet/entity. We don't get much information about her role as a leader, but she may well have fulfilled the fertility/nurturing role for her kind. after all, the dinosaurs obey her too, even the mighty black tyrano (I'll admit, that roar got me as a kid). While it's not an ideal matchup, I can't think of anyone else for that card (mother brain wouldn't fit). For that matter, I can't think of where else to place Azala in the trumps, and she should be represented as the other major personality of prehistory.

Good idea! I'd love to have an occasion to put the Rainbow Shell with another figure, if we do this.

Indeed. With well thought-out illustrations, we should be able to incorporate plenty of meaning. As for the template, would it be a good idea to include a text box at the bottom, like magic: the gathering? it would be very untraditional, but we could put extra info that would help explain our choices (for example, the zeal quote about strange red rock under Dreamstone: Moon). It would be unorthodox, though. and I don't want to get too ahead of things.

lol no, I mean the numbered cards on the tarot. Like this:

There are four suits -- Pentacles, Wands, Swords, & Cups -- and each have an Ace, a King, a Queen, a Knight, a Page, and nine suit cards. This is the Minor Arcana:

Your Queen Zeal comparison is apt, though, because I'm just getting waaay ahead of myself; there are 56 minor arcana cards. IMHO the priority should be the Major Arcana, the Trumps (the Fool, High Priestess, etc. -- what xcalibur and I have been discussing, largely).

Indeed, Major Arcana are the priority. The only reason I brought up minor is because they have to fit with the major. Numbered suits could definitely be events, but we'll figure that out later.

speaking of which, I think the greedy porre mayor could be a page of pentacles. however, you chose Tata for that and you might see him as being somewhat more important.


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #54 on: November 05, 2011, 05:27:36 pm »
Okay, I know you guys liked the previous design of mine, but I kinda hated it myself. There seemed to be something weird about it. Seemed too simple. Too lazy.

So instead I made a new, better design. Again, there's something missing here but I can't seem to put my finger on it. They first one I call "Ember", the second "Echo", and the third "Light".



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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #55 on: November 05, 2011, 06:31:37 pm »
Hmm. My problem is that I don't really like the glow effect. Maybe try the first one with a pseudo-metal-type bevel on the flat yellow?


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #56 on: November 05, 2011, 07:53:45 pm »
also, Syna, I'm not trying to push your thoughts aside. My intention is to argue it out, consider all points, and make sure we've made the right choices. I don't want the deck to be made and then be like OH WAIT LETS SWITCH THOSE TWO! also, I was willing to abandon my original NPC emphasis, and my list was influenced by yours.

looking back at your choices...
I see you picked Queen Leene for Empress. honestly, that could work, but only as a fill in if there was nothing else. As it is, I'm favoring Azala. I picked King Guardia for emperor because there's no one else in Trigger who fulfills that role.

The fool as the player and Chrono as Magician could work, but that's taking up two slots. We could instead have Chrono as the fool, since he's the stand-in for the player, and then have the magician to work with.

Here's my list as it currently stands:

Fool - Chrono/the Player
Magician - Norstein Bekkler OR Belthasar
High Priestess - Schala
Empress - Azala
Emperor - King Guardia
Hierophant - Mother Brain OR Belthasar
Lovers - Crono & Marle
Chariot - Epoch
Strength - Ayla (closing a sabertooth tigers mouth)
Hermit - Belthasar OR Gaspar
Wheel of Fortune - Time Gate
Justice - Frog w/ Masamune and Hero's Medal
Hanged Man - Gaspar AND/OR Robo
Death - Lavos
Temperance - Melchior
Devil - Magus
Tower - Mammon Machine
Star - Marle w/ Pendant
Moon - Black Omen OR Dreamstone
Sun - Lucca w/ Sun Stone
Judgement - The Chrono Trigger
World - Nu/Entity

the bolded AND/OR show the current quandary about fitting the party and gurus. we could have a split hanged man card. or put Robo on it, move Gaspar to Hermit (less ideal, but it still fits), and then move Belthasar to Hierophant or Magician. or leave robo off of hanged man, and maybe feature him with the hierophant mother brain, which is an even less favorable compromise imo.


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #57 on: November 06, 2011, 10:08:39 am »
How's this? a 2px shade, improved luminosity, and a bit of blur.


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #58 on: November 06, 2011, 11:51:18 am »
Dropping by quickly to say..

also, Syna, I'm not trying to push your thoughts aside. My intention is to argue it out, consider all points, and make sure we've made the right choices. I don't want the deck to be made and then be like OH WAIT LETS SWITCH THOSE TWO! also, I was willing to abandon my original NPC emphasis, and my list was influenced by yours.

Oh, I'm entirely on the same page; we should definitely hash this out as much as possible. I have a lot less attachment to my choices than a very cohesive deck that does justice to both stories. :D And anyway, it's great to discuss this with someone who knows so much about tarot! The list as it stands now is thoughtful and appropriate; but I think that arguing certain points will help us chose the best candidates, and point to ways we can help the artists depict the cards in a symbolically appropriate manner.

I'm still trying to ponder out our Guru problem. I don't like the Magician as Belthasar either, all things told. Brrr, this is difficult.


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Re: Chrono Tarot cards project. Any ideas?
« Reply #59 on: November 06, 2011, 11:59:36 am »
Final try for now. How about these 'Steam Punk-ish' designs? Used a papyrus texture here with back-design too.