Author Topic: Enemy Modification  (Read 43311 times)

Agent 12

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2008, 11:32:44 am »
Mauron perhaps you should make a new topic for this and I'll sticky it.  One particular to Bosses?

Custom Animations:

If we can figure out where in the ROM these are located it is definitely possible to edit them in the Tech editor.  I know CL had gato's punch tech and it used the same commands all the other techs use. Mauron have you tested what happens to Magus 2 the enemy's lit/fire/ice 2 when we edit the original lit/fire/ice 2?  Is he actually casting a PC's tech or did they copy it over to enemmies??

If enemies can use PC techs.... then PC's should be able to use enemy techs....hmm



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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2008, 01:33:04 pm »
Spekkio's Lightning and Crono's Lightning are different techs.

Major Update: I found out how to locate enemy techs. I'm out right now, but I'll post more information when I get home.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 05:30:03 pm by Mauron »

Agent 12

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2008, 11:05:02 pm »
By the way as far as "status" stuff goes I'm pretty sure that the reason the king zeal thing didn't work is because all he was doing was casting the tech. which just does the animations.  what we could implement is the tech -> a stat increase.

I don't think we know all of the stat increases available yet but simple trial and error should yield it


Terra Mutant AI must be changed
Jinn Ai must be changed
Base AI Should be changed make it combine with shadow or alkaline

« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 07:45:27 pm by jsondag2 »


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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2008, 01:15:08 am »
What about Terra Mutant and Jinn AI needs to be changed?

For Base AI maybe we could do an "if shadow or alkaline is dead" followed by a normal attack pattern. That's all I've seen about the presence of specific monsters. My test showed it working as an "if not active in battle" pattern.

Agent 12

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2008, 02:48:04 am »
Terra and jinn require other monsters to be there. You don't have to worry about regular enemies for now as they may change those notes are mainly for me. Focus on bosses those are definitely priority.



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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #35 on: July 29, 2008, 09:19:30 am »
I currently have some internet troubles and, ironically, not much free time during my holydays, but I will have much more time once they end(next week).


King Zeal:
He should be able to use at least one attack of each element, and maybe some defensive ones(or maybe, plot wise, he is so full of rage that he doesn't care about anything else but destruction?).

So, which ones should he use?
Crying Heavens as lightning? A Lavos central bit attack, maybe hinting towards him being controlled?
Flame Breath as fire? I remember it was in his last AI, and I though it was rather cool.
Water attack from Lavos Spawn in Black Omen?
Maybe this one attack of Giga Gaia, when only one hand was active?

Ah well, can't come up with something good at the moment.


Marle Chapter:

* She definitely needs some speed up, we may put a Speed tab at the lake, or offer more TP so she might learn haste(if we can switch the order they learn techs). Yet haste might be a bit too useful that early. Maybe make some "Haste Item"? With a fitting high prize?

* Other that that, a nice way to level Marle up is in the Terra Tower, where you fight Volcanoes.


What about the Secret Boss? Will he be a cameo from another game? Or hasn't it been given any thoughts?

And during the Terra Tower, you have the choice to push some rocks down a hole, what are the consequences?


Crono/Magus/Glenn Chapter:

* Maybe make the Enemies drop some Lapis(the "Mid Tonic for All"), so Glenn doesn't need to heal all the time(if he learned it already, otherwise it will be harder). I'm not sure whether we should reduce it's power to 150 HP healing for all.

* How about making the Tournament harder, give out some good items if the Party wins, and make it losable? I for one always like rewarding challenges. If this is done, we might need to do some text changes?

* A shop and recovery possibility(including savepoint) at the tournament, so people can stock up on Items and heal before they fight it.

* Shitakes need to be slowed done, or at least prevent them from having the first attack. It's hard to fight 3 of them, where they have the first 3 attacks, and while you heal and revive after their attacks, they just attack again... I'm not sure if we can prevent this fast gauge filling at the begin of the battle(if enemies have their own attack gauge, that is), if not or it is to much work, we should just slow them down a bit(or lower their attack).

* There is a Reptite in a Cave mentioning some kind of Armor he can make with stuff from some woods...will this be scrapped or added later?

* For the Final fight(against 2 "Azalas"), it was mentioned they should use fire & water...
Now this idea might sound lazy, but since they are time travelers, like Marle and Lucca, why not give them the same techs? Maybe, if Marle and Lucca will get new ones, give our 2 enemies these, too, so player can see what techs they will get soon. I always wanted to fight a player clone(at least techwise), so maybe other people will see it the same way? Enemies that can us Haste+Protection+double techs etc. will be a challenge, esp. considering you currently use the strongest characters. We just need to sort out what techs will be used, because a Grenade(like Lucca's tech) doesn't seem fitting.


That's it for now, I will have much more ready during the next week.

Agent 12

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #36 on: July 29, 2008, 11:51:59 am »
I'm also going to be doing be able to increase productivity a TON after this weekend (it's my sisters 21st bday so were going on vacation and I have to pack  + get some work done).  King Zeal definitely sounds doable I'm sure mauron appreciates telling him where the tech is used.   

I''m thikning of making haste cost more MP and making it Haste 2 (everyone gets haste).  Do you think this is overkill?  We'd probably be removing haste helms.

Secret boss:
Though I'd love to make him a cameo we have to ask if anyone on our team can do it..  Unfortunately our biggest weakness is a lack of a graphics guy.

*There's a point in the game where I did have the enemies drop lapises I actually thought it was this chapter (terra tower).  If not you are right this is where it'd be more useful since you are forced to use this party. 

* If Marle pushes the rock down the hole you can enter the upper left area on the first floor as C/M/G if you are taking the left path.

* We'd definitely need to do text changes for the tournament because right now the reptites don't talk to them until they win it.  However we could certainly make the text if they are brave enough to enter the tournament the reptites start talking to them and Zeality is redoing dialogue anyways.  I'll get his input.

* I keep meaning to add a shop/savepoint!  I'll definitely add it later.

* Consider the shitakes slower after run 2.

* Definitely going to be add the armor.  It's elemental armor for the Azala fights.

* Unfortunatly (this dissapointed me to) it seems like Magus/speekio fire/ice/lightning has nothing to do with the Characters techs (I found this incredibly surprising myself).  So it looks like we are stuck with what we have seen Enemies cast.  I'm personally hoping that at the least we can have characters cast enemy techs (i want to give magus a drain attack).  So for now we'll use the magus/speekio "character techs" and hopefully later we'll find a way to have them cast our techs.



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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2008, 12:29:59 pm »
What has the average level been when you guys fought King Zeal?

Agent 12

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2008, 03:02:47 pm »
He's going to be the final boss.  But you will also fight him as magus alone before and you are suppose to lose.  You also will have the option to fight him at the crater (where you are suppose to lose as well).

In my play through I was at level 40 when I got to DBT.  However, you can expect that we will add sidequests and probably make some dungeons longer so I'd aim for level 50.



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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #39 on: July 30, 2008, 02:51:09 am »
Getting started on King Zeal, and have a couple questions:

- Is there a larger block I can use for his AI? The current one is rather constricting.
- Are there any battle strings available for use?

There might be a bug with saving the changes, or it might just be this computer sucking again. I'll tell you what happens when I use it on my laptop.

Agent 12

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2008, 11:23:15 am »
Were not using Lavos (final form) that should be larger :)



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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2008, 02:07:17 pm »
Much. :D

What about strings? Are there any empty ones I can steal?

Agent 12

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2008, 02:21:27 pm »
Hm.......the mammon machine has a few right?  You can steal those.



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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2008, 12:08:43 am »
Bah, the attacks aren't balanced. I've got one doing 80 damage and another doing 1700 damage.

We need to either find where the power for enemy techs is located, or better document the attack strengths so I can repoint the animations as need be.

Agent 12

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Re: Enemy Modification
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2008, 11:27:23 am »
Ah good point. Um for know assume we won't find it and try to find balanced attacks. Unless you think you can find it relatively soon?
