Trek had fallen out of favor with me for quite some time... about the last decade. First Contact was the last decent movie, and even then, I didn't really like it. After that, things went downhill with both the movies and television series (DS9 being the last decent series, in my opinion). In any case, I had gotten tired of the pseudo-intellectualism, pontificating, and clear lack of anything that resembled subtlety.
So, when I heard that this re-imagining was coming out, I was excited. I hoped that this would revitalize sci-fi in the American mainstream, 'cuz without it, there's no interest in space.
Last night, I watched it and it blew me away. I would've been happy if the movie simply didn't suck, but it went past that and became a truly enjoyable experience. To put it another way, the two hours I sat in the theater felt more like one: that's the mark of a fun movie. The action was intense, the characters well-written and likable, and the tech was fun to see.
Really, I have no complaints. I'm just happy to see Trek beginning its rebirth.