Author Topic: Favorite Place in an RPG  (Read 27591 times)


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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2005, 11:31:58 pm »
Are we talking about favorite RPG moments, or places in RPGs you would like to be at?  I'm guessing the latter...

Lindblum, FF9.  When I first went into that city, my first reaction was "This place is huge!"  I have always had a tender spot for the medievalish RPGs, and this city was a perfect blend of that, and technology.  For most of the game, it just felt like a retreat that I could go to, for breaks and stuff.


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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2005, 11:49:14 pm » many to pick from...let's see....

(Not listed in any particular order of favor)

1. The Silvite colony in Skies of Arcadia when you fly up there on Fina's ship. It was a very Zeal-esque place, except, well...near completely deserted, I believe. It was magical to fly up past the skies and the stars to appear on this strange piece of incomprehensible technology, and hearing what the elders had to was amazing.

2. Mars Lightouse in Golden Sun The lost Age. It really gave you a sense of desperation to climb, as if it was not lit, Prox would have been sucked off the edge of the world, and would continue to do so until the entire surface was gone. Plus, I found the snow whirling everytime you went to the outside to be a nice touch as well.

3. 1000 A.D., overworld. With my favorite Chrono Trigger piece (Memories of Green) playing, I really felt a sens of freedom and mysticality just exploring the 1000 A.D. overworld (especially in that desert-region...with no scenery to break the clouds, you feel like you can fly.)

4. The Dead Sea - all. After playing through mostly boring bits of tying up loose ends, you're treated to one of the most impressive places of the game, and one of them that convinces me that when people say Chrono Cross has no connections to Chrono Trigger has not fully played the game. Seeing a future that was erased from time..that YOU erased playing Chrono Trigger brought a feeling of awe. Walking on massive waves frozen in time as the futuristic world suffers the wrath of Lavos (one of the best moments = the room with the Lithosphere report of Lavos. You can see the waves in mid rush of the room, which really nails the point of the apocalypse home.) Other touches such as the room with the train and the boarding pass to Arris Dome add to it, as it connects to Chrono Trigger in ways that most of the rest of the game fails to. The enertron as well was fun with the classic "But you're still hungry" line after it. And the Leene's bell scene with Miguel and the ghosts/dream projections...that, to me, was the most emotional event in the game. Hearing the sad music play while you fight a battle that nobody wants to fight but is bound by fate, onlooked by the childlike ghosts that mimed the heroes of Chrono Trigger, spawning many debates over their fates after Chrono Trigger. To put it simply, this place was brilliant.


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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2005, 12:20:53 am »
One of my favorite places in an RPG had to have been Zeal, just all of the technoolgy in 12,000 BC was exilerating.

Daniel Krispin

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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2005, 02:23:42 am »
Maybe it was just the music, but one of my favorite places was Kazarov Stonehenge in Dark Cloud II.


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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2005, 02:47:46 am »
Quote from: Kazuki

2. Mars Lightouse in Golden Sun The lost Age. It really gave you a sense of desperation to climb, as if it was not lit, Prox would have been sucked off the edge of the world, and would continue to do so until the entire surface was gone. Plus, I found the snow whirling everytime you went to the outside to be a nice touch as well.

Ahh yeah, thats a good one.

As for my answer, Central City on Energy Nede in Star Ocean 2.  I just love that its the center of the once great Nedian race, and a last stand against the Wise Men.  It has great music, and so many key elements in the story happen in that city.


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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2005, 04:13:45 am »
I probably loved The castle on Doom Island the best in Lufia 2, which was acctually the first chapter of history in the series anyway. The music was a blast and you could see outside below the island to the land below it, which was kinda scay, in the windows.

I really loved Zeal for a long time, especially for the music and the whole plot and how such a great civilization harnessing magic could go so wrong.

I also loved the Mercury Tower in Golden Sun, the music was soo relaxing and really nice to listen to :)

Harvest Moon: Back To Nature's top of the mountain was nice, especially on events when you were sittin with your girl :P

Neo Tokyo in Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon was cool too lol XD


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Re: Zeal's Nice...
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2005, 03:28:07 pm »
Quote from: Lord J esq
But in addition to the Kingdom of Magic I should also like to add one other place in the worlds of RPGs where I find myself lingering whenever I should visit. It is the top of the pyramid in the Dark World in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Nowhere in any video game has a single image moved me so strongly as that time when Link stood atop the Golden Pyramid of the Triforce and beheld the tall mountains to the southwest, with Ganon's Tower crowning Death Peak, and all is silhouetted by the setting sun. No processor power and no generation of console can come closer than that beautiful, terrible image.

yes..Yes...YES!!!  So right! Everytime I hear that theme I get goosebumps. That track is my favorite sing from any Zelda game, it is so powerful and moving. Just excellent work.

As for a favorite place...I would have too hard of a choice, but it would be between Fourside and Truce. Both have excellent themes, and thier own special aura. Fourside for me was how I thought a city would be like (minus the crazy taxis), and Truce is such a great town, especially the ferry. I still take a ride on the ferry when I play the game, it is just so great.


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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2005, 03:23:29 pm »
My favorite area in an RPG is the dead sea in Crono Cross. I like it because its so shrouded in mystery I still dont understand everything about it.


  • Porrean (+50)
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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2005, 04:20:43 pm »
Shadow Forest in Crono Cross always gets me. I mean if I saw a place in real life that was that beautiful, I'd never want to leave. And of course Zeal, for all the dreaming and learning.


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Re: Zeal's Nice...
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2005, 04:54:43 pm »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
...and Truce is such a great town, especially the ferry. I still take a ride on the ferry when I play the game, it is just so great.

Yay, I'm not the only one who rides the ferry for the hell of it.

Burning Zeppelin

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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2005, 09:51:03 am »
FF8: Eshtar-ZOMG!!!oneoneeleve (sorry)
CT: Dont hurt me, but in 2300 AD in Belthasars place. The music was so wonderful, and the place was so sad.
FF9: When you fight necron
Kingdom Hearts: The end place, with Ansem


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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2005, 12:11:28 am »
My favorite place is (I think) the Dead Sea of Chrono Cross!

It was interesting, creepy and..... it might make you think ".....I have a badddd feeling about this." ^_^

Zeal is next.... Who wouldn't like a flying nation or kingdom? :P


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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2005, 07:29:29 am »
FF 9 - memoria the whole place seemed to bleed with sadness havent seen another game with a place with that kind of emotion

loZ OoT - whole game really but the Lost Woods is a place that really captured me first time i played

Terranigma - Crysta my favorite town in a game ever

CC - the burning orphanage the music was great remembering the place from CT plus it was a amazing story point

CT - 65,000,000 BC no real reason i simply like the era

Burning Zeppelin

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Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #43 on: September 29, 2005, 08:51:13 am »
ff8, field next to edeas house


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Re: Favorite Place in an RPG
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2006, 01:33:34 am »

I've been recording my thoughts on FF7, and wrote more of this place. I tried to give it a description that readers could relate to.

It is humbling and sublime to stand at the base camp of that northern part of the world as the wind blows in hazy sheets down a path of pure ice. Cloud had to ascend the north pole of his world to find where a meteor had impacted it eons ago; he had to trudge through below freezing temperatures in a place forsaken by man. And there, at the base of that terrible journey, imposing with thin atmosphere and barren stretches of punitive rock and ice beyond, is a base camp made by a traveler who attempted to reach the top of the world years ago. His friend long deceased, he maintained camp and lived there for years. The cabin is somewhat small, consisting of cozy furs, a bed, tools, and a loft with a window facing to the wind and affording a vantage of the impassable path beyond. The rock is blue and ancient beyond words, and the ice is permanent. The sky grows a paler and darker blue as it thins at the extreme north, and the exterior of the cabin has been chilled to a cold steel color. Yet this man lives, and the party stays at this cabin on the edge of forever before diving off to the utmost north. The cabin is the point of no return, the last place to observe the end and still manage to live. It is the end of the world.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 10:57:26 am by ZeaLitY »