Author Topic: Name Origin  (Read 8616 times)


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Name Origin
« on: June 08, 2009, 11:53:36 pm »
This is for everyone to share their story behind their name. Laith.. it was just something I thought of at the time and it sounded cool. I later found out that it's actually a derka name.
But I'd like to know where all of you got your screen name or how you came up with it and why.

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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 11:56:17 pm » name.


Well, the T and the K are part of a name I already go with. I themed the name for the sight, considering it was a Chrono community. I do tend to put a name with two names, one starting with T and the other with K. My AIM, for instance.


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2009, 12:02:40 am »
When I first discovered the Internets, I was at first ProtoMan, then Sephiroth001 (yes, I admit to having one of those crappy, "Hey, I'm Final Fantasy Character ###" names early in life). Finally Goethe and Marlowe hit me in the head in my sleep or something, and it was kismet. Plus, wolves are cool.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 12:04:13 am by FaustWolf »

Katie Skyye

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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2009, 12:03:18 am »
I had a strange dream once, long ago, and at the end of the dream I was sitting on the seafloor and looking up towards the surface, and the words "For Katie...I would do anything..." appeared.

No idea what that meant, but whatever. The Skyye came from a grade-school obsession with making usernames with strangely-spelled weather phenomena: Rainy Daze, Cloudy Skyye, Thundre Storme...etc.

I kept the Skyye because it was my favorite account on the site I was on...

So, Katie Skyye!


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2009, 12:08:42 am »
Kebrel are actually my initials, ja I know I must have a sweet name huh!

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2009, 12:09:51 am »
I'm a big fan of the Acacia Dragoons, so I wanted my name to reflect that. As I usually don't like to be in a position of leadership I went for the title of the common soldiers. And I chose the Sgt since those are the strongest members after the General and the 4 Devas.


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2009, 12:29:20 am »
Pyt Fumv = Al Bhed

Pyt Fumv = Bad Wolf

Bad Wolf = Doctor Who arc words


EDIT: ahahaha I have odd fuckin' timing huh
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 12:38:04 am by FaFniR »


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2009, 12:39:05 am »
I was originally ZephyrAnalea, back in the heyday of my internet days, but that got too many 'anal' jokes, so I shortened it to Zephira.
Like Skyye, ZephyrAnalea came to me in a dream. I don't quite remember the dream, I just know that someone in it named me Zephyr, so it stuck.


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2009, 12:40:10 am »
If mine isn't blatantly obvious to you guys, who are obviously intelligent...

I am Hyperactive. In fact, I believe I have ADD.

I am a Nerd. A History Nerd. A Video Game Nerd. An intelligent person and Social outcast overall.


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2009, 12:54:52 am »
Pyt Fumv = Al Bhed

Pyt Fumv = Bad Wolf

Bad Wolf = Doctor Who arc words


EDIT: ahahaha I have odd fuckin' timing huh
I believe I've told you once before that you're a dwarve prince


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2009, 12:58:38 am »
I originally use the name kid123 on a ROM hacking board of WWF No Mercy(LINKY) named No Mercy Zone on 2007. I started hacking the move for the games there on age of 12+. Nothing inspired me in particular, but perhaps I got that name from Kaito Kuroba/The Phantom Thief Kid of Detective Canon anime series.
Isn't it is an odd way of naming right? After that I used a very large variety of name concerning Kid on any register-required website like kid123/kidkiddo1/kiddo etc.

Big note that it doesn't has anything to do with Kid/Kidd from RD and CC.

Hmm. I think I need to change my trend of username naming, heh.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 09:09:08 am by kid123 »


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2009, 01:05:34 am »
If mine isn't blatantly obvious to you guys, who are obviously intelligent...

I am Hyperactive. In fact, I believe I have ADD.

I am a Nerd. A History Nerd. A Video Game Nerd. An intelligent person and Social outcast overall.

Hyperactive is unrelated to ADD.

That would be ADHD my friend, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.  Don't worry.  A lot of us have it, and no one really cares anymore... >.>

...and to be on topic, if you seriously cannot get where my name comes from... play cross.  just... look it up on the wiki part of the compendium at least.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2009, 01:30:11 am »
I chose Mr Bekkler cause he's quirky and dark and basically a severed head and hands with little backstory. But he's still a clown. And I appreciate that.

I kind of feel dark humor (and puns/stupid wit) is my forte. [plus nobody else had it. lotsa maguses and schalas, kids, serges, glenn/frog, and z stuff, but no bekklers]

Why not the whole name?
I really wanted somebody to call me Mr Bekkler, so I could say, "Please, call me Norstein!" But it was only funny once. And Norstein Bekkler is way too long to type to login.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 01:31:48 am by Mr Bekkler »

Daniel Krispin

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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2009, 03:07:40 am »
Oh, now I feel dreadfully boring.

Mine? Because that's why my parents named me?

But if you wish for an etymological explanation...

Daniel is old Hebrew, made from the elements Dan-i-el. Dan is the Hebrew for 'Judge', and 'el' is an old name for God, originally the name of the Canaanite bull-god, and later adapted by the Hebrews. As such, the name means, technically, 'God is my judge', although one could also say 'God has vindicated me', as Leah does when her son Dan is born.

As for Krispin, this is a German version of the name Crispin, which comes up now and again in English. Far as I know, this probably is an adaption from a saint name (ie. Saint Crispin, patron saint of shoemakers, and upon whose day the battle of Agincourt was fought.) Crispin itself is from the Latin Crispinus, which means 'curly' (implying 'curly haired' I suppose.) I suppose my distant ancestors were peasants without a last name and, in taking one, merely appropriated one from a saint.

However, there are other names I'm wont to use on forums, and in particular on the IRC. For example, Alexaion, and that might have a more interesting etymology. That one is a Greek name that I pieced together (I've never seen it actually appear in ancient Greek texts.) Long, long ago when I first started posting on forums, my screen name was 'Guardian of Ages.' When I outgrew such a silly name, I nonetheless decided to retain it, save in a different language (I think I first used it, actually, in a mock story I wrote about another forum, which I set in ancient Athens and gave all my fellow forum posters names after the Greek.) Anyway, Alexaion is as close as I can get to Guardian of Ages. Alex, used as a prefix, means 'defender' (ie. Alexander = defender of men) ; Aion is the Greek word for an age, sometimes spelled in English as 'aeon'. Hence, Defender of the/a Age.

I've not gone by many other names. I think I might have at one time gone by Herald of Mandos on a forum here or there... Mandos being the keeper of the dead in Tolkien's world, and his herald (or he himself) the one that pronounces the judgement upon the Elf-lord Feanor and the other Noldorin exiles from Valinor.


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Re: Name Origin
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2009, 04:49:35 am »
Oh, now I feel dreadfully boring.

Mine? Because that's why my parents named me?

But if you wish for an etymological explanation...

Daniel is old Hebrew, made from the elements Dan-i-el. Dan is the Hebrew for 'Judge', and 'el' is an old name for God, originally the name of the Canaanite bull-god, and later adapted by the Hebrews. As such, the name means, technically, 'God is my judge', although one could also say 'God has vindicated me', as Leah does when her son Dan is born.

As for Krispin, this is a German version of the name Crispin, which comes up now and again in English. Far as I know, this probably is an adaption from a saint name (ie. Saint Crispin, patron saint of shoemakers, and upon whose day the battle of Agincourt was fought.) Crispin itself is from the Latin Crispinus, which means 'curly' (implying 'curly haired' I suppose.) I suppose my distant ancestors were peasants without a last name and, in taking one, merely appropriated one from a saint.

However, there are other names I'm wont to use on forums, and in particular on the IRC. For example, Alexaion, and that might have a more interesting etymology. That one is a Greek name that I pieced together (I've never seen it actually appear in ancient Greek texts.) Long, long ago when I first started posting on forums, my screen name was 'Guardian of Ages.' When I outgrew such a silly name, I nonetheless decided to retain it, save in a different language (I think I first used it, actually, in a mock story I wrote about another forum, which I set in ancient Athens and gave all my fellow forum posters names after the Greek.) Anyway, Alexaion is as close as I can get to Guardian of Ages. Alex, used as a prefix, means 'defender' (ie. Alexander = defender of men) ; Aion is the Greek word for an age, sometimes spelled in English as 'aeon'. Hence, Defender of the/a Age.

I've not gone by many other names. I think I might have at one time gone by Herald of Mandos on a forum here or there... Mandos being the keeper of the dead in Tolkien's world, and his herald (or he himself) the one that pronounces the judgement upon the Elf-lord Feanor and the other Noldorin exiles from Valinor.
Why must you do that?