Author Topic: An Audacious Proposal  (Read 2910 times)

Delta Dragon

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Re: An Audacious Proposal
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2009, 12:49:05 pm »
Instead of trying to spend millions of dollars to buy a license, why not just GIVE square the game(s), tell them that you claim no credit or copyright to them at all, and then allow them to sell the games.  Then the game sees light to the fans, via an official box and CD or a Wiiware download or something, square makes money, and then possibly gains interest in a sequel. 
Yeah that might work is Square wasn't a bunch of heartless jerks who care zilch for their fans.


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Re: An Audacious Proposal
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2009, 04:52:06 pm »
It's not even about fans it's about money.. Why would a game company turn down an already finished and professional (or at least near) professional quality game that is done.  All they have to do is sell it and bam they get free money.  Slap that shit into Wiiware or xboxlive or w/e PS3 has. 

And yes I know that "all copies are gone" lol. 


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Re: An Audacious Proposal
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2009, 05:35:11 pm »
Square Enix certainly wouldn't sell the property to fans...

We wouldn't actually need the entire property rights; a limited lisence would do. Something along the lines of "limited non-competing internet derivative rights." IP isn't one thing, its a collection of several smaller rights that is ever growing (if you recall the Writer's Strike of not that long ago, that was the result of new rights being developed without creators being included on the potential profits).

Alternately, HOSTILE TAKEOVER! Buy the stock right out from under them. Now if only Bill Gates was a rabid fan...

So a top Squeenix exec has come right out and said that there will be no further Chrono games in the foreseeable future because sales of the DS version of CT haven't been (in their opinion) high enough. They're effectively saying that the IP associated with the Chrono series is of no value to them.

To be fair, he was talking out of his ass. At least he wiped first.
He complained that a re-release of a game that has been ignored for around 10 years and received minimal advertising did "poorly" in sales. Unless they "developed" CTDS in an f'ed up manner, their profit margins on the venture are through the roof (there should have been almost no development costs and low marketing costs). "Poor sales" is code for "man, I am totally wasted right now."