Author Topic: Principles of Time and Dimensional Travel Discussion  (Read 10929 times)


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Re: Principles of Time and Dimensional Travel Discussion
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2011, 04:03:10 pm »

Yeah, I know it has been over a year since the thread was posted on, but I dislike starting new threads for just one thought. You clarified how you interpreted the meaning of the newer translation to fit your theory, and I thank you for the speedy reply.

While the looser wording of the newer translation was able to lead to different interpretations and was more flexible in this case, I wonder if there are other cases where it could work against existing theories? That is not really the point of this article though, so I will not get into it.

So, if the re-translation is that different, does anyone know how it is translated in the DS version of CT (is it the same as the SNES version, or was it re-worded)?

Also, if it is now based on time period, how much time constitutes the "same" time period? Technically Chrono, Marle, and Lucca all went into time the first time at different periods. In order for this theory to work would everyone at Chronopolis have to be sent through time at exactly the same time (down to an infinitely small number) or is there some leeway? If there is leeway then where is the line drawn? A second, minute, hour, day, year?

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Principles of Time and Dimensional Travel Discussion
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2011, 04:21:41 pm »
What if Chronopolis is the point of most resistance? In the case of the time crash, it "resists" the influence of time to the point that it and everyone on it are stuck.

Then Crimson Echoes' Dreamtime could be the point of neutrality, a sort of middle ground of "resistance" where things are in a state of flux and nobody "naturally" shows up there.
