Author Topic: Who Propogated the Royal Family?  (Read 4526 times)


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2005, 05:20:57 pm »
Guess I answered my own question...

Quote from: teh Schala
Alfador continued the lineage :lol:

Hahahaha! Now that explanation, I like best! XD

Quote from: AuraTwilight
Deleted by GrayLensman

Ooh, my...I wonder who that was aimed at? Or what was said, for that matter? :X


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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2005, 05:48:49 pm »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Exactly. That Magus would remember the Prophet figure. Plus, the Gurus woulden't be sent anywhere, they'd be damn imprisoned.

Even when they are imprisoned they are still gated.


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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2005, 05:56:44 pm »
People, mystery solved.

Zeal and Guardia are separate royal families.

Take your other discussions to another thread!

As opposed to home thread...

...home thread being this thread.

Because if you don't, you're confusing the issue!


  • Radical Dreamer (+2000)
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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2005, 06:25:19 pm »
Don't ever say that again..

This is a discussion.. Discussions go off track.... They restabalize sooner.... Everything that has been said has been said inrelevance.. to the slightest degree anyway.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2005, 10:40:50 pm »
ok, I'm sorry, but I have to say this. I'm more of a reader on this forum than a poster, I find it more interesting to see other peoples points on the game. But EVERY thread I read that auratwilight is in, he/she just writes something that is completely poking or antagonizing. I remember reading a post the other day where she/he was "debating with someone" about something or other about the entity (which I don't always use as an excuse like a lot of people do haha), and aura kept quoting lines from him and ripping each one apart. it was like "no, thats where we draw the line...." and I think it ended in something like "I hate you already tata"
Then I came across THIS thread, and I read someone post this
" ...the Zeal family lineage might have actually been a different family lineage than the Guardia family lineage..." , which is trying to contribute to the conversation, and she/he comes along and says
"No duh, we've known that for years."
Alright, maybe not everyone who comes here comes on 23 hours a day to insult every "noob" (such a stupid word) comment that is posted, I'm sure there are people who are new to the game, excited to discuss and converse in subjects that you may already have talked to death. THEN I see her ( I'm gonna call her a her now, cause she always posts like she has pms or something) post something that was deleted by graylensman... I didn't see what it was, but I can only imagine it was something that involved cursing, insulting a "noob" and ending with some incredibly stupid like "something a splode" (whatever tf that means) and "pwnt".
Although this will sound largely hypocritcal after all that I have just stated, if you can't say something nice, don't say it. I wouldn't normally come out and attack someone like this all the time like you do, I'm only doing it because I think it needs to be said. I'm saying all of this because you dont have to be such a bitch to everyone. This is a great site, and what it DOESN'T need is someone like you coming on the forums and trying to "Pwn" everyone with stabs at their intelligence, especially if they are new to the chrono series. I just don't see anything positive that she contributes to the forums ever, only negative posts. Try to act your age and be civil once in a while, internet beef is pointless.

I really feel like adding something like "Btw... PWNT"... but that would just be rubbing it in.


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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2005, 11:39:25 pm »
Luminaire, if you have any specific concerns, it might be better if you to address them to me via private message.

There are several moderators for the site, but I am the only one doing anything (hint, hint).  Right now, I am only removing messages which I find excessively offensive or off-topic.  I believe Zeality is planning a major overhaul of the forums soon and these unnecessary posts will be deleted.

Quote from: Zenning
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Deleted by GrayLensman

Ooh, my...I wonder who that was aimed at? Or what was said, for that matter? :X

I deleted AuraTwilight's comment because it was offensive and offtopic.


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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2005, 11:44:25 pm »
Sorry to continue this off-topic ramble...but I have to say that I'm sad that I've witnessed two things happen in the Compendium for the first time (as far as I remember anyways): A thread locked and a post DELETED...:cry: I can only take comfort in that we've gone so long w/o them happening...


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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2005, 11:56:21 pm »
Quote from: Luminaire
long post

And I thought I was the only one who disliked his attitude.


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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2005, 12:41:10 am »
Yes, there will be a major effort to move the off-topic stuff or threads that belong in Chrono / Gameplay discussion out of Analysis, and also an instatement of some guidelines for these forums. Since we're all going to one day review every single thread and make conclusions and finalization efforts, try not to inject superficial posts into it.


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2005, 06:30:02 pm »
ok, I'm sorry, but I have to say this. I'm more of a reader on this forum than a poster, I find it more interesting to see other peoples points on the game. But EVERY thread I read that auratwilight is in, he/she just writes something that is completely poking or antagonizing. I remember reading a post the other day where she/he was "debating with someone" about something or other about the entity (which I don't always use as an excuse like a lot of people do haha), and aura kept quoting lines from him and ripping each one apart. it was like "no, thats where we draw the line...." and I think it ended in something like "I hate you already tata"
Then I came across THIS thread, and I read someone post this
" ...the Zeal family lineage might have actually been a different family lineage than the Guardia family lineage..." , which is trying to contribute to the conversation, and she/he comes along and says
"No duh, we've known that for years."
Alright, maybe not everyone who comes here comes on 23 hours a day to insult every "noob" (such a stupid word) comment that is posted, I'm sure there are people who are new to the game, excited to discuss and converse in subjects that you may already have talked to death. THEN I see her ( I'm gonna call her a her now, cause she always posts like she has pms or something) post something that was deleted by graylensman... I didn't see what it was, but I can only imagine it was something that involved cursing, insulting a "noob" and ending with some incredibly stupid like "something a splode" (whatever tf that means) and "pwnt".
Although this will sound largely hypocritcal after all that I have just stated, if you can't say something nice, don't say it. I wouldn't normally come out and attack someone like this all the time like you do, I'm only doing it because I think it needs to be said. I'm saying all of this because you dont have to be such a bitch to everyone. This is a great site, and what it DOESN'T need is someone like you coming on the forums and trying to "Pwn" everyone with stabs at their intelligence, especially if they are new to the chrono series. I just don't see anything positive that she contributes to the forums ever, only negative posts. Try to act your age and be civil once in a while, internet beef is pointless.

I really feel like adding something like "Btw... PWNT"... but that would just be rubbing it in.

And yet I'm the one getting posts deleted? Whatever. Anyway, I'll just say this now: I'm sincerely sorry to everyone I've offended lately. I had a kidney stone yesterday and it's been KILLING me for weeks on end. Now that it's not jamming into my side like a vietnamese WMD, I'll be a bit calmer and nicer. Sorry again. >_> *passes out E-cookies* Ok, back to the discussion.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2005, 08:21:16 am »
well now that I can deal with. That's a little nicer :)


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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2005, 06:19:06 pm »
Like I said, I was having a rough few weeks. I apologize. Everyone is free to spam my PM box with flames and I won't retaliate. Get out all your frustration, curse and caps lock all you want, I don't care. Just get any bad blood between me and yourselves out of your system.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2005, 06:49:59 pm »
no no, its understandable, shit happens in life, and sometimes you can take it out on people unintentionally... as long as thats not what youre always like, I can understand and let everything go.


  • Radical Dreamer (+2000)
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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #28 on: September 09, 2005, 09:55:10 pm »
It sure does. I like keeping it in tho.. So then I can take it out in real life rather than be a baby on an internet forum ..


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Who Propogated the Royal Family?
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2005, 10:33:50 pm »
Ironic, cause the way I figured, I found it better to bitch at people on the internet then throw toasters at people. Eh. Whichever.