Author Topic: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)  (Read 4711 times)


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Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« on: August 07, 2008, 12:16:33 pm »
Valley of Giants:

I finally got something written that makes out what could be called a 'quest' for Ayla.

Here's an image of the Valley map, 90% complete. The last 10% consists of the remaining details of the map as well as the several dozen annoying tiles that layer over the PCs instead of underneath them.  :x

Anyways, I hope to have a beta test of this quest available soon.

Quest notes:
This area can be done anytime after the Ocean Palace, or after Tyrano Lair on NG+.

Ayla must be present in order to find the way through the Valley.
After quest completion, player may use any party upon re-entering these areas.

Dialog note: Any text surrounded in parenthesis is the PC thinking it. (e.g. Crono)

(Party enters an area with many waterfalls and thick dense smog rising up from the base of the valley)

Ayla: This place, "Valley of Giants."

Ayla: ......!

(2nd Party Member)
Crono -- *choose someone else*
Marle: What's up Ayla?
Lucca: What is it Ayla?
Robo: What is the matter, miss Ayla?
Frog: Is something the matter, madam?
Magus -- (skip Magus, noone says anything)

Ayla: Sense much danger ahead.

(Other party member, if Magus is present-he has first priority)
Crono: ( Ayla's right...I can feel them. )
Marle: We'd better be careful guys.
Lucca: Everyone be careful.
Robo: We should remain alert.
Frog: We had better be on our guard.
Magus: She's right, some strong force is
   bound to this place.

#if Fiona's Forest Quest NOT done, show this bit#

(2nd Party Member)
Crono -- *choose someone else*
Marle: Maybe we should just go back...
Lucca: Should we leave?
Robo: Perhaps we should turn around.
Frog: Then, shall we leave?
Magus: This is another waste of time...

Ayla: No!
There a cave near!
Lots of Shiny!
Shiny, Shiny, Shiny! (said on a seperate line)

(2nd Party Member)
Crono -- (choose someone else)
Marle: That sounds like alot of shiny...
   Gems maybe?
Lucca: That sounds like alot of shiny...
   Maybe gems?
Robo: Shiny? I can only deduce that you are
   referring to gems.
Frog: Shiny?
   What are you talking about...gems perhaps?
Magus: Seems to me you're talking about gems.

#if Fiona's Forest Quest IS done, show this bit#

Ayla: Cave not far!
Lots of Shiny!
Shiny, Shiny, Shiny! (said on a seperate line)

#Either Way#

(3rd Party Member)
Crono -- (choose someone else)
Marle: Um, where's this cave Ayla?
Lucca: So, where exactly is this cave Ayla?
Robo: Where precisly is this cave Ayla?
Frog: Where is this located Ayla?
Magus: Then...where is this place?

(Ayla motions over to some trees)

Ayla: Hidden! This way, we go!
   Follow Ayla!

(Ayla becomes party leader, unless you leave the area)

(Player can now walk through the trees)

(Party stops)

(2nd Party Member)
Crono: ( They're going to try to surprise us. )
Marle: It feels like something is watching us.
Lucca: I feel like we're being watched.
Robo: My sensors detect dinosaur DNA nearby.
Frog: This doesn't feel right.
   Something is watching us.
Magus: Something is hunting us.

Ayla: Ayla sense dinos very near,
   must be careful.

(Dinos jump out at first battle spot)

(3rd Party Member)
Marle: Uh oh! Here they come!
Lucca: Looks like they're here.
Robo: They've made themselves present.
Frog: Speak of the devil...
Magus: ...and here they are.


(Party wanders through the Valley until they reach a fork in the path)

Marle: The path splits here...
   Which way Ayla?
Lucca: There's a fork in the road...
   So, which way Ayla?
Robo: This path branches off.
   Miss Ayla, where do we go from here?
Frog: A fork in the path.
   Now where do we go, Ayla?
Magus: A fork in the road...
   Which way from here?

Ayla: This way, that way... no matter.
   Both go same place...

(Party wanders through the Valley until they reach what looks like
a dead-end near a large waterfall)

Marle: Ayla, this looks like a dead end!
Lucca: Ayla are you sure you know where you're going?
Robo: It seems that we can only turn back.
Frog: Hmmm. Looks to me like a dead-end.
Magus: There seems to be nowhere to go...
   but I sense an entrance nearby.

Ayla: Here! Over here!
   Cave here! Behind waterfall!
   Come inside!

(Ayla walks behind the waterfall and party members follow)
(Scene begins to fade out before party members reach the entrance)
(Auto-warps right into Searing Chasm dungeon)

Searing Chasm:

(Party Members end up in a cavern with rivers of churning lava about)
("Boss Battle2" theme is playing)

(Scene fades in with Ayla standing inside)
(Party members walk in and stop a few feet short of Ayla)
(Ayla turns around, facing the party)

Ayla: This is place with lots of shiny.
   "See-ring Ka-summ."

Marle: I can see why it's called that.
   It's burning hot in here.
Lucca: I see...this place is an inferno!
   Sweat is pouring down my face already.
Robo: What an acurate description.
   The air temperature is 130 degress!
Frog: What a perfect title for such an
   unpleasant place. Such sweltering heat.
Magus: Hmph.
   What a fitting name for an inferno such as this.

Ayla: Every twenty minutes...shiny appear!
  We take, come...

(Ayla moves upwards and the party members follow)
(An Elder appears from a nearby doorway)

Old Man: Help!
   Granddaughter lost inside!
   Can't find!

Ayla: We help!

Old man: Beware!
   Many dinos in here, very strong!
   Come here after Tyrano Lair ruined!

*Lots of Tri-horn battles... (level 80 mobs)
..random gems appear all over the dungeon.

First room with dinos:

Trihorn: Your the ones who wrecked Tyrano Lair!

Marle: That wasn't us, it was Lavos!
Lucca: Lavos did that! We didn't!
Robo: The impact of Lavos ruined the fortress,
   we had nothing to do with that part.
Frog: It was Lavos who ruined the Lair, we
   we're just trying to stop the Reptites.
Magus: Look, I had nothing to do with that...

Trihorn: Talk all you want. But thanks to you Apes,
   we had to move down here just to stay warm.
   Now we're gonna pound you!

Ayla: Your time over!
   Our time now!


Next dino battle room:

Trihorn: What?! Apes down here?!
   Let's barbecue 'em!


(final battle room)

Trihorn: Oh just great. Not even under the ground
   are we safe from you Apes!


(Upon reaching the last room)

Little Girl: Ayla!

Ayla: What you doing down here!
   Much danger here!

Little Girl: Getting Shiny!

(if NewGame) 1 Emerald, 1 Sapphire & 1 Ruby!
(if NewGame+) 1 Emerald, 1 Sapphire, 1 Ruby & 1 Diamond!

(Old Man enters room)

Old man: Granddaughter!
   You safe!

Little Girl: Granddad!

Old man: We now go!
   Here follow me! Shortcut here!

<jump down to starting room>

Old man: Thank you so much!
Here, have fresh spring water, you drink!

HP&MP Restored!

(if quest just completed)
Old man: Here take this!

Recieved: Either 1 Emerald, 1 Sapphire or 1 Ruby!

Old man: Shiny made every 20 minutes.
...come back in xx(20) minutes if you want more shiny!

or (if 20min wait is up)

Old man: Go in quick!
Shiny are ready now!

Searing Chasm can be re-entered every 20 mins after completing it.
You get HP&MP restored upon leaving aswell.
(You only get the gems from the Girl and Old man one time)

What do ya think? Questions, comments?


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Re: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2008, 01:21:59 pm »
I'm looking forward to it ^^  I like to see these minor differences depending upon other points in the game (such as the part about fiona's forest being completed or not)


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Re: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 03:09:14 pm »
I'm looking forward to it ^^  I like to see these minor differences depending upon other points in the game (such as the part about fiona's forest being completed or not)

Oh, that reminds me, I should put up the new Fiona's Forest Script so you can see the differences. I'll do it tomorrow.


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Re: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 01:17:47 pm »
Ok, I'm making some progress on this, I just gotta do the fine-tuning to the maps (which I HATE doing) then find a dozen or so unused memory pointers to use for the game to utilize in remembering which events/cutscenes have been shown. Give it about a few days to a week and I might have something testable. ...and once again I forgot the Fiona's Forest script.  :roll: Tomarrow maybe?


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Re: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2008, 12:44:46 pm »
I lied. I was going to have this done over the weekend. I did work on it, but I decided to completely redo the dungeon map because I felt that it sucked and was seemingly repetitive. Anyways, after some plotting I am starting to come up with something that is taking shape. ...more on this in a day or so. Hopefully, I'll have a test version available soon. (I gotta stop saying that, and actually get it out there...  :lol: )


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Re: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2008, 05:44:13 pm »
Grrrrrrrr.  :x
Due to the fact that cave maps are one of the hardest to do. This quest may take slightly longer to finish. Maybe by Monday?


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Re: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2008, 05:46:45 pm »
No rush :)


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Re: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2009, 01:13:12 pm »
So, is this quest in the beta?  I'm not sure where to find the entrance if it is.


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Re: Ayla's Quest (spoilage)
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2009, 01:23:28 pm »
Nope. I ended up redoing it like 9 times. Unfortunately, it's still in shambles.