Author Topic: Using ChatGPT and other AIs for the development of plugins and other misc.  (Read 4589 times)


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So here we are at last sort of alive and finally the various planets decided to quit trying to kill me and I'm getting back into a little bit of programming. 😭🤣 It has become necessary because (41, I at times even though as motivated as I can be and super lazy because I'm too f****** erratic to get anything done)... Therefore....

Tool assisted and AI assisted ROM hacking for the m***********g win!

This form will be dedicated as such post experiences or code snippets or other things so that we can get Ron hacking evolve to an area and era where we can do what we want without being frustrated for eons getting nothing done but keep in mind as Romney hacking is a learning experience and has a very very deep near infinite learning curve because mastery of All electronics takes usually several lifetimes... I do suggest that people do continue reading up on new things and doing new things rather than just have an AI do it for you--also though in training AI we have to help it understand that we're not trying to be so lazy that we don't understand how what we want to do and do it but the most efficient way to do that is one of the purposes of this helpful artful intelligence.

Who knows maybe we will have a few polite AI assisted ROM hackers posting on the board with us someday soon. 😎



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Re: Using ChatGPT and other AIs for the development of plugins and other misc.
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2023, 11:23:19 pm »
... This page left intentionally blank in case it is needed for extra non blank stuff later...



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Re: Using ChatGPT and other AIs for the development of plugins and other misc.
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2023, 11:26:34 pm »
What follows is a quick conversation I had with chat GPT in the start of exploring this process, ... If some little kid can convince chat GPT to make a Pokemon hack then we can help it understand that we need some plugins cuz I'm lazy and I don't have time to just spend 4,000 hours on this even more I want to do like 40 hours of 4,000 hours of work haha.

Certainly, it seems you want a C# routine to edit individual hexadecimal data within a string representing items, with each item having 11 bytes of data. For this purpose, you could use C# to manipulate the hexadecimal values. Here's an example of how you might approach editing the data:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Sample data
        string hexData = "0C0B5E0C15CETXTNItem names"; // Your hexadecimal data here
        // Split the string into individual 11-byte items
        int itemSize = 11; // 11 bytes per item
        string[] items = SplitIntoItems(hexData, itemSize);

        // Let's say you want to edit the third item's first byte
        int itemIndexToEdit = 2; // Index starts from 0
        int byteIndexToEdit = 0; // Index of the byte to edit within the item
        char newHexValue = 'A'; // Replace with your desired hexadecimal value

        // Modify the data
        string modifiedData = EditHexData(items, itemIndexToEdit, byteIndexToEdit, newHexValue);

        // Display the modified data
        Console.WriteLine("Modified Data: " + modifiedData);

    // Function to split the string into individual items
    static string[] SplitIntoItems(string hexData, int itemSize)
        int numItems = hexData.Length / itemSize;
        string[] items = new string[numItems];

        for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
            items = hexData.Substring(i * itemSize, itemSize);

        return items;

    // Function to edit a specific byte within a specific item
    static string EditHexData(string[] items, int itemIndex, int byteIndex, char newHexValue)
        char[] item = items[itemIndex].ToCharArray();
        item[byteIndex] = newHexValue;

        return string.Join("", item);

This code demonstrates a simple approach to manipulate individual bytes in a string of hexadecimal data representing items. You can modify the variables like `itemIndexToEdit`, `byteIndexToEdit`, and `newHexValue` to suit your specific editing needs.



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So ChatGPT took that input and spit out an attempt to interpret it, but missed a few points.

It didn't know how to interpret the hexadecimal string at all. It gives advice on editing a specific character in an array of strings split from a larger string.

It's missing the most important part - getting that hex data into a readable format in the first place. Once we get that, rather than editing a specific byte, we present the item name to the user in a readable format.

Addressing the reason you want this in the first place, we'd add a little extra processing on what Temporal Flux already does. So in the case of custom characters added to the font, we'd let users specify {hex 4B} or whatever, and when turning that back into raw data, it would recognize the {hex ??} format, and turn it into just the value 4B.


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  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Yes ChatGPT is coming a long way this is with.3.5.!

We can literally have it help us refine the missing data this shouldn't take long if we teach it the right parameters because it "won't do everything for you", it is a design teaching aid to help people with various tasks programming is one of them I'm sure that over time the more you work with AI the more "trust" you earn with it because I noticed it will do more and more for me on some tasks however some tests I've done a zillion times it will try to skip steps because it "considers" that I should already know that! 😎

I have some new findings all post in the next week or so this is pretty exciting!


Schala Zeal

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ChatGPT has become a boon to me as a coder and cybersecurity hacker.