I'm not sure how well "Unstuck in time" applies, though I don't really understand what that trope is at the moment.
Still, interesting idea (tropes page).
While they probably go elsewhere, there must be a few Crowning Moments of Awesome in Crimson Echoes.
Crowning Moment of Awesome: King Zeal determined to burn Lavos to death.
Tear Jerker: The Fall of Guardia
Ojou: Marle
Bokkuko: Again, Marle.
Genki Girl: Marle, AGAIN. She's a very tropalicious lady, I suppose. I cannot believe those words just came out of my own mind.
Growing the Beard: Reptite Timeline.
Parental Abandonment: Crono's dad, Marle's mom. Magus and Schala with King and Queen Zeal, definitely.
People Jars: Magus when captured by Dalton.
Butt Monkey: Dalton.
Unlucky Childhood Friend: Lucca, showed during her Flame Trial.
Wham Episode/Chapter: The Fall of Guardia.
You Gotta Have _____ Hair: Lucca's is purple, Schala's is blue, Glenn's is green. Need I say more?
Big Fancy House: Guardia Castle, although it(for me) was somewhat implied that Marle moves in with Crono.
Good Morning, Crono: Duh.
Downer Ending: Porre taking complete control of Guardia, Schala being trapped in the DBT.
Flanderization: Subverted with Ayla, as they actually gave her a personality.
Luke, I am your Father: Magus and Zeal, perhaps?
Memetic Mutation: If I have anything to say about it there will be.(But seriously, you probably shouldn't include this one.
Mood Whiplash: Fall of Guardia.
Rescued From the Scrappy Heap: Dalton, Zeal.
Woobie: A lot of the fans consider Zeal to be this, although I figure Marle for more of one.
I personally don't have a TvTropes account and don't really care to get one. But I'll contribute with my knowledge all the same.
I'm sure I can think of more as time goes by.