Ironically, my name, despite having a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong story behind it, still is a short story!
When I was a toddler (I don't remember when, but it's probably when I was 7 or 8 or something) I used to play videogames (only NES and Sega though) and PC games a lot, but another friend of mine named Conan, my age, had a PC with internet on it. Instead of wasting time on games he used to access the net for useful things.
One day, I asked him to teach me internet (ROFL!) and make me an email address. And so he helped me. The first ID I ever created was in Yahoo, and my ID was....
I liked the name so much I never wanted to part with it. But one day the password wasn't working. Dx Holy gods! I asked Conan to help me and he looked at me like I was some kind of a highly advanced idiot from outer space because I forgot my password, but that was strange because I remembered it clearly. But he helped me make a new ID instead.
He asked me to make an ID and Password with something I could remember. I put in my name (because I was a dork) but the ID was taken. So he put the "in" in "tushantin" and that was it!
And yeah, I use the same password now that I chose back then.