Author Topic: Fuck Sexism  (Read 101162 times)


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #495 on: August 12, 2009, 11:51:46 pm »
you guys go off topic easily lol
i have never experienced sexism, aside from the fact that being a white male is always a bonus. i do feel that it is a big problem. aside from having the pay issues, many women usually experience some sort of harrasment. they get unwanted attention, simply for being female. many people portray them as stupid and ditzy, not good at math or science. my little sister megan is a whiz at math, but shes afraid to go into an advanced placement course for math because it is mostly guys.
women are more likely to be stalked than men. rape is primarily associated with a man forcibly having sex with a woman. women are more likely to suffer domestic abuse. its disgusting, and if i ever stalk, rape, or beat my girlfriend, or do any of that crap, i will kill myself. i try and spread the word as best i can, but i dont know how to actually stop it, or at least increase the equality.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #496 on: August 13, 2009, 02:11:00 am »
There really isn't much to say, because from what I've read if you're not an atheist you're branded a sexist.

That’s not quite correct. My point, and that of ZeaLitY and others, is that religion has consistently upheld itself through use of sexism. To get away from sexism, one must either reject that aspect of their religion, which is usually harder than rejecting the religion entirely. It’s an oversimplification to say that atheism is a prerequisite to sexual egalitarianism…but it’s an oversimplification which nevertheless usually holds true.

I personally don’t see it as useful to limit this issue of sexism to the terms of divine faith or a lack thereof, because sexism is bigger than religion; it may be true that virtually all believers are sexist, but so are most nonbelievers.

Sexism comes in degrees; everybody (or almost everybody) who ever lived has had sexist tendencies, because sexism is built into the human condition. Sexism is pervasive enough to be a person’s default position: To get away from sexism, you have to explicitly recognize it, and, once you learn how to do that, you will see that sexism is everywhere.

To borrow a Christian concept, sexism is like sin. Just because you don’t know how to recognize it doesn’t mean it’s not there, and it’s no shame to admit that you have within yourself both the ignorance and the imperfection which set you up to think and behave sexistly. Rather than defending yourself against the charge, you should plead guilty and seek redemption.

Otherwise, you will only continue to be a part of the problem.

We all have different point of views, but this thread just doesn't respect each people's beliefs... I mean...there's just so many point of views
how can you be so arrogant to believe your views on life are superior to someone else's?

I don’t think you were talking to me personally—or maybe you were after seeing my comment to Truthordeal the other day—but in any case I can answer your rhetorical question directly: When it comes to conflicting ideas, I would say that most people, in their “heart of hearts,” think that their views are equal or superior to other people’s views, by whatever their inner measure of value may be. This would make sense, because we all have an ego, and ego is essential to our ability to function. What kind of a world would you live in, if you honestly felt that your convictions were crap?

Some of us are more aggressive or passive; some of us are more tolerant or intolerant; but all of us who are not depressed or mentally imbalanced must proceed from some kind of self-assuredness on some level. Thus your question, “How can you be so arrogant…?” is irrelevant: People are, and that’s how it is.

What you are effectively implying with your rhetoric is that we must always agree to disagree, because the real truth is inaccessible. In this contention, you are wrong. Some people’s “arrogance” (to use your word) is more justified than that of others, because some people’s convictions are simply more logical, or are better in tune with reality, or are more beneficial for humanity or life on Earth—all of which are objective measures with some obvious merit.

It isn’t a lie, or even a “matter of opinion,” that religion has promoted sexism extensively, and it is also isn’t a lie or a matter of opinion that sexism is rampant. These are facts. It doesn’t matter if a majority of people disagree; majority opinion does not create truth. ZeaLitY, and at times Lord J Esq, and many others besides, may be ungracious with the way we present these facts, but we’re only the messengers and you shouldn’t be paying such attention to our style anyway.

I understand where your concern is coming from: You don’t like other people demeaning your religious values or your religious faith. I do sympathize, but I have no patience for your ignorance, stubbornness, or virulent self-defense. Some days you lose the fight. Some days you are the one who is wrong. Some days you need to look up at the stars and admit that you don’t know it all. Some of your peers know better than you do, some of the time, on some things. This is one of those occasions. I urge you to consider it.

I apologize if my own personal weaknesses pollute the importance of the message, and I apologize for the overbearingness of people like ZeaLitY, who is simply caught up in the midst of a massive awakening and doesn’t yet fully realize the effects his displays of passion can have on others. You would do better to ignore us messengers and focus exclusively on what we have to say. If you have an open mind, the rest will take care of itself.

...but seems like here if you tell about your views on the subject
all the atheists just get flat out mad at you and start to bash at you and tell you just how wrong your antique conservative ways are.

There is a hidden question that I didn’t answer above: How does one know that their point of view is superior, when all of us are predisposed to self-assuredness even though it is usually unwarranted?

The only way to earn that kind of knowledge is to learn this stuff that our ancestors have created and bequeathed unto us…reason, judgment, critical analysis. These tools won’t get you 100 percent of the way to certainty—for certainty has little place in a scientific mindset—but they can easily teach you to recognize flaws in other people’s thinking, and in your own thinking. “Antique conservative ways” are evidently, extensively riddled with illogic, incomprehensiveness, fallacy, inconsiderateness, prejudice, malice, and fear. I understand that there are many conservatives out there, who exist because they were brought up in a society which predisposed them to such a fate, and I admit that theirs is an unfortunate lot—as unfortunate for the rest of us as for them. However, they are what they are, and what they are is wrong—deeply and dangerously so.

Conservatives will disagree with that. But they don’t have the power to defend their ideas. The intelligent conservatives can hold their own in debate only by chipping away at their conservative premises, until they cease to be “conservatives” in the conventional sense of the word, or until they reach the limits of current human understanding—the boundary of our political, social, economic, and anthropological theories, beyond which lies only human ignorance: a realm where differing points of view are purely speculative and therefore tentatively valid.

I don't know if you forget this or are simply too pigheaded to care, but ignorance is subjective.

I don’t know how you can say that. Do you know what “ignorance” is? Either a person is aware of a thing, or not. There’s no in-between. Another way of looking at it is that the word ignorance is a cognate of the word ignore. Don’t you see that?

Surely the 80 some odd percentage of Americans that are Christians don't think that they're ignorant, and if you want to make the assumption that you are smarter than such a large majority and know better than them, simply because you're an atheist, well then, you're the ignorant one here.

I know you’re talking to ZeaLitY, but I’ll intercept this one. As I said before, majority opinion does not create the truth. That isn’t controversial. If you disagree anyway, you’d better be prepared to prove your claim.

I've read your "facts" about religion over and over again, and they're no more factual than anything out of the mouth of Rush Limbaugh. Most of them seem to be analysis or assumptions than facts, and most of them are far more polarizing.

ZeaLitY’s arguments, in between his diatribes and foul language, are becoming increasingly sophisticated and, in my view, effective. If he is still failing to persuade you, is that him being inadequate, or you being intractable?

I, as a Christian, am fine with criticism of my faith; hell, I accept it and encourage people to ask the tough questions regarding religion and its role in the world.

I think your problem here is that you’re only willing to accept criticism on your own terms, which are entirely too narrow for your own good.

What I cannot say I'm fine with is the constant stream of anti-theist propaganda that inevitably makes its way onto this forum.

“Propaganda”? ZeaLitY’s “springtime of youth” may, at a stretch, be construed as propaganda, but his political arguments never are. You are welcome to substantiate your allegation, but don’t bother if you’re not prepared to accept defeat, which would follow almost immediately.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #497 on: August 13, 2009, 02:30:19 am »
To go on to a similar topic of predjudice, racism, I believe the worst of my racism comes to being that I don't look anyone who isn't white in the eye (this only applies to non-white people I don't know)...

...contrary to how it sounds, however, I am doing this out of fear...  I have an overwhealming fear that if I look at someone who isn't white, they will think that I am staring and that I'm doing so out of racism...  I feel bad for not looking them in the eye because that in itself may be racist but its not my intention, and I feel kindof trapped in a circle. =(  At least I feel bad for doing things either way... =(

and back on topic, the worst of my sexist thoughts and feelings, that I can think of, is me thinking I'm not worthy for any woman.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #498 on: August 13, 2009, 03:36:16 am »
Your fears are very silly.  And obvious fear invites problems from anyone.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #499 on: August 13, 2009, 04:08:13 am »
its a fear of being seen as a racist or sexist...

...not because I am afraid of getting sued or something like that, but because I don't wanna be racist or sexist V.V

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #500 on: August 13, 2009, 10:34:55 am »
To go on to a similar topic of predjudice, racism, I believe the worst of my racism comes to being that I don't look anyone who isn't white in the eye (this only applies to non-white people I don't know)...

...contrary to how it sounds, however, I am doing this out of fear...  I have an overwhealming fear that if I look at someone who isn't white, they will think that I am staring and that I'm doing so out of racism...  I feel bad for not looking them in the eye because that in itself may be racist but its not my intention, and I feel kindof trapped in a circle. =(  At least I feel bad for doing things either way... =(

and back on topic, the worst of my sexist thoughts and feelings, that I can think of, is me thinking I'm not worthy for any woman.

As far as people of other races, you should look them dead in the eye, and when they look back, smile. A smile is the easiest, fastest, and most universal way of saying "no offense" and works more wonders than most people care to remember!

And as far as ladies, and "girl advice", I'm not sure I won't get bashed for saying it, but that's an easy fix. Ladies don't like attractive guys, or smart guys, or creative guys. That's all stuff that's a plus. They like guys with confidence. That's all you need to know. Pretending you don't care (in my experience) gets the girl to like you almost every time. Unless she's not playing 'the dating game' or whatever you'd call the confusing sexual battle.

So basically, if you don't worry about coming off as racist or sexist, you won't come off as racist or sexist.

I actually used to think that if I didn't finish listening to a Christian band's song aboug God, God would be angry with me. (It turns out he wasn't? I guess.)


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #501 on: August 13, 2009, 11:49:01 am »
There really isn't much to say, because from what I've read if you're not an atheist you're branded a sexist.

Other than Lord J and Zeality, who has said that?

At least three of the active participants in this discussion have been some form of what might be classified as religious (Faust, TruthorDeal, and myself). While I could be wrong, I don't think J or Z would start calling Faust a sexist.

If I recall correctly, Zephira is atheist and… I can’t remember and am not sure if Zaich or Uboa have said their stances.

We all have different point of views, but this thread just doesn't respect each people's beliefs... I mean...there's just so many point of views
how can you be so arrogant to believe your views on life are superior to someone else's?

Well if one didn't believe in his or her belief, then it wouldn't be a belief, yes? The very fact that one believes in a particular stance necessitates that one also think it is superior to alternate stances. If one didn't believe that a particular stance was correct, then one wouldn't hold said stance. So really, you seem to be taking offense at individuals having any belief at all. I don’t believe that this was your intent, but I do believe that is the logical conclusion.

But I believe I can be wrong too.

“Propaganda”? ZeaLitY’s “springtime of youth” may, at a stretch, be construed as propaganda, but his political arguments never are. You are welcome to substantiate your allegation, but don’t bother if you’re not prepared to accept defeat, which would follow almost immediately.

In the words of Inigo Montoya, "I do not think it means what you think it means."

Propaganda is merely the active spreading of ideas, concepts, information, believes, etc with the intent of furthering or hindering a particular cause. There is, admittedly, a negative connotation with the word, but I would argue that such a connotation is the result of incorrect social perceptions. American society seems to dislike the idea of being actively convinced of something. We want the information presented "neutrally" so that we may judge for ourselves, free of external pressure. Propaganda is seen as a negative because it is active, not passive. Likewise with rhetoric. They are associated with the idea of "making" someone believe something, as if against their will, which we find distasteful. Yet at its heart, that is what a logical and reasonable argument is; an attempt to spread a particular conclusion, and if you do that with the intent of spreading a larger goal, it is propaganda. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

ToD does hit on an irritance, however, and it wouldn’t d to sweep such a thing under the carpet once it has been brought up. Zeality in particular, but you as well, often bring religion into a myriad of topics. It would be nice to occasionally be able to discuss something without it developing into a religious debate. However, given Z's perspective and your own, it should be expected that religion will get brought up whenever you two are talking about the ills of the world, as from your perspectives religion is at fault for much of it. While I might disagree with the premise, I cannot fault the result, as it is merely the logical outgrowth of it. Any irritation that comes from that should not be more of a blemish on you two than the monitor settings I use on the computers on which I read your posts. Still, an irritation does exist. To deny such would be dishonest.

To go on to a similar topic of predjudice, racism, I believe the worst of my racism comes to being that I don't look anyone who isn't white in the eye (this only applies to non-white people I don't know)... contrary to how it sounds, however, I am doing this out of fear...  I have an overwhealming fear that if I look at someone who isn't white, they will think that I am staring and that I'm doing so out of racism...  I feel bad for not looking them in the eye because that in itself may be racist but its not my intention, and I feel kindof trapped in a circle.

To be fair, you are being a little racist -- not in not looking them in the eyes, but in worrying about being racist. By being afraid that you'll appear to be racist, you will be treating them differently, and thus are engaging in racist behavior. The remedy is actually to hang around people of said race more. Even if you have nothing against people with rainbow colored hair in concept, for example, the first meet one you'll notice that their hair is different. The very act of noticing a fundamental difference is the seed from which prejudice can grow. If you hang around such people more, those differences will fade to the background of your mind. You'll still know that they are different, but that difference will take a back seat in your mind and you will no longer focus on it. By not focusing on it, you'll then be able to treat them as you'd treat anyone else.

and back on topic, the worst of my sexist thoughts and feelings, that I can think of, is me thinking I'm not worthy for any woman.

The wonderful thing about love is that it doesn't ask us to be "worthy" or perfect. This is a particularly good thing, as love tends to eventually lead to people living together in a limited and shared space. Such living usually results in conflicts, but love keeps individuals together through such things.

I would also argue that feeling that one is "unworthy" if a far better place to be in than if one were to feel that one was "perfectly worthy." Neither is an ideal place to be, mind you, but comparatively. Part of love is self-improvement. Love does not demand that we are perfect, but that doesn't stop it from desiring the removal of our imperfections.

And as far as ladies, and "girl advice", I'm not sure I won't get bashed for saying it, but that's an easy fix. Ladies don't like attractive guys, or smart guys, or creative guys. That's all stuff that's a plus. They like guys with confidence. That's all you need to know. Pretending you don't care (in my experience) gets the girl to like you almost every time. Unless she's not playing 'the dating game' or whatever you'd call the confusing sexual battle.

Speaking of seduction community, is that something that should be rejected entirely on principle or might there be useful elements that can be salvaged from that ideological trainwreck?

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #502 on: August 13, 2009, 12:00:30 pm »
I know perfectly well what propaganda is. I'm a writer. I stand by my comment: It'd be within reason to call his Springtime of Youth outbursts propaganda, if we assume that they're more than just fits of passion and are deliberately intended to persuade. His political arguments, however, are not. They are declarative, not persuasive, and I'd say one of the reasons they fall flat is that they don't have enough persuasive intent in them, since his preference is to bludgeon rather than argue.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #503 on: August 13, 2009, 12:02:48 pm »
Declarative statements are persuasive, however. Indeed, bludgeoning is itself a form of persuasion.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2009, 12:04:34 pm by Thought »

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #504 on: August 13, 2009, 12:05:28 pm »
They are declarative. Anything else is an addition by the originator or an inference by the recipient.


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #505 on: August 13, 2009, 12:08:11 pm »
Speaking of seduction community, is that something that should be rejected entirely on principle or might there be useful elements that can be salvaged from that ideological trainwreck?

As someone who's just gotten out of the high school train wreck of a dating community, I can say that I'm sick of this "dating game," that people seem to play and the seduction community seems to only be perpetuating that. Ugh. I suppose its find if it helps men overcome their personal weaknesses in the dating world, but as Jerry Holkins("Tycho Brahe" of Penny Arcade) said in an earlier linked blog post, there are some elements that are comparable to hunting out of a Jeep in the Savannah, and that's not nearly as noble.

I forget how, but FW also linked the seduction community with this Sordini guy, the one that shot up the gym full of women.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #506 on: August 13, 2009, 12:19:14 pm »
I'm no fan of said game. But it does seem to be very prevalent, and the rules are very easy to learn. Now to follow those rules...that's a whole new challenge altogether!

But Thought, the problem isn't with the community in general, it is biology. Naturally a quiet, calm, confident "man" would make a better "protector" than a blushing, confused, emotions-on-his-shoulder kinda guy. At least, that's how instinct would look at it. When looking at animal mating patterns, lots of sexuality issues arise.

There are some animals who form strong homosexual bonds.

Plenty of sex in the animal world could be considered rape if those involve were personified in any way.

The question of right and wrong in the sense of sexual intentions is a very very fuzzy question (In the animal kingdom, that is. it's pretty clear-cut in the human world.)


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #507 on: August 13, 2009, 01:12:34 pm »
To go on to a similar topic of predjudice, racism, I believe the worst of my racism comes to being that I don't look anyone who isn't white in the eye (this only applies to non-white people I don't know)...

...contrary to how it sounds, however, I am doing this out of fear...  I have an overwhealming fear that if I look at someone who isn't white, they will think that I am staring and that I'm doing so out of racism...  I feel bad for not looking them in the eye because that in itself may be racist but its not my intention, and I feel kindof trapped in a circle. =(  At least I feel bad for doing things either way... =(

and back on topic, the worst of my sexist thoughts and feelings, that I can think of, is me thinking I'm not worthy for any woman.

As far as people of other races, you should look them dead in the eye, and when they look back, smile. A smile is the easiest, fastest, and most universal way of saying "no offense" and works more wonders than most people care to remember!

And as far as ladies, and "girl advice", I'm not sure I won't get bashed for saying it, but that's an easy fix. Ladies don't like attractive guys, or smart guys, or creative guys. That's all stuff that's a plus. They like guys with confidence. That's all you need to know. Pretending you don't care (in my experience) gets the girl to like you almost every time. Unless she's not playing 'the dating game' or whatever you'd call the confusing sexual battle.

So basically, if you don't worry about coming off as racist or sexist, you won't come off as racist or sexist.

I actually used to think that if I didn't finish listening to a Christian band's song aboug God, God would be angry with me. (It turns out he wasn't? I guess.)

Haha thanks Mr. B, thats wonderful advice!

And don't worry... if he's ok with me listening to Muse in my sleep, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine haha =D

And I apologise for the off-topicness of my recent posts.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2009, 01:28:25 pm by IAmSerge »

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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #508 on: August 13, 2009, 01:52:46 pm »
I was very young when I held that belief. Maybe even pre-Chrono Trigger young. Like six or seven years old?


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Re: Fuck Sexism
« Reply #509 on: August 13, 2009, 01:54:16 pm »
I was very young when I held that belief. Maybe even pre-Chrono Trigger young. Like six or seven years old?

I was making a joke =D