Author Topic: Let's Play 2023 - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete  (Read 19955 times)


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #180 on: March 25, 2023, 04:35:50 am »
See, we do have maids at the house so when they cook it's usually very traditional Filipino food, and very simple: like a piece of fried fish with a side of rice, and cut up tomatoes. And that's it for a filling meal. I think it's nice for the most part but I've grown up w/ stuff like that so I tend to branch out. Now when I cook for myself I usually see it as single, young college guy's food lolol. Pretty much I just see what we have in the stockroom and I make a meal out of it. Like the other day I made tuna pasta salad. Pretty much just saute the can of tuna w/o the juice with onions, cook your pasta and just mix it all together with a little bit of chopped tomatoes on top. (cheese is optional) I just stick it in the fridge and it feeds me for like 2 days.

So as for the game I've been playing it whenever I have free-time which's a lot here lol. I'm about to face the boss in the Water Ruins. I'm kinda just taking my time lollygagging but it's fun for me cause my thoughts are refreshing, relaxed and I'm just having fun. lol I'm keeping in mind that you're on-a-schedule but I kinda wanna just beat the game and moo-ve it along.

Yeah my Mom would buy that stovetop rice stuff but we only would use it as a side dish whenever we had steak, asparagus and blue cheese for dinner. Either that or Uncle Ben's wild rice. My Mom never really uses the microwave either she just makes home-meals, but I use the microwave a lot as a latchkey kid growing up. After school when it's just me in the house and I get hungry either I boil water to make instant noodles or I microwave something from the freezer like a dinner, a pot pie, or finger foods like tostitos, fish sticks or what-have you. The microwave is my friend. I'm not so hoity-toity to think it's not a useful tool in the kitchen.

Now that I own and operate my own farm here, I'm sorta getting into the head of being your own employer. Like now I can kinda understand how my bosses were thinking about when I worked at Chipotle Mexican Grill / & WingStop. I'm sorta trying to wrap my mind around the year-long-employee, - basically now after the fact I know that they hired me just so they can fire me after a year passes. I just wonder why they spent all that time grooming me into possibly working for the company, and why they dolled-up so many conversations with me and promised me so much stuff, - Knowing I was just gonna be let-go / terminated / canned after one year. It just doesn't make sense to me unless company heads are really fake or don't really know how to make proper conversation with people without consulting the Company Handbook on how to Handle Every Situation. Looking back, my bosses, my boss's bosses and HR and all the higher-ups were really awkward conversationalists and really awkward to talk to about day-to-day lifes stuff. T.V., sports, what's going on online. They just have this go-to thing about talking about their family and I was just never really interested in their lifes. Private or what-have-you lol. They would constantly bring it up to I think get me to trust them and make me think they're a 'safe person' to confide in, but I wasn't really buying it. They were also really bad at eye contact like they don't know how to look at a person's face when talking to them. lol Some stuff about life no one can teach you in a handbook / manual, either you know it or you don't. Some people have it, and some people don't.

Anyway. One of the maids is inside cleaning the household so I'm just at my workstation doing a bit of busy work and then I'm gonna go on my daily walk. I'm gonna try to get a bit of yoga and stretching in today too just cause I've been neglecting it I want to work on my flexibility & mobility. I'm always pretty cognizant of my water-intake, luckily. I'm a fish. I keep an Exercise Journal on everything I do physically day-to-day just because I've been on this Weight Loss Journey for 4 years now and I'm just at the point where I really have to grit and bear it. I'm probably average in terms of American standards but I want to keep this up and do more and more and more. Sometimes I watch Survivor to pump me up cause everyone's on that show doing really athletic things. I also watch my diet cause I do a lot of minimalist eating. I love having a lot of items to play with in the house (Atelier) but when it comes to diet, it's definitely minimalist eating for me that suits me. lol

Anyway. Hope you're doing good, Boo!! I do have a lot more questions about Corporate America but I'm having a really good thought process going on this afternoon about just: "Being Your Own Employer" & really getting into the heads of corporate people, and how I feel about hiring and firing employees here at my private farm. Take care, Boos!! C:
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 04:56:16 am by VidKid369 »


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #181 on: March 25, 2023, 08:55:26 am »
Hey, Boo. I just beat the Water Ruins. I'm thinking about just blazing through the Epilogue as fast as I can because I have so much free-time right now and I just wanna get this game over with. lol

I think the "office-friendly" food thing is definitely true. I had an Asian girl friend once told me she brought pasta to work one time, and it had a very heavy herb-y garlicky rich sauce. And she heated it up in the microwave and she got railed by her co-workers about "stinking up the break room." Those are the kinda moments that make me think awkward things about the office, though.

So I was on my walk. And I was just thinking about some stuff I'll keep it brief. So kinda like I'm still not over how I was treated at my first job in the US. It was weird. Pretty much I'm just thinking about the people and the conversations that went on there. Like if it was a regular day it'd be fine it'd just be me working with all the other young people running the restaurant. But then on days when corporate would come in, people act differently. I just act normal and how I always act cause why treat these people any different? Anyway was just thinking about ranking, hierarchy .. seniority and stuff at the work place. So I kept an open mind and pretended to love the company as much as my heart could and I wouldn't mind moving up from entry-level server to just moving up. I didn't really care about all that. It was more of the slight nuances and stuff like these people seemed super stiffs. They think the only appropriate work conversation ever is family. They seemed obsessed about their own work. And I keep thinking about their weird eye contact like they stared at the whites of my eyes for whatever reason as they interrogated me about myself. Kinda like the types of people who eat saltine crackers with no salt. No spice. Not even black pepper. They were just very old, and dry. Anyway. They seemed to be very "business people" and had socializing w/ people down-to-a-science but I like to think of myself as an expert too cause I watch a lot of Survivor and I just think looking back I'm really glad to have gotten outta there as fast as possible. They had the whole zombied, soulless corporate thing going on. Kinda just like talking to a voice on the phone.

That's the only thing that bothered me about corporate stuff or Corporate America. Don't get me wrong, I actually *LOVE* those types of people on Survivor cause I just find working in an office interesting. But meeting them face-to-face was a whole 'nother thing. I dunno if they were intimidated by me because I was a young, minority male? Maybe they weren't too keen on their video game trivia-knowledge? Maybe they were intimidated by the age-difference? I emulate the show and think of myself as being able to get along with anybody, being a social butterfly, being engaging all the time. Being a go-to man for interesting lines and one-liners. Maybe they weren't used to dealing with minorities is the ONLY thing I could think of what was making them seem awkward to me or out-of-touch?

I was actually very interested in what they had to say though. I love deal-making, I love clutch moments, I love business people, I love giving public speaches, I love being outdoors away from the T.V./computer, I love athletics, I love academics. etc.

So yeah. I was just thinking about why I feel that way when I meet corporate people in America. Are all of you guys that way in person forrealz? It's one thing to be a Big Cat on the computer, but a smallfry in person? I just felt like I could eat that person up if we were on an island competing for $1 dollars.

Sorry for rushing ahead Boo, I just have so much downtime and free-time here that there's not much I can do BUT play LUNAR 2. I kinda just wanna beat the game and do some write-ups about it privately lol. I hope you're still doing well. Keep grinding. Sometimes I wanna talk about like how I'm living my retirement fantasy early. I just feel blessed to be in this situation rather than flippin' burgers back in the US of A. Have a good one, Boo-ster!!! Hope your family's doing alright and your son had a great birthday! Eat a burrito for MEEE!!!! :D

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #182 on: March 26, 2023, 01:42:09 am »
I'm thinking about just blazing through the Epilogue as fast as I can because I have so much free-time right now and I just wanna get this game over with. lol

Yeah, you're now moving ahead of me a bit. Last night I finished the Dragon Ruins dungeon and beat the Phantom Sentry boss and got the Left Dragon Eye. The boss wasn't too bad, although he nearly wiped out my entire party the first time he pulled everyone in and used his group attack.

I'm still going slow just on account of not being able to game much. I have family visiting town again this weekend, which is eating into any personal weekend time I would normally have (which isn't much, but moreso than during the week).

If you're ready to be done with LUNAR, please feel free to wrap it up. I definitely don't want you waiting on me!

So yeah. I was just thinking about why I feel that way when I meet corporate people in America. Are all of you guys that way in person forrealz? It's one thing to be a Big Cat on the computer, but a smallfry in person? I just felt like I could eat that person up if we were on an island competing for $1 dollars.

I mean, they're all just normal people, too. But often times in corporate America you have to really throw yourself entirely into the business and carry yourself a certain way if you want to move up. It's very soulless, and I do believe after a certain time you'll lose yourself. Obviously this isn't the case for all people, but if you're not careful, you can easily sort of turn into a soulless zombie. I think I've done a good job staying true to myself while climbing the latter, and I think acting naturally and being authentic has actually helped me moreso than it's hindered me. A lot of it is do to how inauthentic many of the interactions feel.

I also feel that corporate culture tends to attract certain types of people. Hard rule follows, people who like structure, people who are very right-brained and process-oriented, stuff like that. You don't see many creatives in corporate culture (unless it's in marketing or something similar).

Just my two cents.

Anyway, it's been a long day and I'm about to crash. I may or may not be on tomorrow, but if not, I'll be on the following day.

Take it easy, homie!


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #183 on: March 26, 2023, 05:01:40 am »
If you're ready to be done with LUNAR, please feel free to wrap it up.
I think I might just do this. TBH I kinda wanna play some PS4 Pro, and LUNAR 2's the only thing in the way from me doing that. Have you thought about the next game you wanna play, Boo? You had mentioned Final Fantasy XV and I just happen to have it for PS4, as well. :p TBH doe, I kinda love the idea of doing 90s/2000s JRPGs. I'm still up for Chrono Trigger / or even Chrono Cross since this's a Chrono website and it's On Topic. Any old-school, traditional, turn-based, linear JRPG is fine with me. Although it's totally fine with me too if you're too bogged down with work and personal stuff to post in a thread. Just holler at me whenever you have enough free-time again to post / and, chat! :D

I was trying to come up w/ a topic to think about going on my daily walk, but everyone working here at the farm thinks I'm crazy walking around in the ~90 degree heat, so, - I might skip out on it today and just stay indoors!

Hey, I actually was trying to gather some information since you had stated interest in life in the Philippines / and how I'm managing here. So I gathered together some of the monthly bills and:
- we use butane gas tanks to light our stoves here to cook. Each tank is about $16 and we switch it out ~around every month. / I googled and gas is about $56-100+/per month in the US.
- for a month, the phone bill here is about $7-8. / According to Google, the average phone bill in the US is $127/per month.

The lower standard cost of living here is much lower than compared to the US, so I pay a lot less for my monthly expenses here for sure. I just wanted to let my friends know how I'm managing living here and if it really is that inexpensive. I hope that information quenched your curiosity! C: I'll try to get the numbers for electricity, water & internet as well.

I'm at, doing the Dragon's Nest in LUNAR 2. I was playing around with the accessories and crests and Lemina is really interesting to play around with. Her 2 elemental types of magics don't really work against the Harpy enemies and the other elemental magic crests don't work either so I got annoyed, and I equipped her with the Ancient Dagger (her Thieves' Staff is actually useless and you never get anything good from enemies but the basics of items like Herbs and Nuts) to up her speed, and the Archer Crest so she can attack from long-range. I figure it's about time to just grind this game out and it's nothing like pressing X repeatedly and just hitting Fight, Fight, Fight over and over. I really don't want to think about strategy I just wanna get each random battle over with as easy as I can, lol,. :p

Don't you think the bosses in the Epilogue are total pushovers? With Jean's White Dragon Protect and Hiro spamming Triple Sword + Burning Rage, it's only about time until they just keel over. It's almost kinda boring to me, lol.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #184 on: March 27, 2023, 01:21:18 am »
Have you thought about the next game you wanna play, Boo? You had mentioned Final Fantasy XV and I just happen to have it for PS4, as well. :p

Yeah, I'm definitely going to play some Final Fantasy XV, and probably Metroid Prime Remastered (which is probably only like 15 hours to beat, give or take). Although I may actually invest some time into Minecraft, too. My kids and I have a Realms account and we haven't played on it much recently, and they've been asking for me to. I'm tempted to log in while they're asleep and build them some secret locations, maybe a scavenger hunt or something. Something I know they'd enjoy, and it would be good to invest some gaming time with them.

You've talked about how much you love the Yakuza games, and I've been craving something that is really deep into Asian culture. Maybe Yakuza 0 to start?

TBH doe, I kinda love the idea of doing 90s/2000s JRPGs. I'm still up for Chrono Trigger / or even Chrono Cross since this's a Chrono website and it's On Topic. Any old-school, traditional, turn-based, linear JRPG is fine with me.

I still intend on taking a little break from group play, but it will be a short break and we'll pick something up together in the summer. I definitely thing a Chrono Trigger playthrough would be fun, and I think I prefer that over Cross simply because I've played Cross more recently a few years back. I may even want to go straight form Chrono Trigger into Chrono Cross. But yeah, something old school would be the most fun for sure.

The lower standard cost of living here is much lower than compared to the US, so I pay a lot less for my monthly expenses here for sure. I just wanted to let my friends know how I'm managing living here and if it really is that inexpensive. I hope that information quenched your curiosity! C: I'll try to get the numbers for electricity, water & internet as well.

I feel like the key for ex-pats like me -- who don't really have much money overall - would be to save a lot of US currency and then make the move. Cost of living would be lower, but I assume the pay is equivalently lower, too. So hypothetically, if I had $100,000 in USD saved up and moved to another country with a lower cost of living, that $100k could go much, much further. Who knows, though, my mother-in-law was saying today that she intends for us to care for them when they get old, as we are likely the only family members that would be responsible enough to do so.

So any moving for us would have to be years down the road, after our parents are gone and our own kids are grown. Alas!

Don't you think the bosses in the Epilogue are total pushovers? With Jean's White Dragon Protect and Hiro spamming Triple Sword + Burning Rage, it's only about time until they just keel over. It's almost kinda boring to me, lol.

Anything after Zophar has been easy! Haha! Some of the dungeons also don't have bosses, but are absolutely slogs to get through. I just keep wishing they'd hurry up and end, and I can't recall which dungeon just has end-game equips and which dungeons are necessary to finish the epilogue.

Speaking of, I did finish the Dragon's Nest. I received the Gale Crest, which is going on Hiro along with the Goddess Crest. I've moved on to Lionhead. I didn't get far before I decided to call it quits.

I'm glad this game lets you save anywhere -- that was such a revolutionary feature (to me, anywhere) when I first played SSSC.


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #185 on: March 27, 2023, 07:53:49 am »
- Lol, Boo. I have Final Fantasy XV just settin' there and I kinda wanna play it now after I'm done w/ LUNAR 2 since you mentioned it.
- Yakuza 0 was fun. Oh, you'll definitely like it if you want something "Asian." It was my first dive into the series and my friends suggested I try out Yakuza 0 first so you could try it out.
- Is Minecraft any fun? I kinda wanted to get into it. Yeah, sometimes I dream about having a kid of mine own to play video games with. I'm kinda of a little kid myself and I like secret passages and stuff like that. I wanna get them into JRPGs/Survivor.
- Ok!!! I'm holding you to that Chrono Trigger playthrough then! C:
- Yeah, saving up money and moving and just not having a job here is probably ideal. I mean, you can open up a little store and sell stuff in your neighborhood, build an apartment building and collect rent, or just do what I did and start a farm and sell the animals like chickens. People will buy them. Money goes a long way here, man.
- I thought most Americans just stick their elderly parents in a retirement home and leave them there, so I'm surprised you said that! In Asian culture, we take care of our parents until they pass in the home.

Yeah, I think some of the dungeons are actually quite relaxing to walk through just fighting every battle. Re-assures me I don't have ADD or something, lol! I like to take it easy. I finished the Lost Labyrinth last night. I'm planning on just wrapping the game up and wrapping our project up nicely and quickly so I'll try to get through the remaining dungeons tonight. I think I have to do Lionhead, then ofc the Star Dragon Tower and I dunno if there's one more?

I've been thinking about High Philosophy lately, so I'm kinda high in the sky rn like I looked up The Collective Consciousness and was like oh, that's exactly what I'm thinking about. lol

I'll try to get a double-post in later Boo cause I love talking to you and telling you what's up with me. I think you're a really interesting guy too!! :D


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #186 on: March 27, 2023, 03:32:43 pm »
Hey, Boo. So I've saved in the middle of Lionhead which's easily the most annoying dungeon in the Epilogue with its horribly annoying enemies.

Sometimes I think about video game, JRPG "difficulty" vs. just making things annoying for the player. It's fine though cause it's something relaxing to do while I think about things and life, in general. Specifically today I was thinking about my own situation having left the US and moving back to my home country the Philippines. I def feel much more at home and like I belong here for the sheer fact that I was born here. Then I think about my time in the US, my citizenship, and my passport and I go "What makes me [an] American?" Like, I was thinking about what you had mentioned when we first met that everyone, including whites, came from somewhere else even just a few generations ago or back. We all came from a boat from somewhere. I think you're such an interesting friend of mine's since you're so generic, and whiteboy lol. :p I kinda think about let's just say Italians or Irish, are they any more American than me if they were to go to the US now and just happen to be considered white? I don't see a difference in a situation like your family member wants to come to the US and you helping them out?

From the way you described yourself I def see you as like a true blue, red-blooded Southern white American. Just generic. English. I just feel weird thinking about Europeans coming to America now and all of a sudden they're a "white American" just cause they fill in that box. Who's to say your Italian cousin Vinny that just arrived in New York is more American than I am just cause they're white?

Anyway, yeah. These are my ruminations for today. I've just been watching Survivor a lot and ofc there's sooooo many white people on American T.V. I'm just trying to get in their heads. Nice talking to you, buddy, I always love hearing your imput and you setting me straight on things! :D

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #187 on: March 27, 2023, 11:09:52 pm »
Yakuza 0 was fun. Oh, you'll definitely like it if you want something "Asian." It was my first dive into the series and my friends suggested I try out Yakuza 0 first so you could try it out.

I've got a bunch of them through game bundles on my PC. The new Judgment spinoff is also a jRPG, so there's that! I'd like to play the series for sure. I got really into the Yokai Watch series (of all things) simply because it leaned so hard into the Japanese culture side of it. I tend to like games with a strong Asian culture influence.

Is Minecraft any fun? I kinda wanted to get into it.

I think it's an amazing game. The gameplay loop is super rewarding. It's equal parts exploration and resource management. Normally I don't like games that don't have strong stories, but Minecraft is the one exception. The soundtrack and graphics are also really simplistic and sort of old school, but fitting given the motif. I played it first in maybe 2015 with some friends, and we have a server we played on for about a year. It's one of those games I wouldn't really care to play by myself, but playing with people makes it incredibly rewarding.

Yeah, saving up money and moving and just not having a job here is probably ideal. I mean, you can open up a little store and sell stuff in your neighborhood, build an apartment building and collect rent, or just do what I did and start a farm and sell the animals like chickens. People will buy them. Money goes a long way here, man.

There was a school shooting near us today. We're obviously heartbroken, but my wife actually asked me about moving overseas earlier. I had to remind her that every place has its problems, but that not everyone has to work about gun violence and mental health problems quite like the US. It's been a crazy day. It's heavy stuff.

I thought most Americans just stick their elderly parents in a retirement home and leave them there, so I'm surprised you said that! In Asian culture, we take care of our parents until they pass in the home.

Eh, probably more of a stereotype... although it's certainly true to a degree. We obviously don't feel that way. We feel like we should take care of our parents. If they want to be independent, then our job is to set them up to be independent but has us nearby to check on them and care for them. Or, if the situation gets bad enough, have them move in with us. Lord knows they took care of us for our first 20 years, it only seems fair we take care of them in their twilight years.

I finished the Lost Labyrinth last night. I'm planning on just wrapping the game up and wrapping our project up nicely and quickly so I'll try to get through the remaining dungeons tonight. I think I have to do Lionhead, then ofc the Star Dragon Tower and I dunno if there's one more?

We're not far apart, although you'll likely beat me. I think I can wrap up the game within the next week or so. Once we're done I still want to do a final review -- what did we LOVE about the game? What didn't we live? What would we want to see in a new LUNAR game if they ever made one? I think that will then wrap us up! Haha

Sometimes I think about video game, JRPG "difficulty" vs. just making things annoying for the player. It's fine though cause it's something relaxing to do while I think about things and life, in general.

See, I hate unnecessary grinding and game bloat. I have so little time to game and it just makes everything more drawn out.

Like, I was thinking about what you had mentioned when we first met that everyone, including whites, came from somewhere else even just a few generations ago or back. We all came from a boat from somewhere. I think you're such an interesting friend of mine's since you're so generic, and whiteboy lol. :p I kinda think about let's just say Italians or Irish, are they any more American than me if they were to go to the US now and just happen to be considered white? I don't see a difference in a situation like your family member wants to come to the US and you helping them out?

I think I said it before, but you're as American as any other second generation American. We get so overwhelmed by trying to DEFINE things as one thing or another rather than just letting things be as they are. Humans are so vast and unique, and while I agree that it helps to classify a person as A or B or XYZ, we're all very complicated creatures. Being an American isn't about waving an American flag or shooting guns, it's not about being a Democrat of a Republican or just non-political. Being American is simply being part of the community. People move to America, become citizens, and it doesn't matter if you're part of a Russian-American subculture or a Chinese-American subculture, as long as you're investing back into the communities here, that largely makes you American. You did that while you were here, you lived and ate and breathed Americana.

Sure you've since moved, but you did your dues and you earned your piece of the American way. You have a piece of paper - your citizenship - that says you're an American.

Who's to say your Italian cousin Vinny that just arrived in New York is more American than I am just cause they're white?

EXACTLY! As you said, two or three generations back nearly all Americans are immigrants. So fuck those people that try to gatekeep. :D

From the way you described yourself I def see you as like a true blue, red-blooded Southern white American. Just generic. English.

I mean, I am. I wouldn't call myself a red-blooded Southerner, though. I'm from up north and the people down here would call me a Yankee. I'm from Cleveland originally, so I'm from blue-collar rust belt Americana. I don't have a Southern accent and there's a lot I don't like about Southern culture, despite living here. A lot of the culture in the south is about conservative politics, shootin' guns, and claiming to be a devout Christian (which in many cases is just lip service). I am mostly none of those things, haha...

But yeah, generic white boy otherwise.

As for LUNAR 2...

As for me... I've just beat the Lionhead and moved on to the dungeon in the Illusion Forest springs. I remember this being where you get the Ocarina to re-listen to the soundtrack.

After that I think it's on to the Star Dragon Tower. I remember getting one of the dragon eye jewels from a dungeon a while back, but I can't recall if I got the second one. I may have to consult a walkthrough to double check.


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #188 on: March 28, 2023, 07:09:51 am »
- Yeah. Yakuza is fun but one thing really does bother me and that's: pores. All the Asian dudes have massive pores on their faces, and I'm sitting here thinking "What are they trying to say about Asian guys?" It just kinda bothers me.
- TBH. If I feel like something "Asian" I just power up any old JRPG game. :shrug: Maybe I get a lot more out of it being Asian and noticing all the little things more often than not?
- Ok. I'll def look into Minecraft and ask around about it more. Sometimes I'm up for a little change.
- Yeah, I heard about the shooting in Tennessee. Not taking sides, but you should def listen to a woman's intuition. Plus she's a mom. Sometimes us guys don't notice a threat coming at us until it's right in front of our face. Did I ever tell you that right before I came back home I just got a weird feeling in the air in the US that something bad, and big was gonna happen soon? This was amidst outside forces trying to keep me down, and the rut I was in. A year-and-a-half after living in the Philippines Covid hit, all the multi-gender trans activists stuff, school shootings out the wazoo, and underneath it all in the background is just this aura surrounding mental illness in the United States. It makes me wonder if a lot of ppl have suffered from mental illness in America and it wasn't until smart phones/Tik Tok that they finally had a voice and were more open about it? :shrug: I'm just happy to be out of the US.
- The thing about taking care of your elderly parents seems very Asian to me. Cause we do it just because we know it's the thing to do. We don't even think about it.
- Re: American. Sometimes my mind wanders back to the United States, but then I realize I'm so happy where I am (physically/location} and in my life rn that I just don't care anymore about that stuff. Not my chair, not my problem. I'm just glad all the stuff on the news doesn't follow me to my doorstep everyday and personally affects me anymore. I mean, I feel for you guys but part of the reason I moved was so I don't have to deal with American problems anymore. ((My heart really does go out to you and your family about the school schooting. <3)) I'm glad to be more on the outside looking in. America's such an Entity. That I'll never be able to fully understand. I'm simple, and much more belong on the farm. Sometimes they say ignorance is bliss.
- I thought you were a true-blue Southerner when you had mentioned you were from Tennessee. I thought to myself, most ppl from the South don't know how to use computers... lol.

Ok.--When it comes to the game, I had just finished Lionhead earlier. Fuck that dungeon and the piece it's riding on? It's just the Star Dragon Tower which I'm gonna tackle now when I'm done with this post and I'll be done w/ the game. lol I was thinking of firing up Final Fantasy XV tonight and fuck/muck around in it.

Yeah,-- I'll be down to write a review piece on it with you, my man, for sure lol. TBH, I was thinking to myself Lionhead and it's fucking enemies were so annoying that the gameplay got a downgrade from me cause it got so boring for me in that dungeon that it was so annoying. The story is still an A+ for me since it made me cry this time, but I have to think twice about the score that I'll give the battles/combat/and, gameplay.


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #189 on: March 29, 2023, 05:23:34 am »
Hey, Boo.

So, I've finally finished LUNAR 2 last night. (Thank God!) It sure felt good to finish a favorite game of mine again, - time-and-time again it still feels good after all this time!! :) Tell me when you finish your playthrough so we can watch the Making Of disc together!!! :)

So, we want to write a sort of Final Review type-of-thing?? I'm down for that. I'll think about what I want to say this afternoon and get a rough draft started in my head. What we liked, and what we didn't like right? And what we want to see in case a LUNAR 3 pops-up??? Okay.

I popped in Final Fantasy XV just because I've been in a huge JRPG mood and you had mentioned it. Maybe we can telepathically communicate this time instead of posting? :p I'm just kidding. But yeah it's been pretty fun so far. Of course, I love the graphics. I'm all for eye candy in any way. Anyway so yeah nothing has been really on my mind so far just games, I hope you're doing good and taking care of yourself and your family etc. Keep up the grind! Keep having fun, yo. :D

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #190 on: March 29, 2023, 11:20:10 pm »
So, I've finally finished LUNAR 2 last night. (Thank God!) It sure felt good to finish a favorite game of mine again, - time-and-time again it still feels good after all this time!!

Congrats, my dude! Sorry it took nearly four months to beat it, considering my pace. But you've done it! How long as it been since you last beat LUNAR 2?

I finished the Lost Labyrinth. Then I kept trying to get into the Water Ruins dungeon and for some reason couldn't find it... so I consulted a walkthrough and realized that I completely forgot to do the wedding events in Nota, so I did that and went through the Water Dungeon. Maybe it was me, but this was one of the easier epilogue dungeons.

Anyway, I've opened the path to the Star Dragon Tower and entered it. Next time I play I plan on beating the game.

One thing that I don't remember is that there's a dragon at the top of the tower? I think Lemina called the Ascent Dragon or something like that. I don't remember, but it makes sense if Hiro flies a dragon to the Blue Star. It's very fitting.

Once I beat it, I plan on sharing some thoughts about the game and things I'd like to see in a hypothetical new LUNAR game. We can also plan the timing so we both the watch the Making Of CD on roughly the same day.

What do you think of Final Fantasy XV so far? I really enjoyed it. It sort of feels like a bro road trip movie (and I guess it really is), haha... The combat is fun and the world is gorgeous. The ONLY complaint I had was the storyline. It wasn't bad, but it was very lore heavy and you could tell that they sort of built the world first and then had to shape the story around the world they literally built in the engine. The storyline changed A LOT behind the scenes, which sort of necessitated all that, and it shows. The story is still good, but it feels held together with duct tape.

Final Fantasy XIII sort of felt that way to me, too, if I'm being honest (I loved FFXIII-2 but never played the third one).

One thing I really like about it is Noctis' character design. I love his design. His original design (when the game was still Final Fantasy Versus XIII) was even cooler, thought!

On the personal front, I'm sort of in a bit of an emotional rut. I think I'm just pooped. We have one guy on the team who has been really shady and isn't doing a good job due to laziness. He had a written warning today and tonight I found that HR wants to let him go (aka fire him with severance). Even though I partially agree - he isn't carrying his weight - I want to believe in people and would like to think this may be a wake-up call to stop being a freeloader. He has an HR manager but reports to me, so it's a decision both of us have to make together, and it just feels bad. My whole day has been shit just stewing on it.

Anyway, my dad is coming to visit tomorrow and is going to stay the night, so I probably won't game any until Friday or Saturday. Once I do it's time to FINISH WHAT WE STARTED. Yeah booooi!


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #191 on: March 30, 2023, 07:38:10 am »
How long as it been since you last beat LUNAR 2?
I played it two Christmases ago.
What do you think of Final Fantasy XV so far?
I actually quite like it a lot. I like it much better than Final Fantasy XIII, since that was the last FF I played. I like the whole idea/concept of just guys hanging out together. I love Survivor so I like the foraging for ingredients, camping, cooking at the campsite, etc. I rem in FFIIIUS they'd show you using the tent briefly but I always wondered what the chars talked about when they were camping in the field the interpersonal stuff, and social-dynamics and such are much more interesting to me than the main storyline.

I spent all last night just exploring the map in the beginning of the game again foraging for ingredients and stuff and collecting the treasures. I actually am quite the graphics whore so I love eye candy and good graphics. It looks so nice on the 4K T.V. w/ the HDR on. I'll take good looking anything versus substance anyday.
On the personal front, I'm sort of in a bit of an emotional rut. I think I'm just pooped. We have one guy on the team who has been really shady and isn't doing a good job due to laziness. He had a written warning today and tonight I found that HR wants to let him go (aka fire him with severance). Even though I partially agree - he isn't carrying his weight - I want to believe in people and would like to think this may be a wake-up call to stop being a freeloader. He has an HR manager but reports to me, so it's a decision both of us have to make together, and it just feels bad. My whole day has been shit just stewing on it.
I would probably just fire the guy. ("The tribe has spoken.") I know my jobs don't compare to yours' but I was never lazy, and if I had any personal problems I knew better than to take it to work/and have some glum look on my face all day baiting ppl to ask me oh, ...what's wrong? If he can't separate work/personal maybe he has something wrong with him that you can maybe talk to him about... but your job seems very serious, so, and I've only worked minimum-wage so I prob don't know how your type of work affects people. :shrug:
« Last Edit: March 30, 2023, 07:43:03 am by VidKid369 »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #192 on: March 31, 2023, 06:06:22 pm »
I actually quite like it a lot. I like it much better than Final Fantasy XIII, since that was the last FF I played. I like the whole idea/concept of just guys hanging out together. I love Survivor so I like the foraging for ingredients, camping, cooking at the campsite, etc. I rem in FFIIIUS they'd show you using the tent briefly but I always wondered what the chars talked about when they were camping in the field the interpersonal stuff, and social-dynamics and such are much more interesting to me than the main storyline.

I don't have much for right now, but I'm glad you're enjoying FFXV. I definitely think it's a huge improvement over FFXIII. The characters are better, the world is better, and I liked the exploration and crafting elements. Both with the recipes and with the simple spell creation aspect (I think they called it Elemancy). The hunts are really fun, too.

Have you had to take down any night-time daemons yet? Fuck the red dragons!

I would probably just fire the guy. ("The tribe has spoken.")

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. I'm not going to dig into it further because of the HR issues and possible litigation, but it's a sticky situation. I'm through my part of it, now, though, so I'll have to see what all the other parties do.

Tonight I plan on finishing LUNAR and will probably start FFXV this weekend. I'm about to take one of the kids to their sports practice, so I'll probably double post later.
See ya homie!


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #193 on: April 01, 2023, 11:21:31 am »
Howdy-do, neighborin-o.
Have you had to take down any night-time daemons yet?
I tried to take on an Iron Giant but Magitek Soldiers kept showing up and it was like a huge orgy so I just ran from that battle.
Unfortunately, it's not that simple.
I dunno, I think it's pretty hard to get voted off of Survivor. :shrug:

So, yeah. I've been enjoying Final Fantasy XV. One of my favorite aspects to the game is that it's just an all-guys party. I feel like it's catering to me, and it's really hard to find stuff that caters to just me, so I really like that. I feel like I should get what they're all saying to each other and me the audience member listening in... Even with Survivor, I don't think it particularily caters/or I'm not really the target demographic so. It's nice, for a change. I wish I had this when I was 13, and still growing up... but still.

So as for me I've been kinda playing around with social experiments and a line I heard "You can do whatever you want!" so like with T.V. I've been paying more attention to who I look at, where my eyes go to, just thinking about myself more and perhaps being more self-conscious cause I'm a really explosive kinda guy and I don't have many introverted thoughts.

I'm just trying to balance the video game-ing and Survivor and I should be playing video games more... I have so many fun thoughts like my Backloggery, what JRPG to get next, should I stay up the whole night... ?


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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #194 on: April 02, 2023, 10:26:24 am »
I've just been playing a lot of-mostly FF15. It's a pretty easy Final Fantasy to get the hang of. The sidequests and exploration is really fun, I think. I think the voiceover work is nice I just wonder why most of the people have Southern accents maybe that's what they're going for and what Final Fantasy's always been about? I'm on Ch. 3 right now.

Just kinda doing stuff around the farm and going inside to game when I have free time. Yeap!