I just realized I forgot to update here!!
I got a job in February and I really love this job. I’m a “Consumer Relations Specialist” (fancy!!) for the Freestyle Libre glucose system. It’s one of the more easier jobs I’ve done and there’s a lot of room for advancement. Of course, life being what it is, I’ve been sick on and off the last 3 weeks. I went to the ER on Friday and I found out I’ve been passing kidney stone fragments!!

I’m sooooo lucky I wasn’t sicker than I was. I’m still not feeling 100% yet, so I’m seeing the doctor tomorrow. Oh and good news: my health insurance starts on May 1st! I’m so excited about that. Lol So overall things have improved soooooo much and we finally were able to get WiFi so now it will be easier for me to be active here. I can’t be on while I’m at work because they are really strict about internet usage there. But I finally have a job I really enjoy with benefits so I’m not complaining!!
I hope everyone else is doing well, I’ve missed all of you!