Fair warning, these are all going to be NES/SNES/GBA games. Well, except for one, which is N64. I think I'll start with that one and get it out of the way. (I only have one game system that's not on my comp at the moment, and that's the 64. My PS2 I let my cousin borrow and he never returned it. I wont be making that mistake again)
Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Have played this before all the way through and thought it was a pretty well-made game. Having played Both Zelda's for NES and the one for SNES; Legend of Zelda, Adventure of Link and A link to the Past, respectively; I was impressed by the graphics, gameplay and storyline of this game. A bit slow in the playing due to me being more interested in playing other games at the moment.
Bahamut Lagoon - Still working on my first time through this game. The battles are Reminiscent of Final Fantasy Tactics (for me, anyway), but with different graphics which give the game it's own personality. I like the character graphics on this and the storyline, from what I've seen is pretty good.
Dark Law - Meaning of Death - Never played this one before just a couple days ago. Pretty decent game, a bit odd with the way the storyline goes, but not bad. I'm currently level 5 on it and can't go any further until I fill out some more of the dungeon mode and level up.
Emerald Dragon - Another one that I never played until a couple days ago. I really like this one, so far. It has a decent storyline, good game play, and one of the most unique battle systems I've seen yet. For an SNES game, this really impressed me.
Star Ocean - I've played this many times, but never through to the end. I just found out how to get it to stop freezing up on me, so hopefully this time I'll make it through. This has a very good storyline to it, a good plot, good battle system, though definitely not the best (the best being Real Time Battles, in my opinion) and has a variety of different skills and stuff you can mess around with. This is THE best RPG for SNES, in my opinion, followed closely by
Tales of Phantasia - I am actually playing this on both the SNES and the GBA to see what differences, if any, there are. Pretty good game, obviously made by the same people as Star Ocean. The battle system, menu stuff, etc is all the same as Star Ocean with a few additions. I actually like the Skill stuff better on this one than on Star Ocean because of the more in-depth feel to it, though both games take some getting used to before you get the hang of knowing what skills to advance to learn stuff.
Treasure of the Rudra (Rudra no Hihou) - Another really good game. I enjoyed the Mantra system on this game and have developed a decent list of good mantras. I was impressed by the graphics of this game and how the party system worked. (when creating a new game, you name four characters and each character is the head of his/her own party. Then you choose which char you want to use (only being able to use 3 at the start) and each one has it's own storyline, and you can switch between them by resetting the game. I've beaten this one before, but now I'm playing it through with a better translation.
Terranigma - This is a pretty unique game in itself, really good story line (I thought, anyway) good real time battle system, and decent unique menu system. I've played through this one a couple times already and I'm getting ready to start another new game on this. I like how some of the actions and choices you make have effects on things later in the game. (when you get to the stage of the game where you interact with humans, you can build towns up into cities by making the right choices and can buy your own house in one if you make all the right choices.) I thought this game was pretty awesome.
Final Fantasy - Dawn of Souls - I first started playing the series Final Fantasy with the US FF3 for SNES. I got Final Fantasy 1 for NES a few years later and liked it, and have played it on every system it's been out on that I could get my hands on. For those of you who haven't played this version of Final Fantasy 1 and 2, you should. With 4 extensive new dungeons in FF1, nifty new graphics and spruced up soundtrack, these games are great re-makes of the originals. I only wish it was more like the psx version where you had a choice between easy and normal mode. On this you only get easy mode.
Final Fantasy IV Advance - first time playing through this version. I've beaten it before on the PSX version and the SNES version. A pretty good game all around, new graphics, updated music, etc. Looking forward to checking out the new shit in it.
Final Fantasy V Advance - Same story as FFIVA, but with a different style. I've played through this once before on this system and enjoyed the new Jobs and abilites. looking forward to playing through it again. Hopefully I'll be able to beat Omega and Shinryuu this time through.
Final Fantasy VI Advance - I have played this game on every system it's been out on and it is my second favorite Final Fantasy game, being trumped only slightly by Final Fantasy 8. First time I played it on this system was before they released it in America, and I played the straight japanese rom of it. I knew it well enough to go through it completely, but once I hit the new Esper fights, I needed to know where my items and spells were exactly and fumbled. Played through it as soon as it hit the states, the same day, actually, and loved the new Espers and dungeons.
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories - A classic for any Kingdom Hearts fan. I enjoyed this very much the first time through and thoroughly enjoyed playing as Riku on the way back through. The card system of fighting takes some time getting used to for amateurs but is pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it.
Summon Night - I like the uniqueness of the game. You start out as a blacksmith, and the only weapons you get to use are those you make yourself. Haven't played all the way through it yet, but I am enjoying it as it progresses. Has a decent story line to it in the sense that it IS unique (first one I've seen of its kind). look forward to seeing the ending of it.
Now for some old school stuff:
Dick Tracy - a personal favorite of mine from my youth. Definitely not going to grab many people who don't have nostalgic ties to it, but a good game nonetheless. Play as Dick Tracy and solve crimes by finding clues and interrogating people before you make the final arrest and close your case. 5 cases total.
Star Tropics II - Zoda's Revenge - another game from my youth, is a pretty cool little real time fighting game for the NES. You don't level up or gain experience, but you do have a point system, health, etc. You have to be good or die a lot on this because the onyl way to heal yourself is to find healing potions and extra lives. Looking forward to beating the crap out of Zoda again.
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link - Still haven't beat this one, but it is a damn good Zelda game for NES, though pretty easy to max out on stats early on. Again, you have to be really good at this or die a lot. Even if you are really good, you still die a lot, so... Prepare to die a lot while playing this and be frustrated with it a lot. You won't always know where to go on it and that can be confusing as hell in spots, but not a bad game.
That's about it for now. I've got a lot on my plate and a lot more waiting to be played, so... I should be busy for a while as long as I can keep interest in the games.