Well, I wouldn't say it's perfect. I agree with everything you said other than that. Please, quoting me and then calling the game perfect is not helping my argument.
Well yes, sorry about that.
A little help defending it, would be much appreciated. I don't think it's a'perfect' game either, just the closest game (RPG) to being perfect I've ever encountered. And it also happens to be one of the very few games that has recieved a perfect score.
What? So Oblivion doesn't simply kick ass? Fore shame.
Let's not deviate from the topic at hand. You and the others were comparing the game to the RPG's for the PC.
Cross has
nothing to do with those.
The main factor is that the "some" is so close to NONE that it hardly matters...and I'd call foul on that "most" as well...but I suppose "some" is vague enough to compromise...
Okay, then let's put everything into perspective. Since you all seem to fail to realize the key aspect that the game creators
decidedly choose for the game's characters.
Let's use the characters that you offered as examples, for both games.
Poshul, Turnip and NeoFio for Cross, and Ayla, Magus and Robo for Triigger. Just do a simple comparison between their backstories, using the encyclopedia. You'll be
shocked by the results.
First and foremost, it's an RPG. A role playing game. If it doesn't have clearly defined characters, what's the point? A good story is key to a good RPG, but without good characters you're left with a slowly moving plot that's hard to care much for. Reasons are more important than actions.
doesn't have clearly defined characters?
Than what about: Kid, Serge, Harle, Lynx, Norris, Karsh, Nikki, Fargo, Viper, Radius, Riddel, Marcy, Leena, Razzly, Sprigg, Glenn, Starky, etc...?
That's at least 17 characters that are very much
well developed.
If you don't call that having clearly defined characters, I don't know what you will.
You have got to be kidding some of the best RPG's are for the PC, Elder Scroll are great rpgs, and Fallout is by far one for the best games ever. How is this in any anyway a lame, pathetic, cheapskates? I would Like you try and dis on Ultima.
Thery're still just FPS in disguise. I never really cared much for the Ultimas series either.
Character development is what bridges the gap from the player to the story. Chrono cross had an epic story, It was vary cinematic, but that was its flaw it was like watching a movie or reading a book. Unlike Chrono trigger were I felt attached to the story. How was that there point? A game with no attachment, I doubt that was on there drawing bored.
No argument there. Character development is a
must for any real Role Playing Game. And I agree with the rest of your statement too, except for the last part. But I think you're starting to get my point.
Its not perfect in what way can you see it as so!?!
Read this quote and
try to disagree with
any of its parts.
It's an epic romance- a game made for radical dreamers everywhere. The colorful characters, the vibrant world, the breathtaking music... all of these elements come together to create an experience that is truly remarkable. The battle system is innovative, the cinematics glow.... everything about the game just shines.