Author Topic: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire  (Read 7638 times)


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #60 on: January 14, 2008, 12:52:13 am »
Justin, I've been browsing your tech hacking vids on Youtube, and I've definitely come to the conclusion that things like these are the best way to go. I'm posting these for folks who haven't seen them yet (Crono functionally using Ice and then the demo with Evil Star):

I'm pretty sure you've already described how to implement this sort of thing in your previous notes (we've got that thread on our list of threads to look at, "I think it's time to work on the techs"). Did you ever find out what caused the damage numbers to disappear when you conducted the experiments shown in the Youtube vids?

Given that my experiments with AdNova's tech notes led to a dead end, it appears that, for the time being, tech hacking will have to involve custom-building the tech, and then perhaps the tech name can be changed manually with this info from Geiger's NA offsets guide:

0x0C15CF   ~ 0x0C1ACA   Tech names (11 bytes each)

I'm clueless as to how the names operate though. Take a look at "C Y C L O N E" and "S L A S H"...

000C15C0                                               A2                 .
000C15D0  D2 BC C5 C8 C7 BE EF EF-EF EF B2 C5 BA CC C1 EF  ................
000C15E0  EF EF EF EF EF                                   .....           

The names certainly aren't stored in ASCII (could I be wrong on that? The tech names aren't showing up in the ASCII section of my hex editor though). It would appear that the bytes are definitely letter-by-letter, with a value of "EF" representing blank filler bytes. But it seems impossible to build an alphabet with this data because the first "C" in Cyclone is represented by the value "A2" whereas the second "C" is represented by the value "BC" -- unless the second one's different due to capitalization?

Just as a quick check for consistency, does anyone know if there's a tech with more than 11 letters/numbers in the name? Or how about this -- what does Poyozo Dance look like in-game, as far as the name? Is it PoyozoDance or Poyozo Dance?

Poyozo Dance (12 characters including the space -- means not all techs are 11 characters long)
PoyozoDance (11 characters; promising for the eleven byte name scheme, and perhaps an alphabet can be devised)

EDIT: As far as getting an alphabet from these values, it appears that the "a" in "Slash" is represented by 0xBA, which is far ahead of the "c" in "Cyclone" -- 0xA2. So I'm back to square one in figuring out how the tech names might work.

But within Cyclone, things appear to be working out logically...

L = C5
(M = C6)
N = C7
O = C8
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 01:09:07 am by FaustWolf »


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #61 on: January 14, 2008, 09:13:46 am »
Capital Letters

A0 - A
A1 - B
A2 - C
A3 - D
A4 - E
A5 - F
A6 - G
A7 - H
A8 - I
A9 - J
AA - K
AB - L
AC - M
AD - N
AE - O
AF - P
B0 - Q
B1 - R
B2 - S
B3 - T
B4 - U
B5 - V
B6 - W
B7 - X
B8 - Y
B9 - Z

Lower Case Letters

BA - a
BB - b
BC - c
BD - d
BE - e
BF - f
C0 - g
C1 - h
C2 - i
C3 - j
C4 - k
C5 - l
C6 - m
C7 - n
C8 - o
C9 - p
CA - q
CB - r
CC - s
CD - t
CE - u
CF - v
D0 - w
D1 - x
D2 - y
D3 – z


D4 - 0
D5 - 1
D6 - 2
D7 - 3
D8 - 4
D9 - 5
DA - 6
DB - 7
DC - 8
DD – 9

Grammatical stuff

DE - !
DF - ?
E0 - /
E1 - ``
E2 - `` (going left)
E3 - :
Random Symbols

E4 - %
E5 - (
E6 - )
E7 - '


E8 - .
E9 - ,

Math Stuff

EA - =
EB - -
EC - +
ED - \

The values you put there are definately lowercase letter ones.

Also GatlingKick - 11 letters X_x


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #62 on: January 14, 2008, 09:16:19 am »
YEAH! Justin, you are INSANE. :lee:

This goes in the wiki now.

EDIT: Done. Yay, that took care of our need for a table of contents too.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 09:21:05 am by FaustWolf »


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #63 on: January 14, 2008, 01:52:34 pm »
Tech names have been supported in TF for a long time:
Window -> Strings -> Techs (FL)


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #64 on: January 14, 2008, 02:13:15 pm »
Okey-dokey. Sorry to make you type all that out, Justin. The tech alphabet's in the wiki now, for purely academic interest, I guess.


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #65 on: January 16, 2008, 01:09:37 am »
Glad you guys found it was useful for something. maybe i shouldve posted it back in 2000  :shock: 

Goodluck with insane tech hacking. 


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #66 on: January 16, 2008, 01:15:02 am »
Hey Chakrafire, thanks for this! Had you not submitted this to ZeaLitY, a.) we would not have a comprehensive list of techs in game-order, and b.) our interest in tech hacking may not have been rekindled as it just has been. If you've got any more Trigger info, let us know -- every bit counts.


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2008, 09:02:55 am »
I was rereading the pages..."Power of techs"...I'm VERY certain we are able to do that.  I remember messing with that along time ago...UGH!  I hope I still have the location for that stuff X_x..

Edit: I was scrolling through stuff I think Jlukas or Geiger posted.  Tears apart Gato's Singing attack

There are like 4 different sets of techs which I believe to be player techs enemy techs, player attacks and in-battle items.

2 useful RAM Addresses
7E9877          Attack index is held here for the 4 different attack types
7E9878 - 7E9879    Pointer for current attack is held here for all attack types

The following 4 sections of code load the pointers for the 4 different kinds of techs.

$C1/46EF   BF F0 61 CD   LDA $CD61F0,x[$CD:6210]   A:0020   X:0020   Y:0006   P:envmxdizc   // Load the 2 byte pointer (Singing Attack is the 20th Tech)
$C1/46F3   8D 78 98   STA $9878  [$7E:9878]      A:9EDA   X:0020   Y:0006   P:eNvmxdizc   // Store the pointer in RAM at 7E9878   
$C1/46F6   AA       TAX            A:9EDA   X:0020   Y:0006   P:eNvmxdizc   // Transfer the pointer to X      
$C1/46F7   A8       TAY            A:9EDA   X:9EDA   Y:0006   P:eNvmxdizc   // Transfer the pointer to Y   
$C1/46F8   7B       TDC            A:9EDA   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:eNvmxdizc   
$C1/46F9   E2 20      SEP #$20         A:0000   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:envmxdiZc   
$C1/46FB   BF 00 00 CD   LDA $CD0000,x[$CD:9EDA]   A:0000   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:envMxdiZc   // Load CD0000 with X (CD9EDA)       
$C1/46FF   85 81      STA $81    [$00:0081]      A:0098   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4701   BF 01 00 CD   LDA $CD0001,x[$CD:9EDB]   A:0098   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4705   85 80      STA $80    [$00:0080]      A:00F8   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4707   BF 02 00 CD   LDA $CD0002,x[$CD:9EDC]   A:00F8   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/470B   85 83      STA $83    [$00:0083]      A:0080   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/470D   BF 03 00 CD   LDA $CD0003,x[$CD:9EDD]   A:0080   X:9EDA   Y:9EDA   P:eNvMxdizc   

$C1/4617   BF F0 5E CD   LDA $CD5EF0,x[$CD:5EF2]   A:0002   X:0002   Y:0002   P:envmxdizc   // Load the 2 byte pointer (Cyclone is the 2nd script)   
$C1/461B   8D 78 98   STA $9878  [$7E:9878]      A:0909   X:0002   Y:0002   P:envmxdizc   // Store the pointer in RAM at 7E9878   
$C1/461E   AA       TAX            A:0909   X:0002   Y:0002   P:envmxdizc   // Transfer the pointer to X   
$C1/461F   A8       TAY            A:0909   X:0909   Y:0002   P:envmxdizc   // Transfer the pointer to Y   
$C1/4620   7B       TDC            A:0909   X:0909   Y:0909   P:envmxdizc   
$C1/4621   E2 20      SEP #$20         A:0000   X:0909   Y:0909   P:envmxdiZc
$C1/4623   BF 00 00 CE   LDA $CE0000,x[$CE:0909]   A:0000   X:0909   Y:0909   P:envMxdiZc   // Load CE0000 with X (CE0909)    
$C1/4627   85 81      STA $81    [$00:0081]      A:0098   X:0909   Y:0909   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4629   BF 01 00 CE   LDA $CE0001,x[$CE:090A]   A:0098   X:0909   Y:0909   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/462D   85 80      STA $80    [$00:0080]      A:0080   X:0909   Y:0909   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/462F   BF 02 00 CE   LDA $CE0002,x[$CE:090B]   A:0080   X:0909   Y:0909   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4633   85 83      STA $83    [$00:0083]      A:0080   X:0909   Y:0909   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4635   BF 03 00 CE   LDA $CE0003,x[$CE:090C]   A:0080   X:0909   Y:0909   P:eNvMxdizc

$C1/47CB   BF F0 63 CD   LDA $CD63F0,x[$CD:63F2]   A:0002   X:0002   Y:0002   P:envmxdizc   // Load the 2 byte pointer (Tonic is the 2nd script)   
$C1/47CF   8D 78 98   STA $9878  [$7E:9878]      A:829C   X:0002   Y:0002   P:eNvmxdizc   // Store the pointer in RAM at 7E9878   
$C1/47D2   AA       TAX            A:829C   X:0002   Y:0002   P:eNvmxdizc   // Transfer the pointer to X      
$C1/47D3   A8       TAY            A:829C   X:829C   Y:0002   P:eNvmxdizc   // Transfer the pointer to Y      
$C1/47D4   7B       TDC            A:829C   X:829C   Y:829C   P:eNvmxdizc   
$C1/47D5   E2 20      SEP #$20         A:0000   X:829C   Y:829C   P:envmxdiZc   
$C1/47D7   BF 00 00 CE   LDA $CE0000,x[$CE:829C]   A:0000   X:829C   Y:829C   P:envMxdiZc   // Load CE0000 with X (CE829C)       
$C1/47DB   85 81      STA $81    [$00:0081]      A:0090   X:829C   Y:829C   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/47DD   BF 01 00 CE   LDA $CE0001,x[$CE:829D]   A:0090   X:829C   Y:829C   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/47E1   85 80      STA $80    [$00:0080]      A:00C0   X:829C   Y:829C   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/47E3   BF 02 00 CE   LDA $CE0002,x[$CE:829E]   A:00C0   X:829C   Y:829C   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/47E7   85 83      STA $83    [$00:0083]      A:0080   X:829C   Y:829C   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/47E9   BF 03 00 CE   LDA $CE0003,x[$CE:829F]   A:0080   X:829C   Y:829C   P:eNvMxdizc

$C1/442C   BF C6 5E CD   LDA $CD5EC6,x[$CD:5EC6]   A:0000   X:0000   Y:0098   P:envmxdiZc   // Load the 2 byte pointer (Crono's attack is the first script)   
$C1/4430   8D 78 98   STA $9878  [$7E:9878]      A:0380   X:0000   Y:0098   P:envmxdizc   // Store the pointer in RAM at 7E9878   
$C1/4433   AA       TAX            A:0380   X:0000   Y:0098   P:envmxdizc   // Transfer the pointer to X      
$C1/4434   A8       TAY            A:0380   X:0380   Y:0098   P:envmxdizc   // Transfer the pointer to Y      
$C1/4435   7B       TDC            A:0380   X:0380   Y:0380   P:envmxdizc   
$C1/4436   E2 20      SEP #$20         A:0000   X:0380   Y:0380   P:envmxdiZc   
$C1/4438   BF 00 00 CE   LDA $CE0000,x[$CE:0380]   A:0000   X:0380   Y:0380   P:envMxdiZc   // Load CE0000 with X (CE0380)    
$C1/443C   85 81      STA $81    [$00:0081]      A:0090   X:0380   Y:0380   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/443E   BF 01 00 CE   LDA $CE0001,x[$CE:0381]   A:0090   X:0380   Y:0380   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4442   85 80      STA $80    [$00:0080]      A:0080   X:0380   Y:0380   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4444   BF 02 00 CE   LDA $CE0002,x[$CE:0382]   A:0080   X:0380   Y:0380   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/4448   85 83      STA $83    [$00:0083]      A:0090   X:0380   Y:0380   P:eNvMxdizc   
$C1/444A   BF 03 00 CE   LDA $CE0003,x[$CE:0383]   A:0090   X:0380   Y:0380   P:eNvMxdizc

Using the decoded byte lengths, I attempted to decode Gato's Singing attack to some degree...
The first part of the techs is a header containing pointers to different sections of the tech. Directly following the headers are the scripts themselves.

98 F8 80 00 F0 9E 0A 9F 18 9F 21 9F 3B 9F 4F 9F 62 9F 76 9F 8B 9F  - Header for Gato's Singing Attack

CD9EF0      24 05
      3D 00      // Set Target (Puts the Spotlight on Gato, setting to 3D 80 puts the spotlight on Crono)
      30 1B 01   // Assumed to darken the screen
      32 0A
      72 0D      // Set Facing (Gato faces forward for singing animation)
      02 06      // Play Animation (Gato does his singing animation)
      24 0C
      30 1A 01   // Assumed to lighten screen back up
      20 20      // Timer
      06 03      // Play Animation Frame?
      50      // Damage Related
      2E      // Damage Related
      01      // Damage Related
      00      // End Section

CD9F0A      24 0A
      02 09       // Play Animation
      78 AA      // Play Sound (Plays Gato's Singing diddly)
      24 0B
      20 0F      // Timer
      36      // Return 
      06 03      // Play Animation Frame? 
      00      // End Section

CE9F18      24 0A
      02 09      // Play Animation
      24 0C
      06 03      // Play Animation Frame? 
      00      // End Section

CD9F21      60 00      // Set Palette (Sets palette for Musical Note Graphics)
      73 00
      33 00      // Another Set Target (Starts the Musical Notes off from Gato, changing to 33 80 sets them off from Crono)
      3A 1E 09   // Assumed to affect the starting position of the notes from the target sprite they originate from
      3A 1F D7   // Assumed to affect the starting position of the notes from the target sprite they originate from
      1A      // Set X,Y coords 
      36      // Return 
      24 0A
      70      // Show Sprite
      02 00      // Play Animation
      09       // Set Speed - Medium (sets the speed of the Musical Note)
      85 00      // Set Direction (Sets Direction of Musical Note #1)
      A8 30      // Slide Sprite (Move Musical Note #1 graphic to the right)
      71      // Hide Sprite
      00      // End Section

CD9F3B      73 00
      24 01
      1A      // Set X,Y coords
      36      // Return 
      24 0A
      20 1E      // Timer 
      70      // Show Sprite
      02 00      // Play Animation
      09      // Set Speed - Medium (sets the speed of the Musical Note) 
      85 E0      // Set Direction (Sets Direction of Musical Note #2) 
      A8 30      // Slide Sprite (Move Musical Note #2 graphic)
      71      // Hide Sprite
      00      // End Section

CD9F4F      73 00
      24 02
      1A      // Set X,Y coords 
      36      // Return
      20 3C      // Timer
      70      // Show Sprite
      02 00      // Play Animation
      09      // Set Speed - Medium (sets the speed of the Musical Note)
      85 20      // Set Direction (Sets Direction of Musical Note #3)
      A8 30      // Slide Sprite (Move Musical Note #3 graphic)
      71      // Hide Sprite
      36      // Return
      00      // End Section

CD9F62      73 00
      24 03
      1A      // Set X,Y coords 
      36      // Return
      24 0A
      20 0F      // Timer 
      70      // Show Sprite
      02 00      // Play Animation
      09      // Set Speed - Medium (sets the speed of the Musical Note) 
      85 10      // Set Direction (Sets Direction of Musical Note #4) 
      A8 30      // Slide Sprite (Move Musical Note #4 graphic) 
      71      // Hide Sprite
      00      // End Section

CD9F76      73 00
      24 04
      1A      // Set X,Y coords 
      36      // Return
      24 0A
      20 3C      // Timer 
      70      // Show Sprite
      02 00      // Play Animation
      09      // Set Speed - Medium (sets the speed of the Musical Note) 
      85 F0      // Set Direction (Sets Direction of Musical Note #5)   
      A8 30      // Slide Sprite (Move Musical Note #5 graphic) 
      71      // Hide Sprite
      36      // Return
      00      // End Section

CD9F8B      02 06      // Play Animation
      20 1E      // Timer 
      06 05
      20 0F      // Timer 
      06 03
      20 0F      // Timer 
      50      // Damage related?
      2E      // Damage related?
      01      // Damage related?
      00      // End Section

Command 1E has it's own pointer table for it's arguments.

Pointer Table for Tech Command 1E's variables
Pointer Table is located at CE0000 and ends at CE009B
78 pointers total (00 - 4E)

28 D4
39 D4
4A D4
5B D4
6C D4
7D D4
8B D4
99 D4
A7 D4
B5 D4
C3 D4
E6 D4
F6 D4
0B D5
11 D5
19 D5
28 D5
3A D5
49 D5
58 D5
6B D5
7E D5
88 D5
A3 D5
B1 D5
C1 D5
12 D6
17 D6
1C D6
62 D6
73 D6
85 D6
C0 D6
C7 D6
E5 D6
0C D7
30 D7
54 D7
76 D7
95 D7
9E D7
B9 D7
D8 D7
F7 D7
20 D8
60 D8
67 D8
76 D8
C6 D8
16 D9
2E D9
62 D9
67 D9
70 D9
97 D9
E1 D9
32 DA
42 DA
53 DA
67 DA
10 DB
65 DB
75 DB

And here are the decoded byte lengths. I just realized I'm missing a few entries, I'll add them when I have more time, and some of the descriptions of the commands may be a little off or just plain wrong.   :)

Command Decodes Notes

00 - 1 byte
01 - 1 byte
02 - 2 bytes            // Play Animation?
03 - 2 bytes            // Play Animation?
04 - 2 bytes
05 - 2 bytes
06 - 2 bytes (same code as 05)
07 - 1 byte
08 - 1 byte
09 - 1 byte            // Set Speed - Slow
0A - 1 byte            // Set Speed - Medium
0B - 1 byte            // Set Speed - Fast
0C - 1 byte (same code as 08)
0D - 2 bytes
0E - 1 byte
0F - 1 byte (same code as 08)
10 - 3 bytes            // Slide Sprite to XX YY
11 - 1 byte
12 - 2 bytes
13 - 4 bytes
14 - 2 bytes
15 - 3 bytes

19 - 3 bytes            // Sprite Teleport
1A - 1 byte
1B - 2 bytes
1C - 2 bytes

1E - 2 bytes            // Sprite Effect/Action
1F - 1 byte
20 - 2 bytes            // Time To Wait
21 - 1 byte
22 - 2 bytes
23 - 2 bytes
24 - 2 bytes
25 - 2 bytes
26 - 3 bytes
27 - 1 byte
28 - 1 byte
29 - 1 byte            
2A - 1 byte            
2B - 1 byte
2C - 1 byte
2D - 1 byte
2E - 1 byte
2F - 1 byte (same code as 01)
30 - 3 bytes
31 - 2 bytes
32 - 2 bytes
33 - 2 bytes            // Set Target?
34 - 2 bytes
35 - 1 byte
36 - 1 byte
37 - 2 bytes
38 - 1 byte
39 - 1 byte
3A - 3 bytes
3B - 2 bytes
3C - 2 bytes
3D - 2 bytes
3E - 2 bytes (same code as 3D)
3F - 2 bytes (same code as 3D)
40 - 2 bytes (same code as 3D)
41 - 3 bytes
42 - 2 bytes
43 - 4 bytes
44 - 1 byte
45 - 2 bytes (same code as 3D)
46 - 2 bytes (same code as 3D)
47 - 2 bytes
48 - 2 bytes (same code as 47)
49 - 3 bytes
4A - 1 byte
4B - 1 byte (same code as 01)
4C - 1 byte (same code as 01)
4D - 1 byte (same code as 4A)
4E - 1 byte
4F - 1 byte
50 - 1 byte
51 - 1 byte (same code as 50)
52 - 1 byte (same code as 50)
53 - 1 byte (same code as 50)
54 - 1 byte (same code as 50)
55 - 1 byte (same code as 50)
56 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
57 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
58 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
59 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
5A - 1 byte (same code as 01)
5B - 1 byte (same code as 01)
5C - 1 byte (same code as 01)
5D - 1 byte
5E - 1 byte
5F - 1 byte
60 - 2 bytes            // Get and Apply Palette?
61 - 4 bytes
62 - 4 bytes (same code as 61)
63 - 4 bytes (same code as 61)
64 - 4 bytes (same code as 61)
65 - 1 byte
66 - 1 byte (same code as 65)
67 - 1 byte (same code as 65)
68 - 1 byte (same code as 65)
69 - 2 bytes
6A - 1 byte
6B - 2 bytes
6C - 3 bytes
6D - 1 byte
6E - 1 byte
6F - 1 byte
70 - 1 byte
71 - 1 byte
72 - 2 bytes            // Set Facing?
73 - 2 bytes
74 - 2 bytes
76 - 3 bytes
77 - 2 bytes
78 - 2 bytes            // Play Sound
79 - 2 bytes (same code as 78)
7A - 3 bytes
7B - 3 bytes (same code as 7A)
7C - 1 byte            // Play Sound Based on Weapon Equipped
7D - 1 byte
7E - 1 byte (same code as 01)
7F - 1 byte (same code as 01)
80 - 3 bytes            // Screen Color Flash
81 - 2 bytes (same code as 47)
82 - 2 bytes (same code as 47)
83 - 2 bytes (same code as 47)
84 - 2 bytes (same code as 47)
85 - 2 bytes            // Set Direction
86 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
87 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
88 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
89 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
8A - 1 byte (same code as 01)
8B - 1 byte (same code as 01)
8C - 1 byte (same code as 01)
8D - 1 byte (same code as 01)
8E - 1 byte (same code as 01)
8F - 1 byte (same code as 01)
90 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
91 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
92 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
93 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
94 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
95 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
96 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
97 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
98 - 3 bytes
99 - 1 byte
9A - 3 bytes
9B - 1 byte
9C - 3 bytes (same code as 98)
9D - 1 byte (same code as 99)
9E - 1 byte (same code as 01)
9F - 1 byte (same code as 01)
A0 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
A1 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
A2 - 1 byte
A3 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
A4 - 3 bytes
A5 - 1 byte
A6 - 1 byte
A7 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
A8 - 2 bytes            // Slide Sprite?
A9 - 2 bytes
AA - 1 byte (same code as 01)
AB - 1 byte (same code as 01)
AC - 1 byte (same code as 01)
AD - 1 byte (same code as 01)
AE - 1 byte (same code as 01)
AF - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B0 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B1 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B2 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B3 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B4 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B5 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B6 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B7 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B8 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
B9 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
BA - 1 byte (same code as 01)
BB - 1 byte (same code as 01)
BC - 1 byte (same code as 01)
BD - 1 byte (same code as 01)
BE - 1 byte (same code as 01)
BF - 1 byte (same code as 01)
C0 - 5 bytes            // Circular Sprite Movement
C1 - 4 bytes            // Circular Sprite Movement
C2 - 5 bytes            // Circular Sprite Movement
C3 - 4 bytes            // Circular Sprite Movement
C4 - 3 bytes            // Moves sprite downward?
C5 - 2 bytes
C6 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
C7 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
C8 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
C9 - 1 byte (same code as 01)
CA - 1 byte (same code as 01)
CB - 1 byte (same code as 01)
CC - 1 byte (same code as 01)
CD - 1 byte (same code as 01)
CE - 1 byte (same code as 01)
CF - 1 byte (same code as 01)
D0 - 1 byte   
D1 - 1 byte
D2 - 2 bytes
D3 - 1 byte
D4 - 1 byte
D5 - 1 byte
D6 - 1 byte
D7 - 3 bytes
D8 - 4 bytes
D9 - 2 bytes
DA - 2 bytes
DB - 1 byte
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 09:09:22 am by justin3009 »


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2008, 10:00:07 am »



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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2008, 12:06:52 pm »
Triple Post!  GAH!  I can't upload it on youtube cause my ports are blocked or something...And I tried puting it in a File thing and it said too big XD!  I'm gonig to have to host it on savefile tonight or something.


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #70 on: January 16, 2008, 12:08:06 pm »
Does the unused triple tech have a name, Justin? It's not that "Angel Attack," is it?


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #71 on: January 16, 2008, 03:15:02 pm »
Nope.  I'm just gonna nickname it Masamune's Call atm.


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #72 on: January 16, 2008, 06:33:43 pm »


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2008, 06:42:09 pm »
Intriguing. It appears to involve elements of several different techs -- Marle's doing Magus' Dark Eternal spin thing, and then there's Grand Dream involved of course. Does this mean it's possible for any character to spin around like in Dark Eternal? Would that fall under "graphics effect around character" then, I suppose?

Wow, that IS like a Masamune summon. Very cool.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 06:43:45 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: A few PAR codes submitted by chakrafire
« Reply #74 on: January 16, 2008, 06:58:01 pm »

Isn't that just Grand Dream?