Candidate not-gonna-change-a-real-thing No. 1 vs. Candidate not-gonna-change-a-real-thing No. 2.
Let's see, who do I vote for?
How's about doing something that actually takes advantage of our freedom instead of choosing between two figureheads, like organizing to lobby Congress for real change. How's about holding our Congressmen accountable by forcing laws to be more concise, focused, and clearly written by having word length and scope limitations for any bill that goes through Congress? How's about fixing our money system so the Fed can't create these horrible money supply expansions that cause rippling effects through risky credits, loans, and mortgages made by money-hungry financial institutions that fuel speculators to go on and create unrealistic bubbles in our various industries and markets, thus increasing the harshness of the boom bust cycle, creating inflation, and destroying the middle class? Or even forcing government to balance the budget and start making sane decisions that will benefit us in the long run, even if they might cause the current Congressmen to risk losing some popularity points and not get re-elected.
Or hell, how's about encouraging more kids to GET INTO POLITICS and RUN FOR OFFICE instead of just voting every 4 years.
Man I hate election years.