Author Topic: [HIATUS] Zeal Palace in 3D (one person can't do all of Zeal, ne?)  (Read 20056 times)


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Re: [HIATUS] Zeal Palace in 3D (one person can't do all of Zeal, ne?)
« Reply #45 on: June 30, 2008, 11:39:55 pm »

You'll soon find that every 3D program will use three buttons on the mouse. Its pretty much a mandatory thing. . . I'd go and buy one, since it helps A LOT to keep the original buttons for the mouse (middle click pans, while scrolling zooms, right click selects, left click does many things, ect.ect.)

Anyway . . . Blender is a pretty awesome program. . . Don't be intimidated by the tons of buttons though. Over time you'll learn what each one does. The UV mapping is defiantly something to get into it as well, it was rated better than the UV mapper included with MAX.

The built in game and particle engines are also extremly powerful, allowing full game capabilities. Don't get your hopes up though, its still requires full programming knowledge though. Python.

Also since its free, the community supporting it is quite large and open. . . helped me a lot when I was getting started.

Well, I do have a problem with that. I have mild cerebral palsy in my right hand so all it's capable of doing is holding down 1 button at most while my left hand does the work. Also, there seems to be a big change between Blender 2.34 and 2.46 in that the stuff in the tutorials aren't present for me like Extrude->Region, Mesh->SubSurf.

Also, the only buttons I remapped for my mouse are basically the left and right command keys for the mouse keys. Mouses in general frustrate the hell out of me.

That sucks.

Yes, blender tends to update in one of two ways, minor updates such as 2.42-2.42a or major which is a increase in 0.01 . . .so if your look on a tutorial for 2.43 and using 2.46. . . chances are its going to be A LOT different. Its frustrating, since half the tutorials wont work, but they're out there.

Schala Zeal

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Re: [HIATUS] Zeal Palace in 3D (one person can't do all of Zeal, ne?)
« Reply #46 on: June 30, 2008, 11:46:21 pm »
That sucks.

Yes, blender tends to update in one of two ways, minor updates such as 2.42-2.42a or major which is a increase in 0.01 . . .so if your look on a tutorial for 2.43 and using 2.46. . . chances are its going to be A LOT different. Its frustrating, since half the tutorials wont work, but they're out there.

On my own, I screw up pretty badly. The default cube I accidentally made sink lopsided into the grid. I know how to maneuver it on the X, Y, and Z axises, but I have yet to rotate/zoom in/out of it


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Re: [HIATUS] Zeal Palace in 3D (one person can't do all of Zeal, ne?)
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2008, 12:17:16 am »
That sucks.

Yes, blender tends to update in one of two ways, minor updates such as 2.42-2.42a or major which is a increase in 0.01 . . .so if your look on a tutorial for 2.43 and using 2.46. . . chances are its going to be A LOT different. Its frustrating, since half the tutorials wont work, but they're out there.

On my own, I screw up pretty badly. The default cube I accidentally made sink lopsided into the grid. I know how to maneuver it on the X, Y, and Z axises, but I have yet to rotate/zoom in/out of it

Give it some time and patience and you'll get it. . . It took me about 4-5 months to get fairly well synced in Blender and I had some past experience in Max . . .

Schala Zeal

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Re: [HIATUS] Zeal Palace in 3D (one person can't do all of Zeal, ne?)
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2008, 05:23:50 am »
Give it some time and patience and you'll get it. . . It took me about 4-5 months to get fairly well synced in Blender and I had some past experience in Max . . .

Now my dad wants it, lol. He worked on Disney's Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse children's show, plus for 2D animation he's done Iron Giant, Simpsons, Recess, Fern Gully: The Last Rain Forest, Fivel Goes West, a show in Canada called Family Dog, Fantasia 2000...

He was also nominated for an Anny award earlier this year but didn't get the award.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: [HIATUS] Zeal Palace in 3D (one person can't do all of Zeal, ne?)
« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2008, 07:32:08 am »
Whoa!  That's cool about your dad, Schala... 

Schala Zeal

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Re: [HIATUS] Zeal Palace in 3D (one person can't do all of Zeal, ne?)
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2008, 01:06:01 pm »
Whoa!  That's cool about your dad, Schala... 

Next time you watch any of those movies, watch for "Roy Meurin" in the credits. Don't expect to see his name in the said TV shows though, besides MMC, because he didn't do a lot of episodes for them.

It was weird going to early previews where Iron Giant and stuff still had line art in it o_o