Author Topic: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY  (Read 11354 times)

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2009, 10:50:34 am »
112. The rebel base difficulty level is very high. It's not insurmountable, but the backtracking nature of progression through the dungeon forces several fights to recur. I would suggest that enemies which are defeated in this dungeon be programmed not to respawn.  JP NOTE: haha.. this is one of those things where I know where the battles are triggered so I never fight any one :-/

113. The Central Regime gives you a measly 2500 gold? Oh, those bastards. I'd have played the “mercenary” role out a little more, by putting a knife to his throat and demanding 50,000 gold, top-of-the-line battle armor, and season passes to “Regimeland,” the Happiest Place on Earth (Or Else!).  

114. Point of drama: The missile launched anyway and the Epoch brought it down, thus rendering the party's visit to the rebel base irrelevant. For better drama, this should be changed so that their assault makes a difference.  JP NOTE: I agree, hm....i was actually under the impression they stopped all the missiles but one.  Also they did kill the leader?  Zeality we can probably change this a bit

115. While moving around in the hunting range during the challenge against Kong, I accidentally hit the item button, which made Glenn throw up his arms as if casting a spell. The party would then get stuck there for a short but disruptive interval.  JP NOTE: The singing can be used to get some frogs if you sing at certain points, it's also used during the dance game.  This is one of thos points where at first I had the frog game really hard, then to make it easy I put a bunch of easy frogs....I'll relook at this and maybe make it so you have to "sing" to get atleast one of the frogs.  Hm note to self add "croak" sound to singing animation so it's more obvious whats gong on.

116. At the party that night, Ayla's and Glenn's sprites are shaded to reflect the dark. Everyone else's is fully brightened. Same thing in the Magus and Schala scene immediately afterward: Magus is shaded dark and Schala is not.  JP NOTE: :( I know....i don't know what the heck is going on there...I may have to go to the big guys to investigate this

117. Also in the Magus-Schala scene, the music changes several times. This should be kept to a minimum (not just here but throughout the game). Pick one or two themes and stick with that. Schala's theme would work fine for the entire scene.

118. After Belthasar's line about King Zeal's many curiosities (of which the Masamune is one), there is a missing word (“it”).  JP NOTE: I didn't see it, but I think i fixed this before

119. Changing party members immediately thereafter: See picture attachment at bottom of this post.

120. In the Vanguard base in 605, the person next to the fire in the basement has a null placeholder line.  JP NOTE: the waitress I'm assuming? She has a (placeholder chapter 14 line), is that what you mean by null? If so this has been bug'd for zeality

121. The Porre shop says “need to put a different text based off decision.”  JP NOTE: Bug'd for zeality

122. Kasmir's line to Flea in the Mystic Den “You're little separatists” should be “your.”

123. After applying the latest patch (Mar. 3), Sargon's recovery spring is still buggy.  JP NOTE: I think i got it this time

124. The choice of using the ending credits music for the Masamunes scene was touching, but then got interrupted by Frog's music, which in turn got interrupted when I took the magic tab (and the location music took its place). Similar to No. 117, you were fine sticking with the ending credits music. No need to replace it with the others.  JP NOTE: up to zeality

125. In the Commons of the First  Village, the person from Zeal wearing blue still has the line from earlier in the game about Dalton having not been seen in four years. That should be updated after the Dalton sequence at the beginning of the game.  JP NOTE: Bug'd for zeality, i think this is from an earlier draft where we made assumptions that weren't true.

126. The Chronopolis news link about the lizard person stealing candy bars has an error.  JP NOTE: nah, that's not a bug :) (just kidding)

127. In the reactor room of Chronpolis, the two people on the right side are missing periods at the end of their sentences. Melchior is also missing a period after he mentions Zeal.

128. Guardia's line “news must have traveled fast” has the words “news” and “must” stuck together.  JP NOTE: I dont see this...but you're using the latest patch...hrm

129. In the top of the left-hand tower during the invasion sequence, one of the enemy sentries starts out with Dalton's sprite.  JP NOTE: You're talking about before you fight dalton right?  I'm going to assume yea...

130. Dalton's line “A beautiful sight. It brings a tear to my eye,” during the destruction of Truce has the word “in” where “it” should be.”

131. The entire “Darkness of Noon” sequence, from the end of Kasmir's Fort through the return to Chronopolis, is very compelling. I would almost call it powerful. Excellent storyline, music choices, event scripting, and battle difficulty level. If the entire game were like this, you'd have a true successor, worthy of the series, in line with what the Dream Team could have done.  JP NOTE: :) Honestly if a rom hack done by people in their spare time gets one dream team worthy chapter that makes me happy.  Though I consider the breaking point also worthy (split party + singing mountain + drum puzzle + atash kedah = victory).

132. For the sake of the mood, the Dalton fight and millennial fair music should be disabled from Gato's gallery.

133. When Taban says “We'll try to find their parents,” “their” is misspelled. Same thing with Lara.

134 .The ruined future music doesn't play throughout Lucca's house. The sweet music kicks in upon heading to the back rooms, and it stays on until exiting the house.

135. The old Guardia Castle music still plays in the corridor before the courtroom.

136. If I recall, it would be possible to play through this chapter using any three characters from the party of six. I was using Marle, Lucca, and Crono, my native party for the game (prior to getting Ayla at some later point, that is), and it occurs to me that the chapter is highly optimized for these three characters...especially the scene in Crono's house. I don't know what the dialogue of Robo, Magus, and Glenn looks like, but unless you went out of your way to give them spectacular lines, I think you should consider making Marle, Lucca, and Crono mandatory for this chapter (“Darkness of Noon”).  JP NOTE: Crono/Lucca are forced into the scene after you beat dalton (so for the throne room and crono's room).  While it'd be tempting to put them in for the entire chapter I think the we force parties enough as it is throughout the game.

--- END CHUNK 4 ---
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 03:45:07 am by jsondag2 »

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2009, 05:15:03 am »
Thanks for making those notes, by the way, as you go through the list and take care of these items. It's interesting to read your feedback to my feedback.

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2009, 05:51:03 am »
My first showstopper bug: At the point where Toma opened the door to the Forest Ruins, the first room of the dungeon is just a blank screen with "Silent Light" playing. None of the sprites or backgrounds appear, and I don't seem to have any control of my party.

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2009, 06:01:16 am »
I'm unable to repro this.

It is also the first show stopper that Justin encountered.  Are you sure you're using the newest patch?  You mentioned above that you were however some of the bugs you were reporting had been fixed.  Make sure you apply the patch to an unheadered original CT Rom.  If you are using a newer patch i may need an srm file because it might be something trickier.

The forum won't let you upload a raw srm but you can zip it up or just change the extension to something else (like.jpg).


Lord J Esq

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2009, 06:33:50 am »
I'm unable to repro this.

It is also the first show stopper that Justin encountered.  Are you sure you're using the newest patch?  You mentioned above that you were however some of the bugs you were reporting had been fixed.  Make sure you apply the patch to an unheadered original CT Rom.  If you are using a newer patch i may need an srm file because it might be something trickier.

The forum won't let you upload a raw srm but you can zip it up or just change the extension to something else (like.jpg).


I was using the Mar. 3 patch, but I also checked it out on the most recent Mar. 5 patch before posting here. No difference. Here's the srm file.

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2009, 06:45:19 am »
hrm......i can't get that srm file to work.  It's also really small (.1 KB, my SRM files are 8 KB).



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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2009, 06:56:57 am »
Use winrar and extract it.

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2009, 07:28:50 am »
Yeah, sorry. It's not an srm renamed with an rar extension; it's an rar-compressed srm file.

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2009, 01:19:31 pm »
sigh.....I'm an idiot.

However even after extracting it I'm unable to get it to work?  Can someone else try getting it to work. 

Unfortunately like I said I'm going to be leaving for the weekend I MIGHT be able to get on late at night, or hopefully 99/zeality can look into this.


Lord J Esq

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2009, 01:52:25 pm »
I am the destroyer of vacations! All holidayers will look upon me and be dismayed!

But in case I simply sent you a corrupted or bogus file, here it is again, this time renamed with a jpg extension.


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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2009, 03:48:47 pm »
ZSNES seems to hate your SRM. Perhaps you can zip up your entire CE folder and e-mail it? Then I'll just tell ZSNES to use that folder for paths. If that too doesn't work, then...

Agent 12

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2009, 06:40:41 pm »
...:( I also can't get the srm/jpg hybrid to work.



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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2009, 06:48:38 pm »
Zsnes isn't liking the SRAM for me, as well. What emulator are you using?

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2009, 06:48:49 am »
Zsnes isn't liking the SRAM for me, as well. What emulator are you using?

...the heck?

Heh. I included that information at the top of my very first post. I see ZeaLitY deleted it when he made that post on my behalf. I've been using Snex 9x version 1.51 for the duration of this play-through, although I also tried using the latest version of ZSNES before posting here about my trouble in the Forest Ruins. (That didn't go well; ZSNES didn't recognized my hard-saved game.)


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Re: The Beneficent Lord J's Largess as Dictated Electronically to ZeaLitY
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2009, 05:27:29 pm »
I thought perhaps we could just use a savestate, but there's apparently no support for an SNES9x to ZSNES savestate converter, since SRAMs are supposed to work between the emulators. Why they aren't working here is a compelling mystery.

We can go ahead and say with reasonable certainty that the problem is SNES9x, which black screens the Retranslation at the Blackbird and kills Prophet's Guile on the trip down to the Ocean Palace. No one's investigated this problem, but perhaps something could be done with the SNES9x Debugger. Out of my league, though.

But we've got a bigger problem if we can't get Lord J's save data to work with ZSNES, since he'd have to freshly start the game at Chapter 16 from the debug room, losing all his character progress, items, memory flags, etc.