Absolute damnation. I'd written down a whole lot, and for some reason my stupid computer started freezing, and it managed to delete the whole post. So, dammit again, and I'll try and be brief.
Firstly, armour. And yes, armour. I don’t like your bloody American ‘armor’. It’s too short. Armour is far more majestic.
Electra Ultimate for Lucca. Named after the strong heroine of certain Greek plays. The daughter of Agamemnon.
Camilline Armour for females. Named after the warrior maiden of the Aeneid.
Now... helmets...
Numitor One of the first kings of Rome. This works well by association with Janus, but might be better as a weapon than as a helmet.
Cinderella Joke helmet for Janus (can't you just see it? 'This can only fit one of us...') or a serious one for another character.
WingedHelm Certain ancient helmets, like of the Samnites or the Celts, had wings. I guess it implies speed.
CrestHelm Ancient Greek helmets had crests. This is a more general type, I suppose.
Lion Head The SPCA will get OUR heads for this one, but hey, Herakles did it... it also implies regality.
HermesCap Self-explanatory.
Skull Cap I don’t like the way Centurian is the starting helmet. Really, a Centurian, if you really think about it, is a ‘Roman’ helmet. It belongs in the 2AD time period, later on in the game, where in our world Rome existed. Skull Cap, as probably the simplest form of helmet, would be best for first.
CarryOnHat Say this quickly and you get Carrion Hat, which is dead bodies, like at a battlefield.
Crono (14) - need a joke one.
I don't know if I like all these names. A few too many foreign sounding ones. But whatever. It's still a good list. No serious objections. And, of course, the last two are perfect. Wait... what’s SQ? And I just had a thought... maybe from the monster Khrusaor you can get a sword called Khrusaor (like the Ultima weapon in the Final Fantasies)? After all, Khrusaor does mean ‘gold sword.’
Lead Sword (Start)
Jade Hilt
Arco Iris (Rainbow)
Ara Dei (Rainbow EX)
Marle (11) - room for 2 more serious ones.
To answer your question, there’s no such thing as a Valhallan. A resident there is one of the... bloody difficult word. Let’s see... Einheriar. Anway... I’d order the list a bit differently. Mainly, I’d put FarShooter a bit later, seeing as it’s referring to Apollo the Archer himself. The only name I don’t quite like is Valhalla. It doesn’t quite fit, because everyone knows it’s a place name. Freya, the name of the Norse war-goddess, might be a better bet. It keeps that connection with Valkyrie, which I think you were shooting for. Oh, and I have to go with Hadriel and his ‘Bowcaster’ for her joke weapon. Total weapons 8+2+1. My revised list:
YewBow (Start)
Ivory Bow
Fay Arrow
Ice Pierce
Naveed (Penultimate)
Freya (Ultimate; Naveed EX)
Bowcaster (Joke Weapon)
Lucca (12) - room for 1 more serious one.
No issues here, except maybe QuantaShot being so high. But that’s not too big an issue. Personally, I’d have put FreeRdical just before AtashBlast, and VerneShot before it. And for a joke weapon? StarkyGun. Have to reference CC. And I added in CosmicBlast, bringing the total to 9+2+1 = 11. What the heck, this is how I’d put it.
Flintlock (Start)
AtashBlast (Penultimate)
Sunspot (Ultimate, AtashBlast EX)
StarkyGun (Joke Weapon)
Robo (10) - room for 2 more serious, and 1 joke.
Strainer (Start)
Impax (Terra Arm)
Imperator (Terra Arm EX)
All good here. But we need a joke weapon, and there is room for more.
Glenn (10) - room for a few more, and a joke one.
Weren’t there more listed before? Hmm... I suppose not. Anyway, this is good, except I’m not sure which way the ‘penultimate/ultimate’ is structured.
ArmingEdge (Start)
Gilt Sword
PaxGuardia (Penultimate)
Maximus (Ultimate, PaxGuardia EX)
Masamune (Super-ultimate)
Magus (12) - room for a few more.
I don’t quite like these. DoomSickle doesn’t have enough feeling behind it. It works for a start, but not a finish. Especially since it is from Chrono Trigger, I don’t think we should use it again, save for the very first. EbonyMoon also... okay, actually, in this case I’d thought to laud the name I thought of, the Kronian. I thought it would work well as an ultimate, by association with Chrono/Crono. The sickle of Kronos, which overthrew Ouranos, god of heaven... a compelling picture, I think. Furthermore, I judge the second to best should be Totentanz. I don’t know who came up with that one, but ‘Dance of Death’ is too good a name to be relegated to anything other than second. And if not second, it should be first. The others can be in whichever order, only that I think maybe Numitor should be put in there as a weapon. Also, I was thinking Thyrsus as a joke weapon for Janus. The history behind that is the Maenads, or Bacchantes, the female followers of Dionysus, were said to wield these things to wield off the advances of the Satyrs. Also, it looked like a phallus. Totally incongruous with Janus, eh? Furthermore, I know Hadriel suggested this one, but I’m not comfortable with Khadhulu. I’ve removed it on my list, but you can put it back if you want. Oh, and I added Numitor which I mentioned earlier.
Anyway, so a revised list:
DoomSickle (Start)
Totentanz (Penultimate)
Kronian (Ultimate, Totentanz EX)
Thyrsus (Joke Weapon)
Of course, all of these can be shifted a bit to allow for dungeon accuracy. You’re not going to put a VerneShot in 2AD, after all.
Anyway, in a side note about armour... anyone ever think ancient armour was boring? Well, I was read a Greek tragedy - the Seven Against Thebes, I doubt anyone’s read it, as it’s one of the most obscure and archaic of the tragedies - which includes a large section describing the armour of the enemy champions. Two bits stand out. Firstly, the messenger speaks of one Eteoklus, who has whistles by his horse’s bits. Imagine that! You’re being charged by an enemy chariot, and you hear this dicordant whistle when the horses pant. Pretty nifty, and would be quite frightening, I imagine. Secondly, the messenger speaks of the hero Tydeus, who inside the rim of his shield has bells - and I imagine these aren’t high-pitched sleigh bells, either. Already these heroes wear crests in order to intimidate their enemies - imagine meeting a man in battle when heavy bells peal whenever he shakes his shield. I was so interested in that description, I used it in writing (one of my projects is the writing of a Greek tragedy, based on the Seven, but focussing on the hero Amphiaraos), when I have it said: ‘Listen! / The bells upon his great shield peal, / and stun to torpor the sons of Thebes, / threatening heaven with bloody discord.’
Oh, and yeah, and yeah, Guile Mask is an absolute neccessity.
And funny you should mention the Goldeneye soundtrack. I just saw the movie yesterday for the first time in years. My brother commented that he didn't remember the music being so weird. Heh. It IS a bit strange. But now I've got a hankering to play the game again.