Yeah, I suppose it's a given that a lot of us are playing Mother 3 now...damn yous rhythm-based combos~!! Otherwise it seems great...I can kind of see why it didn't come over here must've been hell to try to persuade anyone to pick it up...I mean, it's got the simplistic, cheery look & feel of Earthbound (both original Mothers, really), but it starts out kinda dark (from what I've already heard it continues down this path)...I mean, the market for this is basically the hardcore RPGers. Not exactly for the kiddies & like previous installments, casual RPGers might scoff at it's look...what do I know, though? We've evolved as a gaming community since then, right?
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All - Started this one up a couple days prior to getting M3. I loved him starting out with a head injury that kind of acted as a cheesy, easy-in for them to re-explain everything about gameplay & such...the wacky inner lock addition thing seems a little weird though...I should probably test to see what happens when your hurt bar goes all the way down...
Some others I decided to pick up again before I got Mother 3 were...
Tales of Phantasia - I hadn't gotten very far in it when I first played the SNES version, and now I'm attempting the GBA version and it seems just as if not more unforgiving as I recall (I hear there's not much of a change in it at all though, really)...I ended up restarting like 5 times in the beginning before I realized that I'd just have to run from everything but the bees until I got the hang of things, leveled some & acquired some abilities...It really makes me want to play Star Ocean, though...V_V
Golden Sun - I HAD gotten kind of far when I first played this a WHILE back...I remember being ok with the stupid oldschool targeting system, really enjoying the telepathic stuff, and getting kind of tired as it trudged on because it gets kind of repetitively cliché...I still want to finish this so I can get to the sequel & see if I can carry over this save somehow through the emu...