"Great opposition has always existed among the major faiths of
Islam, Judaism and traditional Christianity. Oddly enough, all of
them sprang from the same roots.
Today, as in times past, great conflict exists between Judaism
and Islam even though both claim to worship the God of Abraham.
Most of these people also claim Abraham as their forefather. Much
conflict exists between Judaism and traditional Christianity, yet
both claim to worship the same God.
Why such confusion? If there is one God, then all of them cannot
be right. Who is right? As we go along, you will begin to see why
there has been so much religious confusion and disagreement.
Many ironies exist in the differences among these opposing
religions. One such irony that will have some impact on end-time
events concerns a growing movement, in recent years, that involves
a rather loosely held belief among Muslims that prophesies about
an end-time leader.
Much of the Islamic world is looking for a leader to come and
deliver them from the oppression of the outside world, especially
the United States and her allies—Israel in particular.
A prophesied “Mahdi” is to return to restore justice to the world.
This leader is to carry the name of Muhammad as part of his own,
but he will not be as great as Muhammad. This Mahdi is to appear
at a time of severe oppression, unite the Muslims, and bring peace
and justice to the world. Some Muslims believe this Mahdi, along
with the Prophet Jesus, who is also to appear at the end of time, will
lead believers to victory over the infidels.
If someone claimed to be this Mahdi, at a time when many in the
Muslim world increasingly believe they are being oppressed, then
the idea of a great jihad (holy war) would grow in popularity. A
movement is now underway that is focusing more and more upon
Osama Muhammad bin Laden as being that Mahdi"