Author Topic: Retranslation Bug Report Thread  (Read 78233 times)


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #60 on: October 11, 2007, 04:31:16 pm »
The patch expands it. Basically, the IPS program just looks at one file, then looks at another, then writes all the differences between them.

That's basically part of the reason why a US ROM was used instead of the Japanese. Temporal Flux allowed easy line inserting and infinite length lines + an expanded ROM. Doing it the other way would have probably involved something like 1000% more manhours and effort.

The Naga-ette don't get it in the US ROM, either. It's not an actual item, but you still "get it" by triggering a memory flag.

As for Crono's Cro nickname, there's no way around it right now.

Sweet bug report; thanks for your dedication. I'm glad you kept a log as you completed the game.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #61 on: October 11, 2007, 08:36:20 pm »
O Maou is still Magus even though you stated that he is always called Maou and never Magus in the J game.

To add to this, even if you rename him Maou, some people still call him Magus while others call him Maou. Shouldn't all instances of his name change?

O Ayla's nickname for Crono is by default "Crono" isn't it suposed to be Cro? Or was that just a popular nickname for him?
   It's not really stated by the game that you are suposed to give him a nickname there or is it?

In the Japanese version of the game, "Cro" is always there no matter what you named Crono. Since they're using the US ROM, that's likely why they added the name screen. Though I wish they'd given him the "Cro" name as default...

Also, another error I noticed. In the Black Dream, Zeal calls Lavos "Lavos-god" instead of "Lavos-sama". "Lavos-god" just sounds and looks awkward to me.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2007, 01:27:35 pm »
Oh I see, the original ROM was 4 MB while the patched one is 6 MB. So you mean that Temporal Flux doesn't work with the Japanese ROM?

Actually I haven't completed the game yet, I have a few sidequests to do then I'm taking on the Black Dream...

So the Nickname naming screen wasn't there in the Japanese version? And you can't make the nickname to "Cro" as default? Then I suggest you put a note in the readme or somewere so people who have no idea why there is a second naming screen for Crono coming up, and to put "Cro" there (if you named the Hero "Crono").

Edit: Almost forgot; The Naga-ette Bromide. It should trigger a memory flag? It was a really long time since I played the US version OK I see but, I checked a walkthrough that if you got that Bromide then you can give it to someone to get a certain Item. But that doesn't work for me he says nothing about the bromide.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 01:35:09 pm by Nuu »


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2007, 01:59:39 am »
Go to the drawre in the house, then talk to the man.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2007, 09:05:40 pm »
Found another error, I think the line's too long.

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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #65 on: October 15, 2007, 01:11:27 pm »
reference = chronotriggercomprehensivescript.txt vs. CT retrans v1.01 (in-game)

In-game problem

Ln 56571 Col 13 (1) = Broken Text

Ln 55551 = Broken and off-set text

Ln 58033 = Missing text (Robo)

(1) I wasn't able to see the [old man] line in the script but instead the line was for the [maid].

Well Come! (e.g. Ln 57016) = Is this a direct translation or something else? There are 5 in the script.

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« Last Edit: October 15, 2007, 02:09:20 pm by Hysoak »


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #66 on: October 15, 2007, 01:16:00 pm »
Yep, that's a direct. Thanks for the continued reports.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #67 on: October 16, 2007, 03:57:03 am »
Should be they'Ve come

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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #68 on: October 16, 2007, 01:09:08 pm »
reference = chronotriggercomprehensivescript.txt vs. CT retrans v1.01 (in-game)

In-game problem

Ln 58583 Col 4 = Extra "D"

Lavos 2nd form = "Evil Spirit", "Shadow Killing" and, "Fighting Flames" text display has alignment problem.

On my previous post (Reply #44), I finally see what's wrong with that. It breaks the compatibility 'cause the "CroNick" wasn't available on the unpatched CT, that's the reason for the corrupted text.

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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #69 on: October 21, 2007, 08:51:03 am »
Found another way to get Crono's nickname working. Rather than deleting the last two spaces, just enter in the blanks in the lower right corner. In other words, don't press B to clear them back out. Also, I believe the "Evil Spirit," "Shadow Killing," and "Fighting Flames" are aligned with the multiple spaces on purpose because they fill each other in for his big attack.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #70 on: October 22, 2007, 04:03:51 am »
Go to the drawre in the house, then talk to the man.

Thanks Biccy it works now! Must had done something wrong...


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #71 on: October 22, 2007, 09:52:24 pm »
And here I thought I worked out the typos. See, this is why I have the feedback requests over on my site. Though it would help if it wasn't on Fortunecity (too many ads) and I had a more convenient web-based comment system...

Anyhow, while many of these are purely patch issues, there are plenty of definite typos pointed out here. Mostly the stupid typing-too-fast-fingers-got-ahead-of-brain-and-finished-the-wrong-word variety (like 'that' instead of 'than'), but at least one that fouled up the meaning: "For the passage switch, press L and R while holding A chuu!" is supposed to be "For the passage switch, press A while holding L and R chuu!". Not sure how I managed that one. :?

Let's see, what else...
- Some lines so literal they sound awful? Moi? :shock: ...err, guilty. I've gotten better about that the more I've done, but some of the lines, especially the ones I got to earlier, still suffer. Yes, keeping the literal meaning was part of the point, but not to the extent that it becomes awkward in English (unless there's a good reason for it). I did do a recheck of everything before sending Zeality the "final", but many of those got the "good enough, move along" treatment unless they were incomprehensible or mistranslated. One of these was pointed out by line number in the script dump: "Soldier: That is surely not the case! (line break) By all means, pass!" -- "Feel free to pass!" would be considerably better.
- Zeal calls Lavos "Lavos-god" instead of "Lavos-sama"? That she does. The woman is just the teensiest bit obsessed... Perhaps "the god Lavos" would flow better.
- Random comment: Bromide is type of photographic paper (or a photo using said paper), but in popular Japanese use, it refers to something similar to a publicity photo or pin-up. Crono's such a nice guy he even helps out dirty old men!  :D Wait, that doesn't sound quite right...
- Other random comment: I'm not sure if this is in with my other comments with the translation on this site (it should be if it isn't), but Lavos phase 2's Big Nasty Burninating Attack roughly translates to "evil shadow flames that kill your will to fight". I went with "Evil Shadow Fighting Spirit Killing Flames" because that splits more neatly into the three lead-in attacks: "Evil Spirit", "Shadow Killing", and "Fighting Flames".

All applicable fixes I've seen here will also be added to my website once I finally get around to updating the thing again. Which will hopefully be fairly soon, since I have a fairly sizable backlog, but my work schedule has been insane the last few months... :(

My thanks for everyone's support, enthusiasm, and scathing error-finding :). No, really, I appreciate it. How else is this stuff supposed to get fixed? The amount of feedback just shows how much everyone cares. And anyone who knows any Japanese is welcome to nitpick my translations any time... it's generally an educational experience, and I'm alarmingly thick-skinned about these things 8). Just don't expect prompt replies at the moment... I have a few e-mails sitting in my inbox that have been there for months now... yeesh. Ought to put aside some time for that...


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #72 on: October 25, 2007, 05:32:58 pm »
Found a few more

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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #73 on: October 25, 2007, 09:01:26 pm »
One more...

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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #74 on: October 25, 2007, 11:11:48 pm »
Thanks for your diligence.