Author Topic: How has your gaming tastes evolved since Chrono ?  (Read 2630 times)


  • Porrean (+50)
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How has your gaming tastes evolved since Chrono ?
« on: March 22, 2010, 05:31:11 pm »
For those who played CT in 95-96 like me, I have a few questions for you. I'll consider that CT is one of your all time favorite games.

1-What other games did you play back then ? 
2-What other genre beside JRPGs do you like to play ?
3-Has your favorite genre changed since CT ?

I would like to know if you play different games today (Bioware, Blizzard, etc.) or if you still wander in the jRPG genre.

4-Finally, I would like to know your opinion about what Square has become today. Do you like their recent games ? Which ones ?

I'll answer my own questions.
1-Secret of Mana, FFIII (VI), Mario World and Zelda lttp.
2-WRPGs like Diablo, platformers and some action rpgs.
3-No, I still like jRPGs the most, but I tend to enjoy the snes ones more than anything.
4-I like square less than before, but I still recognize their talents. I think they want to make their games similar to movies (Kitase) with not enough emphasis on gameplay. I must admit I was quite impressed with Kingdom Hearts II. Some characters like Axel and Roxas were more interesting that the main character himself. It also had a nice soundtrack. Visiting Disney worlds with FF-like characters is a unique experience. FFXII was fun, but the story, characters and music were too weak. I have played FFXIII a bit, but not enough to express my opinion.


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Re: How has your gaming tastes evolved since Chrono ?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2010, 08:37:40 pm »
Not a whole lot, the newest games I play are Chrono Cross and Legend of Dragoon. I rarely ever play games anymore, music kind of took over my life since then. That's pretty much all I was about with video games was RPGs, did a bit of shooters (quake, doom, resistance fall of man etc,) and all sorts of racing sims(gran turismo, gtr 2, iracing, rfactor). Other than that, you can't beat the JRPG.


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Re: How has your gaming tastes evolved since Chrono ?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 12:52:37 am »
I played CT when Final Fantasy chronicles came out. I didn't like it at first, picked it up a year later and I have loved it ever since.

1. Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 6, FF5, FF4, Zelda LttP, Mortal kombat 1,2,3, and UMK3
2. Sports games are good
3. Nah, RPG has epic stories and I like storytime. I have dropped VG's for the most part since the end of PS2. I have 5 games for Xbox... (Castle Crashers,Halo 3,CoD4,Modern Warfare 2, UMK3). Castle crashers is the best game storyline wise for my 360... I can't wait to get ff xiii.

4. Square has become trash compared to what it was in the 90s. The 90s was truly the peak of gaming though. I really think the only right moves they have made or the development with FF7 (although I don't agree with some) and FF13 (I am assuming that I will love it). Other than that square has really shunned me.

I do like that Parasite Eve 3 is in development (I think it's by hexadrive though...) and I wish they would make vagrant story 2. I know that they need to remake FF7 and they need to remake CT or make a sequel with the CT characters. Both would be great business moves and either one would probably win me over again.

So if they did all 4... I would be square's slave until the next decade.

So they can do 3 options... Finish PE3 and make Vagrant Story 2. Or remake FF7. Or remake CT or give it a sequel with the original cast after cross is over...

The one thing I know is that PE3 is still on so that I am happy about.


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Re: How has your gaming tastes evolved since Chrono ?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2010, 12:57:41 am »
I've never really had any set type of game I play, I just don't play MMOs & RTSs...Nothing much has changed except for what's changed with gaming...I now include guitar rhythm games & a couple Facebook apps into my gaming repertoire and for w/e lameass reason less shmups and rail shooters (I really should invest in some more Wii games...)...

I've loved Square's recent remakes for the DS, but haven't checked much else out from them but Infinite Undiscovery and I guess that's ok so far that I've played it, but I'm not really motivated to play it because I'm just not really into action/adventure RPGs where there's AI party members doing things instead of me doing things better for them...

So not much has changed, really besides a few innovations...Oh, and console loyalty has become a mostly redundant thing now whereas I thought back then that Nintendo was king...


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Re: How has your gaming tastes evolved since Chrono ?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2010, 04:04:33 am »
1-What other games did you play back then ? 
The original Mario Kart and TMNT IV: Turtles In Time were some non-RPG faves of mine... say what you will of TMNT, it's still one of the best side scrolling beat-em-ups out there!

NBA Jam: TE was a good one too.  The first game I can remember playing with a good create-a-player feature, complete with tweety bird and alien heads, and upgradable stats.

... I was still an RPG guy back then though, overall.  Just got the most playing time out of them.  FFVI, Secret of Mana (multi player!), Super Mario RPG I really liked. FFIV I enjoyed, but it wasn't on par with the others. Oh!  And Zelda:A Link to the Past.  One of the first RPGs I actually finished. Still a classic.  Got it for GBA recently.  I'm terrible at it these days!  I tried most of the SNES RPGs that I could find at the time.  Seventh Saga and Mystic Quest, I didn't like.  Illusion of Gaia was neat, Earthbound was an odd one that I'd like to revisit.
2-What other genre beside JRPGs do you like to play ?
Puzzle, old-school 2-D platformers and some shooters.  The ones with a sense of humour about them, i.e. Time Splitters. A lot of the new stuff (Call of Duty, etc) just takes itself too seriously. 

I was real into fighters back when Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers and Fighters Megamix etc were still making the rounds in my old Sega Saturn.  8)   
3-Has your favorite genre changed since CT ?
I don't play a whole lot these days, so quick action / puzzle stuff like Tetris DS and New Super Mario Bros is what I play of late.  RPGs are still my fave, though the genre is becoming a bit glutted.  The CT DS port, I am playing off and on, getting through the French version for a change.
Blizzard, Bioware et al?
Never got too into it.  A lot of that early PC stuff - Warcraft II, Dark Forces, Diablo - was pretty cool at the time, but by the time I actually had a computer, the novelty had worn off.  They never had the charm of console stuff, for me. 
4-Finally, I would like to know your opinion about what Square has become today. Do you like their recent games ? Which ones ?
They lured me back for a moment with FFIX.  Other than that... pfft. 


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Re: How has your gaming tastes evolved since Chrono ?
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2024, 12:08:41 am »
I really got into Destiny. Destiny 2 not so much.