Author Topic: Introducing people to Chrono.  (Read 1632 times)

Lance VII

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Introducing people to Chrono.
« on: May 08, 2010, 06:20:55 pm »
Just curious; How many of you tell friends and family about these games?

I personally love seeing newcomers to Chrono. When my fiance and I first started dating, I was making Chrono Alter. She took notice, and played the Beta Version as a tester, and she REALLY enjoyed it. So, I hooked her up with my DS and CT:DS. She fell in love with the games. She has yet to play Cross, but she's seen me play it a bit.

Do you have a similar story?


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Introducing people to Chrono.
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2010, 09:37:00 pm »
Well, how I was introduced to Chrono, was a number of years ago. My friend had a bunch of older systems, NES, SNES, etc, which I hadn't even seen before. He had a lot of the old games too, all 3 pre PSX Final Fantasys that were released in the US. One of these classics was Chrono Trigger. I watched him, and our friend, play the game and they both loved it. I became really interested in it also. One Christmas, I got Final Fantasy Chronicles, which ahd FF4 and Chrono Trigger. Needless to say, it was an awesome Christmas  :lol:

Lance VII

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Re: Introducing people to Chrono.
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2010, 11:54:08 pm »
Well, how I was introduced to Chrono, was a number of years ago. My friend had a bunch of older systems, NES, SNES, etc, which I hadn't even seen before. He had a lot of the old games too, all 3 pre PSX Final Fantasys that were released in the US. One of these classics was Chrono Trigger. I watched him, and our friend, play the game and they both loved it. I became really interested in it also. One Christmas, I got Final Fantasy Chronicles, which ahd FF4 and Chrono Trigger. Needless to say, it was an awesome Christmas  :lol:
That reminds me of a funny story. I borrowed CT from a friend of mine for SNES when I was 12. After returning it to him, I found out it was in FF: Chronicles on PS1. After I finally got a PS1, I asked for FF:C for Christmas. On accident, my grandmother got me Final Fantasy IX. To this day, FFIX is my second favorite RPG ever.


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Re: Introducing people to Chrono.
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 11:43:58 pm »
Just curious; How many of you tell friends and family about these games?

I personally love seeing newcomers to Chrono. When my fiance and I first started dating, I was making Chrono Alter. She took notice, and played the Beta Version as a tester, and she REALLY enjoyed it. So, I hooked her up with my DS and CT:DS. She fell in love with the games. She has yet to play Cross, but she's seen me play it a bit.

Do you have a similar story?

i would like to be introduced toChrono, but I wanna watch the videos, but idk in which order it's best to watch them:

1st Time Warp & Flashback.avi
Attack of the Black Panther 1st Person.avi
Attack of the Black Panther.avi
Burning Orphanage without Harle.avi
Destruction of the Dead Sea.avi
Dragon Tear.avi
Kid on the Beach.avi
Kid's Introduction.avi
Time Warp.avi
Serge's Flashback.avi
Serge's Flashback & Headache.avi
Serge Stabs Kid.avi
Fort Dragonia & Flashbacks.avi
Fort Dragonia.avi
Viper Manor.avi
Lynx and Serge Switch Bodies.avi
Serge and the Frozen Flame.avi

Serge gets his Body Back.avi
Burning Orphanage + Harle.avi
Rise of Terra Tower.avi
Fall of Terra Tower.avi
Flying to Terra Tower.avi
Ending with Schala.avi
Dragons attack Chronopolis.avi
Ending with Book of Time.avi
Time Warp.avi
Frozen Flame.avi

Please tell me! thanks!


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Re: Introducing people to Chrono.
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2010, 09:50:46 am »
Why don't you just play the game and watch them in the order presented to you...?


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Re: Introducing people to Chrono.
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2010, 10:51:16 am »
Alternatively, if you can't get the game itself or the hardware to play it on, this is the beginning of one of the more comprehensive Cross playthroughs on YouTube. It will present you with all the video clips in their correct order and context. This is a game, not a TV series, and the extracted clips will not tell you anything useful alone--the reason no one replied to your question the first time you posted it is that it is nonsensical.


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Re: Introducing people to Chrono.
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2010, 10:52:38 pm »
My girlfriend, who is a non gamer that became addicted to world of warcraft, has never gone farther than the millennial fair. I've always told her that if there was a game that she should play it was CT, but I've lost all hopes.  I think people who started to play this or the previous gen are afraid of 2d, sprited games.


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Re: Introducing people to Chrono.
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2010, 09:40:25 am »
I keep trying to get some of my mates at TAFE to play it, but a majority of them prefer Shooters and MMORPGs. I did get rather excited the other week though, one of them was saying how they're sick of Square Enix making Final Fantasy games and that they should make another Chrono game, his reason for saying that however was that he'd heard that a lot of people wanted another Chrono game. I'm still trying to get them to play it though, I mention it whenever we're discussing awesome games.


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Re: Introducing people to Chrono.
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2010, 03:44:12 pm »
Just curious; How many of you tell friends and family about these games?

I personally love seeing newcomers to Chrono. When my fiance and I first started dating, I was making Chrono Alter. She took notice, and played the Beta Version as a tester, and she REALLY enjoyed it. So, I hooked her up with my DS and CT:DS. She fell in love with the games. She has yet to play Cross, but she's seen me play it a bit.

Do you have a similar story?

My Brother Hates it, Never asked anothers to try it out but i know someone that plays it and i helped him ALOT on it he was Stuck on the Krawlie Part and i told him he doesn't have to do it so quickly once i tell him about Chrono Alter He will Fall in LOVE with that game. Hopefully he Downloads it on Computer.